Everyday English Conversations


hello hi how are you I’m good how are

you good

do you speak English a little are you

American yes where are you from I’m from


nice to meet you nice to meet you too

excuse me are you American

no do you speak English a little but not

very well how long have you been here

two months what do you do for work I’m a

student how about you and a student too

excuse me what’s your name my name is

Jessica what’s yours

John you speak English very well thank


do you know what time it is sure it’s

5:10 what did you say I said it’s 5:10


you’re welcome

hi Michael hi Amy what’s up I’m looking

for the airport can you tell me how to

get there no sorry I don’t know I think

I can take the subway to the airport do

you know where the subway is sure it’s

over there where I don’t see it across

the street oh I see it now

Thanks no problem

do you know if there’s a restroom around

here yes there’s one here it’s in the

store thank you bye bye bye

Sara how are you fine how are you doing

okay what do you want to do I’m hungry

I’d like to eat something where do you

want to go I’d like to go to an Italian

restaurant what kind of Italian food do

you like I like spaghetti do you like


no I don’t but I like pizza

Davis would you like something to eat no

I’m full do you want something to drink

yes I’d like some coffee

sorry I don’t have any coffee that’s


I’ll have a glass of water a small glass

or a big one small please here you are

Thanks you’re welcome

Mary would you like to get something

you with me okay when at 10 o’clock

10:00 in the morning no at night sorry

that’s too late I usually go to bed

around 10:00

okay how about 1:30 no that’s too early

I’ll still be at work then how about

5:00 that’s fine okay see you then all

right bye

Jennifer would you like to have dinner

with me yes that would be nice

when do you want to go is today okay

sorry I can’t go today how about

tomorrow night

okay what time is 9:00 all right I think

that’s too late is 6:00 okay

yes that’s good where would you like to

go the Italian restaurant on 5th Street

oh I don’t like that restaurant I don’t

want to go there how about the Korean

restaurant next to it okay I like that


hi mark hi what are you planning to do

today I’m not sure yet

would you like to have lunch with me yes

when is 11:30 ok sorry I didn’t hear you

can you say that again please I said

11:30 oh I’m busy then can we need a

little later ok how about 12:30 ok

where how about Bill’s seafood

restaurant oh where is that it’s on 7th

Street okay I’ll meet you there

hello sir

garden restaurant how many one

this way please have a seat your

waitress will be with you in a moment

hello sir would you like to order now

yes please what would you like to drink

what do you have we have bottled water

juice and coke I’ll have a bottle of

water please

what would you like to eat I’ll have a

tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of

vegetable soup

Chris where are you going I’m going to

the store really I need to go to the

store too

would you like to come with me yes let’s

go together would you like to go now or

later now what now would be better okay

let’s go sigelei walk no it’s too far

let’s drive

Laura what are you going to do today I’m

going shopping what time are you leaving

I’m going to leave around 4 o’clock will

you buy a ham sandwich for me at the

store ok do you have enough money I’m

not sure how much do you have

twenty-five dollars do you think that’s

enough that’s not very much I think it’s

ok I also have two credit cards let me

give you another ten dollars

Thanks see you later bye

Richard hi Karen how have you been

not too good why I’m sick sorry to hear

that it’s okay it’s not serious that’s


how’s your wife she’s good

is she in America now no she’s not here

yet where is she she’s in Canada with

our kids I see I have to go now

please tell your wife I said hi okay

I’ll talk to you later I hope you feel

better thanks

Robert this is my friend mrs. Smith hi

nice to meet you nice to meet you

mrs. Smith what do you do for work I’m a


Oh where do you work

New York University Hospital in New York

City what do you do I’m a teacher what

do you teach I teach English we’re at a

high school in New Jersey that’s nice

how old are you I’m 32

excuse me hello sir

may I help you yes can I see that

t-shirt on the top shelf please sure

here it is how much does it cost $50 $50

that’s too much how about this one it’s

unsafe for only $35 I don’t like that

one how about the one next to the black

gloves it’s very similar to the one

you’d like that’s nice how much is it

$30 that’ll be fine

is this color okay or would you like a

different color that blue ones fine do

you need any more of these shirts yes

how many do you want

I’ll take two more a red one and a white


excuse me I’m looking for the Holiday

Inn do you know where it is sure it’s

down this street on the left is it far

from here

no it’s not far how far is it about a

mile and a half how long does it take to

get there

five minutes SL is it close to the

