Why we offer you the Best English Learning Podcast

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what are some simple ways to learn a

language the first things that come to

mind might be textbooks flashcards and

maybe even classrooms

but have you ever thought about podcasts

listening to a podcast daily goes a long


all you need is about 30 minutes it’s

that simple

whether you’re commuting running errands

or taking care of chores around the


you can learn a language from a podcast

podcasts present some advantages in

terms of how you learn the language

in this video we’ll share some tips for

using podcasts to learn a language

specifically with innovative language

innovative language offers thousands of

podcast audio lessons across

its 34 languages there are several

features available for premium members

to take advantage of

as supplements to podcast lessons

including a voice recorder and lesson


also lessons are structured to help you

learn easily

in today’s video we’ll cover the

features and organization of our audio


first learn throughout your day

how long is your commute to work how

long will it take to cook

dinner how much quiet time do you have

at work

if your answer is longer than 30 minutes

you can take full advantage of that time

with our podcasts

imagine learning multiple grammar points

keywords and phrases in one day

making podcasts part of your schedule

can help make this possible

if you have the innovative language app

on your phone it’ll be especially handy

you can have your lessons ready to go at

any time you can also download lessons

onto your phone to access offline

second the structure of our podcasts

our audio lessons all follow this

structure dialogue

vocabulary key vocabulary and phrases

grammar cultural insight our audio

lessons begin

and end with a dialogue spoken by native


it’s related to the lesson’s main focus

and will introduce you to unfamiliar

words and phrases

the hosts follow up with a breakdown of

the key vocabulary and phrases

they also elaborate on the target

grammar points each lesson ends with the

same dialogue so you’ll also work on

listening comprehension

after the dialogue the native hosts

break down the vocabulary into syllables

and say the words and phrases naturally

the hosts then introduce the key

vocabulary and phrases

along with when and how to use them this

part is especially important for

languages with both polite

and informal forms in some lessons the

hosts will discuss

verb conjugation and correct formations

this is especially important when the

language you’re studying has very

different grammar from your native


lines from the dialogue are used as

examples other example sentences are

provided to

further expand on usage of the grammar


how to study with podcasts start your

day by downloading your lessons onto

your mobile device

choose a pathway or lessons related to a


whether you’re preparing for a language

exam or just want to refresh your mind

on a few grammar points

you can choose lessons and playlists

that are just right for your needs

you can listen whenever it’s best for

your schedule when you have some time to

read you can review the lesson notes or

lesson transcripts too

fourth lesson notes as review when you

have a few minutes to read

take a look at the lesson notes for each

lesson these notes provide a breakdown

of the content in the audio lesson

you can use the written format to

refresh your memory and help solidify

the information you learned in the audio


lesson notes include the dialogue

vocabulary sample sentences

grammar and sometimes a cultural insight

you can read along with the lesson notes

while listening to the audio lesson to

boost your listening and

reading skills this is especially

helpful when listening to

and even memorizing the dialogue you can

also review lesson notes as much as you

want afterwards

this is great for a quick refresh if you

don’t have time to listen to an entire

lesson again

fifth premium features to enhance your


language learning does not end with our

audio lessons there are extra features

that target listening and reading

comprehension in addition to speaking


premium members can take advantage of

the following features

line by line audio a voice recorder and


to start the line by line audio is a

breakdown of the lessons dialog

our audio lesson enables you to listen

to the dialogue line by line

this is especially helpful when

practicing listening comprehension

additionally you can use it to review

grammar especially verb conjugation

and vocabulary learn how to speak like a

native speaker with the voice recorder

you can access the voice recorder by

clicking the microphone icon next to

each line in the dialog

the voice recorder compares you to the

native speaker

in addition to the line by line audio

you can find this microphone icon next

to vocabulary words and their sample


practicing with our voice recorder can

help enhance your speaking skills

you can work on making your speech

clearer and more natural

and don’t forget that our teachers are

here to help you if you have any

questions after the lesson

leave a comment also our hosts sometimes

leave questions for you to answer in the

comment section

our teachers are only a keyboard away

and will promptly respond

they answer questions and give

corrections and examples

be sure to check back on the lesson to

see the teacher’s response

so are you ready to make podcasts a part

of your language studies

if so check out our lesson library if

you’re a premium member

you have full access to the lesson

library and all the tools mentioned in

this video

these audio lessons are easily

accessible from a computer or our mobile


make sure to use all of the features to

your advantage listen to a lesson at any

time from your mobile device

review past lessons with the lesson

notes and lesson transcripts

practice listening and speaking with our

line by line audio and voice recorder

subscribe to premium and get all these

features to study and learn with our


have you ever studied with podcasts

before what was your experience like

we’d love to hear from you in the

comments so if you’re ready to jump

start your language learning check out

our complete language learning program

sign up for your free lifetime account

by clicking on the link in the


get tons of resources to have you

speaking in your target language

and if you enjoyed these tips hit the

like button

share the video with anyone who’s trying

to learn a new language and subscribe to

our channel

we release new videos every week i’ll

see you next time

bye want to speed up your language


take your very first lesson with us

you’ll start speaking in minutes

and master real conversations sign up

for your free lifetime account

just click the link in the description