What season do you like to travel American English Conversation Practice



adam and jean are a couple planning for

their one-week getaway

at the end of december

hey adam i think it is about time we

start planning

on our holidays sure

i’m not busy at the moment great

because i have just found an ideal place

for our getaway

it is a seaside resort with luxurious


i got the place from allen he went there

in the summer and he said it was

fantastic staying there

the place seems nice but he went there

in the summer

would the place be as any more

comfortable in the winter season

let me check the location online

i haven’t researched it myself only just

heard about it from alan

what is the name of the resort it’s the

coralina resort it is somewhere on the

west coast

of california

there seems to be no room left at the

place it’s all book

really how unfortunate for us

the resort is pretty pricey though it

would most likely be over budget for us

about our budget was it fifteen hundred


or twenty five hundred dollars that we

have agreed on

it was only fifteen hundred dollars but

we can go up to two thousand dollars if

you want

i have got a raise a month ago remember

obviously the more the better it will

surely give us more flexibility

it is settled then we can afford a

decent trip with two thousand dollars

but that will include what we bought to

bring with us before the chip right

certainly but i’m sure it wouldn’t take

up much

we will have to make a rough estimate

later after we decided on the list of

necessary things

i’m having a lot of things in my mind at

the moment but

i guess i have to wait then take it slow


or we will go nowhere okay

now back to choosing the location

how about we go somewhere chilly but

worth visiting in the winter

i mean a getaway doesn’t mean a week

chilling in a resort

we can take the time and have a small


that sounds really interesting i think i

can hook us up with a travel agency or

some sort

better yet a close friend of mine do you

remember chris

he is the guy who organized my company’s

field trip

it was awesome i’m guessing he would be

as good this time only he can answer

hey adam what’s up hi chris

i need to ask you a few questions are

you free now

i have about 20 minutes before i get

back to work so

it left you plenty of time

nice so are you free late december

around the two weeks of the year

i haven’t had anything occupied me

besides my annual family reunion

oh yeah that’s a bumper

well gene and i are planning to take a

trip somewhere and we’re wondering if

you can organize something

organizing one wouldn’t be so hard be

the tour guide is way harder

so have you got anything in mind

we were looking to spend our week at a

resort but we decided that going on a

road trip would be better

going on a road trip in the winter


we have just thought of that moments ago

we would prefer a warmer route please

but if not a wintry one with great snowy

scenery would surely make my day

most road trips wouldn’t last more than

a few days though

but i will give you some options along

the way give me

two days and i will fill you in with the


you can count on me guys thank you very

much chris

just send us the bill nah that’s okay

no need for that oh you sure are

kind chris we’re looking forward to

hearing from you soon

goodbye guys bye chris

he is a great guy isn’t he

he sure is now that we got someone to

take care of the details

let’s get on our stuff finally

we got to this i’m thinking of getting


sun shades and more warm clothes the sun

still works out in the winter you know

and your jackets and sweaters are kind

of old

it’s reasonable to me because we are

going to need some warmth

so a tent in some blankets would be neat

we could have a rent a car too

that would be expensive it would be

cheaper than staying in a resort for a


should we bring canned food too

yes and we will make a small campfire to

cook them

and perhaps some marshmallows and sweets

i’m wholeheartedly agreeing

such experiences should be well worth it

flashlights and emergency supplies

a gps device would be very handy and

where could we get a stable water source

i don’t know i’m sure chris will have

something for us

so that’s all i can’t think of anything


me neither the list is really long


these have taken more than half our


i have just remembered i had a date with

the dentist today

i got an hour to prepare

we will get all these later sometimes in


great i will go do my things bye adam

bye gene


jane daisy and mary meet in a coffee


to talking about jane’s upcoming holiday

in san francisco u.s in the next month

hi daisy hi mary haven’t seen you guys

for so long

hi jane we’re on time aren’t we

hi gene mary here tried her best to be

on time today

she ran into some troubles outside of

her house

we managed it well but we better not

talk about it

okay then how are you guys doing

i got promoted two months ago with a

better salary and perks


work is stressful but i’m holding on

pretty well

lucky you you must have worked so hard

for that position

it has been a long time since i last

taken a serious vacation

if you need any advice on that you can

count on us

yeah i can be of great help when it

comes to these matters

i’m also in need of traveling

suggestions daisy

this is the reason why i want to meet up

with you guys

we know so what is hanging in your mind

right now

i’m worried about getting lost in san


pbs service is no stranger to me

but the feeling of being alone in a big

city upsets me from time to time

is there anyone accompanying you

well there will be james my brother but

he can only be by my side most of the


i want to enjoy the trip when he isn’t

around take a stroll downtown or

chill on the beach you are adventurous

aren’t ya

adventurous yet easily disoriented

unfortunately that is true

you can take a map with you at all times

just in case your phone’s battery died

in the middle of the street

