What happened to you Shopping Addiction Learn Everyday English For Speaking English Lesson


because i always want to go shopping

the shopping is one of the most popular

hobbies of girls

however a shopaholic can face

unpredictable troubles

let’s watch this video and learn about

one of these problems of a shopping

lover girl


is anybody there

hello you are

my name is sarah and

i will live together with you from today

you must be mark right

oh i heard linda talk about you

yes i’m mark nice to meet you and

welcome to our home


you look so tired

would you like to drink some water let

me bring you a glass of water

thank you mark you’re so kind

but first i have to take my luggage and

my package into my room

could you show me where my new room is

yes sarah let me help you with this

your room is on the second floor on the

left side of the stairs


let’s do it now

thank you so much mark

you’re welcome

can you introduce more about yourself

yes of course i’m 23 years old and i’m

from oxford

i’m currently a teacher

i knew it your accent is so good

and how about you mark

i’m also 23 years old and i’m a

technology engineer

ah i’m from norwich city

oh mark

by the way where’s linda i haven’t seen

her when i came here

i don’t know where my sister is too

she goes out early in the morning

i guess that she may be shopping mall

and looking for sale items here


linda is a big fan of shopping

oh she backs home

hello linda i’m sarah

nice to meet you

hi sarah

welcome to our family

sorry i couldn’t be home this morning to

take you home

i have to buy some things in the

shopping mall

they are sail off at an attractive price

no problem linda mark helped me a lot

you seem to buy many things right

yes some beautiful dresses and cosmetics

by the way how do you feel about this


yes i love the house it’s so large and


my room is awesome too

i’m so glad to hear that

now take a rest sarah you must be tired

from this morning

i also have to prepare something in the


okay bye linda


hi i would like to pay for this dress

yes please your address cost is three

hundred dollars would you like to pay in

cash or buy card

buy cash please here’s your money


let me pack your dress please

oh is your store hiring employees

yes we’re looking for sale woman


would you like to apply

by the way i’m rachel sales manager in

this store

my name is linda

could you give me the job details or can

you describe this job for me please

i’m free now and i fairly need a job

oh i forgot you can’t do this job if

you’re still a student

we only hire full-time sale woman

yes i’ve graduated in three years

so your working hour will be divided

into two shifts

9 a.m to 2 p.m or 2 p.m to 8 p.m

you’ll have a day off per week

you’ll receive a free meal and also a

revenue bonus if you have excellent


we’ll talk about your salary after you

apply for this job

so would you like to work in our store

yes i agree please tell me more about

this position in your store

okay first please give me more of your



well what a sumptuous meal who made it

it’s me i had to spend three hours

preparing for them

i make sure these dishes are the best

food you’ve ever eaten

wow linda do you often make a lot of

dishes for a meal like this

no sarah i’ve never seen linda prepare

such a big meal before

come on mark

so linda do you have good news

you’re right sarah who can guess what it


did you buy a new shirt at a good price

no marg you’re wrong

did you win a prize for something you


no sarah

okay now i’ll reveal the reason for this

big meal

i’m going to work in a clothing store in

a shopping mall as a sales woman

i start working full time there from


oh that’s great linda congratulations

and hope your new work will make you


yeah i’m so surprised

congratulations sister

thank you my family

okay it’s time for enjoying our meal

here’s to new linda’s job




wow this bee steak is so yummy it’s very

soft and very tasty

you should also try this chicken fried i

just ate it and it tastes wonderful

all the dishes are delicious believe me

so linda what is the store you work for

it’s nila a clothing store for women in

the shopping mall

is that the store where you often

purchase in

yes it is

do you have any days off in the week

yes one day per week

why did you decide to work in this shop

oh let me tell you

i saw a recruitment poster when i was

paying for my new dress

i asked the manager immediately and

after a while i agreed to start working


you’re so lucky linda

thank you

keep enjoying this meal

we still have many things to eat

okay linda


oh linda don’t cry please what happened

to you

sarah i just got fired i’m so sad and

disappointed now

i’m so sorry to hear that

but could you tell me the reason for it

yes tell us all and you may feel better

after that

i and my manager made a short


she said that she had to fire me for the

saleswoman position

because i quit my shift without asking

her permission

has she ever announced you before

yes one time but i think she just was



why did you go out during your shift

because our store did not have any

customer at this time

i went to another shop to buy some sail

off items

my manager checked the camera and she

detected it


oh no linda it was an unacceptable


you’re so reckless

linda you should not be sad anymore i

believe that you’ll find another

suitable job soon

however i think you should change your

current shopping habits you might be a

shopaholic and that’s bad for you

it’s also the main reason that makes you

lose your job right

yes i see thank you for your advice

i promise that i will reduce my shopping

time and find a new job immediately

so who wants to drink something tonight

with me that’s a great idea

okay let’s prepare for it


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