TIP 5 6 Tips For Speaking Natural English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you stop sounding

like a textbook and start sounding like

a native speaker let’s talk about it

welcome to tip number five in the series

six tips for speaking natural english

tip number five is get feedback as

you’re speaking this is the most

personalized way to realize which

textbook expressions you are using so

that you can use natural ones instead

when you have someone tell you instantly

hey that expression isn’t really

something that native speakers use you

should use this instead you’ll realize

oh okay i know that i often use this

kind of textbook expression so i’m going

to use this expression that you

suggested instead so getting feedback is

a great way to get instant knowledge

about what you use and what you should

be using how can you get instant

feedback on your english speaking to

know which textbook expressions you use

and which natural expressions you should

use instead well you can go online and

find an english teacher you can go to a

local meetup group there are probably

local english meetup groups in your city

even if you live in a really small place

they are everywhere i recommend going

online finding someone you can speak

with or go into a local group that way

you can meet someone face to face this

takes a lot of courage but learning a

new language is such an interesting and

valuable thing that you need to forget

fear and trying to do these things that

are outside your comfort zone so my

number five tip is to get feedback get

instant feedback on your speaking and i

have a gift for you i want to give you a

free guide with these six tips for

helping you speak natural english in

this free guide there are all six tips

as well as some research

some websites YouTube channels that I

recommend to help you speak natural

English and to help you get instant

feedback on your speaking like we talked

about today in tip number five so check

out the free download the free guide

below this video and I look forward to

seeing you for tip number six the final

tip goodbye