What Will You Be Doing Future Continuous Tense English Conversation Practice


future continuous

watch this video to learn how to use

present continuous sentences in real


dialogue 1

mel is planning to go on a hiking trip

this weekend

she tries to convince laura her

classmate to tag along

hi laura what are you doing

nothing much

just trying to finish the homework we

got today

already it’s not due until next week

well i want to spend my weekend doing

something else other than studying

that makes sense

talking about the weekend have you

already made any plans for it

not really


my family and i are going on a hiking

trip will you be willing to join us then

that sounds nice what time will you guys

be leaving

we actually will be leaving right about

this time on saturday


i don’t know if i can make it let me ask

my mom first

sure take your time but let me know by

friday night okay i will be waiting for

your call then

okay sounds good to me

hello mel

yes hey laura have you made up your mind

yet yes i asked my mom and she agreed to

let me go so i will be joining you guys

tomorrow on the trip

awesome we will be waiting for you

around 8 am is that fine

totally it is perfect do you mind if i

bring my brother edward as well my mom

wants me to take care of him

sure we have another seat in the car for



by the way remember to wear hiking shoes

it is going to be a long hike

got it see you tomorrow mel good night

see you laura good night to you too

dialogue two

it is nathan’s fifth birthday soon his

parents todd and eve are going over the

plans for his celebration party

todd did you forget to order the cake


i totally forgot don’t worry honey i

will be paying a visit to the local

bakery this time tomorrow while you

decorate the house

remember it todd i don’t want to mess

this party up

oh relax

it is going to be a great party

nathan and his friends will be having so

much fun here this sunday you were right


can we at least go through the list of

things needed to be prepared first

sure honey

all right you will be ordering the cake

tomorrow what about the balloons

i already bought them and we’ll be

blowing them up before the kids come

ah good good what about food will we be

serving pizza or pasta for this party

i think pizza will be better because

they can use their hands to eat it it

will not make such a mess

good idea what will we be doing to

entertain them

i bought a new projector to show them a

superhero movie that should do the job

perfect i think this plan is pretty

solid should we send out the invitations


no i will be sending out the invitations

directly to the kids parents when i take

nathan to school this

week oh yeah we should do that

now you need to have a rest you are too

worried about this party

well i want my son’s birthday party to

be perfect

it will be i promise you

i trust you honey


dialogue 3

tom and brian are thinking of surprising

their friend daniel by paying him a

visit at his house

dom do you think it is fine for us to

show up at daniel’s house unannounced

that is fine why are you asking that are

you worried

yes will he be busy working when we


i checked with his girlfriend and she

told me he should not be busy doing

anything when we arrive


i guess that is fine then

yes do you want to bring some drinks


it has been a long time since all three

of us are gathering

i know right it has been too long what

will you be doing at 6 30 pm tomorrow

i will be working by then why

i was going to ask you to go to the

grocery store with me to buy some drinks

but i can go on my own as well

no i can leave work early let’s go


awesome i will pass by your office okay

sounds good i’m so excited to hang out

with you guys

me too

the last time we met was for christmas

and that was half a year ago

time really flies doesn’t it

it’s because you were always busy bro we

could have met a few times since then

am i bad

i just have so many projects going on

lately but you know what i will be

finalizing them this time next month so

i should have more time to hang out by


sure bro

you say that and then disappear every

single time

haha i promise this time is different

sure mr workaholic see you tomorrow

see ya


dialogue 4 mia’s family is leaving for

london soon however she tells clara her

friend that she will not join them

mia are you leaving for london tomorrow


no i am not only my parents are going

oh why so i thought you told me you

loved london last time you visited

well i will be taking my college

entrance exams when they are away i need

to prepare for them as well

i see but where will you be staying then

or will you just be home alone

i will be staying with my grandma in the

meantime my parents never let me stay

home alone on my own

ah that’s good if not you can always

stay at my place i have a spare bedroom

in my house ready for you

thank you so much maybe i will crash at

your place for a few nights but i also

want to spend some time with my grandma

so i will mainly be staying at her place

that’s perfectly fine let me know

whenever you want to come over


by the way how long will your parents be

away they will be staying in london for

over a month

a long time isn’t it

yes i will miss them a lot


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