tourist maps are sold everywhere in

popular visiting sites

you should find it quite easily

map reading isn’t really hard you know

i hope it wouldn’t be very troublesome

to carry a map everywhere

the trade-off is worth it in my view

i will do it then transportation

wouldn’t be a big problem though

buses and taxis are all over the place

do you want to rent a bike

i know that san francisco has a lot of

facilities and policies which promote


oh i can ride bikes quite smoothly

then this is an option you should really


it’s generally cheap and safe too

i hope there are renting stations near

where you are staying

and by the way where are you planning on


well initially i plan to stay at my

brother’s house

but it would take me two hours of subway

and bus rides to get there

so instead i booked a hotel room with a

reasonable price

just 20 minutes away but

would that require you to get back early

only the days that my brother is busy

and i have to go alone

and be aware of the urban area after

dark you wouldn’t

know what danger is lurking in the dark

i’ve got some things to defend myself

with but yeah i’ll be careful

you have put some thought into the trip

i have been planning this for the last

two weeks

i’m very excited about the trip it’s the

first solo trip i have ever taken

i have long chosen the places i should


i would love to go on a holiday in san

francisco someday

do you want to go with me on this trip i

will pass the offer jane

deadlines are killing me such a bumper

guys it’s time for me to go i still have

work to do to prepare for the trip

it has been fun hanging out with you


keep us updated about the trip okay

i little daisy goodbye jane

see you later guys


charles and jean have just come home

from their vacation

in miami they are unpacking things and

talking about the trip

finally it felt like forever in the car

home sweet home let’s get some rest now

not now charles we need to look through

our things remember

why do we need to do that again and why

now and not later

if we happen to forget something at the

hotel or on the bus

we could report it soon enough i’m

pretty sure i got all of my important

things with me

you never know charles i just want to be


okay then i will do this with you

let’s start with my stuff i can never


all of your cosmetics and skincare

i don’t really expect guys to be able to

keep track of

everything we own even girls like me can

forget simple necessities

such as lipsticks and i have all seven

of mine right here so this one is

off the list so what’s next

i’m absolutely sure that all of my

valuables are in this jewelry box

i have triple checked it yesterday and

locked it

so it is out of the way how much did you

invest into filling up that box of yours

most of them were gifted to me by

friends and family

i only have spent around 200 which is

not much

it’s quite acceptable actually if one of

my passions

is expensive i’m more than willing to go

beyond that

ah i appreciate the understanding

we have depleted our supply of face

masks so

make sure to go get some more later


top of my to-do list my entire makeup

box is passed

everything is in its proper place with

no damage whatsoever

you were very protective of it

this is every girl’s treasure chest you


yeah i’ve acknowledged i only have 45

dollars left in my purse

we did spend a lot of money on souvenirs

and local food

but they were amazing and i couldn’t

stop myself

me neither we can go on and on for days

i still have around twenty dollars in my


i made sure we had some spare bucks for

the trip back home

oh no i’ve lost my sunglasses

did you wear it on our way home i didn’t

where could it be

i have no idea gene i’ve not seen those

sunglasses for two days

really i can’t even recall the last time

i wore it

whatever that pair of sunglasses were

cheap and uncomfortable anyway

well that is all there is in my handbag

let’s proceed to our suitcases

i agree let’s do mine first

i’m eager to hand the new dreamcatcher

thing i got three days ago on our

bedroom wall

you really did run through your holiday


yup all of them are dirty so i didn’t

even bother putting them into separate


you are just lazy i will let you do your

own clothes

i will only check the accessories and

souvenirs okay

it’s for the best do you remember what

you have bought

the dream catcher is one thing on the

way home i also bought a cute little

statue that can be used as a paperweight

found it what’s next the books that i

brought with us

this thick lords of the ring fellowship

of the ring book

so this is what you were so deep into

that you left me waiting for an hour


i can’t believe it too time flies when

that book is in my possession

have you finished it yet only half of it

it’s very long i have no interest in

being left alone because of a book

i know i know i wouldn’t let it get in

our way anymore

thank you so are there any other books i

need to be aware of

that’s the only one i planned to bring

two more but there wasn’t enough space

in the luggage

i’ve also held back my desire to buy one

from the gift shop

you did a great job child did you get

anything from the gift shop gene

no i wasn’t very fascinated with

anything in there

the woodworks aren’t my style hey jean

check if my phone charger is in there

let’s see here it is

thanks my phone needs it badly


is that all you’ve got there is also

my bag of personal hygiene caring i will

check the things inside myself

apart from that there is nothing more to


where are your headphones by the way in

my pocket here

i’ve been using it quite a lot it’s for

the audiobooks

you’ve been talking about and for my

weird music taste too

well you do you then so my luggage

passed your test

pretty much great because i have some

business to do in the bathroom

get going then i’ll join you later

don’t miss me too much i don’t want you

to watch me

unpack my luggage anyway

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