English Conversations for Everyday Life Do you prefer to EAT OUT or AT HOME


eating out conversations

situation one lucy and jane

invite tui to join them for lunch

at a korean restaurant

hi tui hi lucy

jane and i are getting together for


do you want to come with us

yeah that would be nice

where are you taking me someplace you’ve

never been before

a korean restaurant named jinju

fantastic i’ve always wanted to try

korean food

have you tried korean food i’ve eaten

out several korean restaurants before

but i think jinju offers something new

really what is it

it serves traditional korean street food

such as kimchi fries fijian pancakes

and korean fried chicken in mixed korean

and english styles

yum you are making me hungry

what’s the specialty the signature menu

is jinju chicken

or korean fried chicken

do you know celebrity chef judy joo

she’s the owner of the restaurant i

see what about the price

i don’t know i didn’t find pricing


on their website i thought you had eaten

out at the restaurant before

no i haven’t don’t worry it’s my

treat well

have you made a reservation

yes i’ve booked a table for three

great let’s go now shall we


situation two lucy

jane andre are having lunch at a korean


they want to order dessert and then pay

the bill

excuse me can you come here when you

have a second

sorry to keep you waiting did you enjoy

your meal

that was lovely thank you

would you like to see the menu again for


well now what would you recommend

well we have hopang and snickers hatok

for our specials what exactly is

snickers hedok

it’s a flat korean donut stuffed with

salted caramel

and roasted peanuts

hmm it sounds delicious please bring me


bring us three please

would you like coffee or tea with your


i’d like some coffee i’d like tea

i’d like coffee with cream

okay your order will be served soon

here’s your food and joy

oh waiter could we also have the bill


certainly i’ll bring you the bill

all right your total is 85 euros

here you are keep the change

thank you have a nice day

thank you same to you

situation three ordering food


do you sell hamburgers here

yes we do would you like to see the menu

sure let me see


what is your most popular menu item

this month it’s the avocado burger

everyone loves it

i highly recommend it it is just

so good even the picture looks good

maybe i’ll get the avocado burger

the avocado burger comes with two sides

oh what are the sides

sweet potato fries french fries

coleslaw or a salad

i’ll take the sweet potato fries and a


okay great anything to drink

i i’ll have an iced tea

okay i’ll be right back

situation 4 ordering food

at a restaurant

are you ready to order yes i think we


okay what can i get started for you

i would like to get a hamburger with

ketchup and

lettuce okay

that comes with the side of french fries

is that okay

sure also we’ll get some appetizers

what appetizers do you have

actually today we’re out of appetizers

they will be out of stock until next


okay then we will get two more

hamburgers and a salad

what would you like to drink we’ll just

get tea for everyone

okay that sounds great i’ll be right


situation 5 ordering food and drinks

i was wondering if i could order

something to drink

yeah we have alcoholic beverages as well

as coffee tea

or soda how much do

drinks cost our alcoholic beverages are

five dollars each all others are


when will our meals be served

we will serve a snack with the beverages

dinner will be served in

a few hours into our flight

what are our dinner choices

you will have a choice of chicken fish

or beef

i will be bringing a menu shortly

i’m a vegetarian and i need a vegetarian


vegetarian meals need to be requested at

least two days before your flight

i might be able to find you extra

servings of vegetables



situation six that sounds



table for two sir yes please

can i get you any drinks

two glasses of water please and the menu

we have a standard set launch menu

here you are these are three

courses you can choose one dish for each


thank you

here’s your water have you decided what

to order

hmm it all looks so good

what is the pork saute exactly

it’s pieces of pork and a peanut butter


quite sweet very tasty

that sounds delicious i’ll have that to

start with

very good one pork satay

and for you sir are the spring rolls

very spicy

not too spicy no so

uh but they come with a sweet chili


i think i’ll have the chicken in coconut

soup thanks

fine and what would you like for the

main course madam

green pawn curry for me then thanks

and the same for me and for dessert i’ll

have the fruit salad

and i’ll have the fried banana thanks

very good madam thank you

thank you



well i couldn’t eat another thing that

fruit salad was

great yes

it looked very fresh

how about your fried banana you haven’t

eaten much


it’s a bit too sweet for my taste

that’s a shame the pork satay was


though and the green curry was pretty

good too

i enjoyed the meal so did i

the best part for me was the soup

i agree the green curry was okay but

it wasn’t anything special anyway

overall it was worth it

i’ll be coming here again that’s for


me too perhaps we should make this a

regular thing mark

every friday hmm

this sounds like a nice idea helen why


was everything all right for your meal


great thanks would you like any coffee

or anything no thanks

just the bill we must get back to work


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