We are different Cute Twins Funny Story English Conversations Practice


cute twins

sometimes twins will have to face some

funny situations in real life

let’s watch the video and find out what

the situations are with those cute twins

he is cheating on me


phoebe i have shocking news for you

promise me you have to calm down after i

told you

it sounds quite serious

tell me

promise me


i am in highland park cafeteria

and dave is here also

oh wow

is it a piece of shocking news

just come by and say hello to him it’s

not the main part he is here with a girl

they are flirting with each other

they look like the lover

really do you mean he is cheating on me

yes i think so

okay i think i should call video for him

if he is not able to pick up my phone we

all know what situation is it

call me after that hang up



hi bae

hi dave

what’s up bae

i thought you were sleeping

where are you now dave

oh well

why do you ask me that question i’m home


are you sure

come on bae look

i’m in my room

it’s my house that i always take

pictures for you

that’s weird

tell me what happened

jane told me that you are in a coffee

shop with a stranger girl

oh my

she may confuse me with another one

she sent me a picture and i also thought

it was

you send me that picture

just one second

it’s adam and his girlfriend lily


he looks similar to you 100

because we are twins

oh my god i don’t know about it i

thought adam is your normal brother

actually we have some differences

but you can only recognize it when you

meet us face to face

i see

i hope that i can meet him one day


always being sisters


girls we have one hour

take your bags now quickly

get out i go first


i am your sister i go first

stop fighting

you guys make me stressed out


because of you


not me


if you’re still fighting

two of you have to stay at home

get in the car

where are we going mommy

buying new glasses silly

don’t call me silly you’re silly not me

mom told us that we are going to buy new

glasses today


why do you ask her again

i know we are going to buy new glasses

but i want to know where

i mean which glasses store

the glasses store of miss ivana

one of my friends in the cooking club

are there many cute classes

i want to have pink glasses

no i want a pink one you should choose

other colors


i choose whatever i want

why do you always fight each other you

are sisters

she always copies me


i don’t copy you


wow the store is so fabulous


you can go around and pick one of your



i will choose the most pretty one

mine will be more pretty than yours

don’t follow me



we have to go home

did you choose anything for yourself

yes i have one

me too

let me see


two of you chose

two similar glasses

no way

let me see


oh my gosh

i want to have unique glasses

so do i


anyone wants to change i will give you

10 minutes to pick another one

but it is the best here isn’t it

yes i can’t agree more


i am going to the cashier

wait for me here okay

okay mommy


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