When To Pronounce H Italian English pronunciation problems

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you Italian

are you learning English great this

video is for you today we’re going to

talk about one pronunciation problem

that I’ve noticed a lot of my Italian

students having it is the lovely letter

H H I’ve noticed that my Italian

students sometimes forget to add H where

they should have H and they add H where

we don’t need H let’s talk about the

first one first because this is the

simplest when there is an H you need to

pronounce it let’s talk about a sentence

that could be a challenge for you I want

you to practice this sentence with me

and make sure that you’re imitating each

sound that my voice is making especially

the H’s are you ready this is the

sentence hi Hanna how’s it going have

you hung out with Harry lately there are

a lot of H’s that you need to pronounce

in the sentence and one good way to know

if you’re pronouncing them correctly is

to use a piece of paper so I want you to

take a piece of paper and put it in

front of your mouth this is a good way

to see if you’re pronouncing mouth put

anything with air it’s a great way to

test to see if you’re pronouncing it

correctly and HS are the same now the

air that comes out of your mouth

for the H is pretty light so it’s not

gonna move the paper like a piece out

put that moves the paper a lot but when

you say hi Hanna how’s it going have you

hung out with Harry lately of course I’m

emphasizing the H sound here but when

you’re practicing pronunciation that’s

difficult for you I think it’s good to

emphasize it at the beginning and when

it becomes more natural

you’ll be able to tone it down and save

eh a little bit less without forgetting

it the next part is adding h’s where

there is no H I’ve noticed that a lot of

my Italian students like to add in H

when there’s a word that begins with a

vowel so for example let’s practice this

sample sentence talking about poor Harry

from the previous sentence if you asked

hi Hanna how’s it going have you hung

out with Harry lately you might say no

he isn’t very interesting but he won’t

go away

poor Harry poor you maybe no he isn’t

isn’t oftentimes my Italian students add

an H no he isn’t he isn’t very

interesting adding an H of course I’m

not doing it exactly like you would but

adding an H where there is a vowel sound

so I want to make sure that you

pronounce each sound without an H and a

great way to do that is just to start

slowly so we’re gonna pronounce that

sentence slowly I want you to repeat

with me and then we’re gonna say it

faster are you ready no he isn’t very

interesting but he won’t go away make

sure that you’re focusing on isn’t

interesting and away there is no H sound

let’s do it one more time slowly and

then let’s speed it up no he isn’t very

interesting but he won’t go away quickly

now no he isn’t very interesting but he

won’t go away no he isn’t very

interesting but he won’t go away I hope

that this quick lesson about the H sound

adding it or not adding it has been

helpful to you even if you’re not an

Italian speaker I hope that this

pronunciation lesson was useful for you

and now I have a question for you in the

comments below this video let me know

which other sounds or which other

words are difficult for you to pronounce

maybe in the future I’ll make a video

about them for you

thanks so much and see you later bye if

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much for learning with me bye