subway station

yes it’s very close the subway station

is next to the hotel you can walk there

thanks a lot

excuse me do you know how to get to the

mall sure I used to work there go

straight for about a mile then turn left

at the light the mall will be on your

right do you know the address yes

the address is 541 Main Street can you

write it down for me please no problem

is it faster if I take Highland Avenue

no that way is longer there are more

stoplights on that street I think you’re

right thank you

what’s today’s date it’s July 5th when

are you going on vacation I’m leaving on

Sunday we’re going to Canada really the

day after tomorrow

that’s very soon yeah I know how long

are you going to stay there about two

weeks when are you coming back I’m

coming back on the 17th all right have a

nice trip

Joseph who is that woman that’s Susan

what did she do for work she’s a lawyer

is she American no but she speaks

English fluently she’s really tall do

you know her yes I know her we’re


who’s that man standing next to her

which man that short guy on her right

what’s his name

oh that’s Matt he’s really good-looking

yeah do you know him I don’t know him

but I think my sister does is he married

yes he’s married I remember now I met

him before

Brian do you know how to speak English

yes where did you learn I learned in

college you speak really well thank you

how long have you been in the u.s. three

weeks is your wife with you yes she just

got here yesterday

have you been to California before no

I’ve never been there have you ever been

to Las Vegas yes I went there once on a

business trip

Jeff I’m going to the supermarket do you

want to come with me

I think the supermarket is closed now Oh

when does it closed it closes at 7:00 on

Sundays that’s too bad

don’t worry we can go tomorrow morning

it opens at 8:00 all right what do you

want to do now let’s take a walk for a

half an hour my sister will be here at

about 8:30 and then we can all go out to

dinner where does she live

she lives in San Francisco how long has

she lived there I think she lived there

for about ten years

that’s a long time where did she live

before that San Diego

Charles do you have any children

yes how many children do you have

I have two kids a boy and a girl

what are their names Jack and Stephanie

how old are they Stephanie is 18 and

Jack is 24

are they in school Stephanie is she goes

to college in Washington and Jack works

in Florida

what does Stephanie steady she studies

English is she here now no she’s at


William do you like studying English I

like studying English and I can read

well but speaking can be difficult it’s

not that bad if you talk to your

American friends every day you’ll learn

quickly can I ask you a question sure

what do you want to know I have my book

from class here how do you say this word

laptop sorry I don’t understand what

does that mean a laptop is a type of

computer that you can carry with you do

you understand yes I think so

can you say it again laptop laptop

start correctly yes that’s right

that’s very good thanks and this word

how do you pronounce this that word is

pronounced kitchen

thanks so much you’re a good teacher


Hey how’s it going not good I lost my

wallet oh that’s too bad was it stolen

no I think it came out of my pocket when

I was in the taxi is there anything I

can do

can I borrow some money sure how much do

you need about fifty dollars that’s no


Thanks I’ll pay you back on Friday

that’ll be fine here you are what are

you going to do now I’m going to buy

some books and then I’m going to the gas

station if you wait a minute I can go

with you okay

I’ll wait for you

hello hi is James there please yes who’s

calling Linda

one moment please okay hello hi James is

Linda hi Linda what are you doing now

I’m working are you busy

yes it’s been really busy here all day

what time do you get off work 8:30 I’ll

call you back after 8:30 okay talk to

you later bye bye

David what have you been up to lately I

went on a trip with my family last week

really where did you go we went to

Europe what cities did you go to London

Paris and a few other cities did you go

to Berlin no we didn’t go there

go there next time I think this summer

is a good time to visit Berlin it’s a

beautiful place and the people there are

very nice that’s what I’ve heard I went

there last year if you want I can give

you some information I have about the

city thanks

Sarah what did you do today I went

shopping did you buy anything yes I

bought a few things what did you buy I

bought this coat do you like it yes I

like it a lot it’s very pretty

where did you buy it at the mall on

Fifth Street

was it expensive no it wasn’t expensive

it was on sale for $20 that’s cheap

I know it was a really good deal I don’t

think you’ll need to wear it for a while

it’s been really hot lately

Paul what kind of music do you like to

listen to all kinds but mostly pop rock

and classical why I have tickets to a

show do you want to go with me

what kind of music is it pop it’s Mariah


when is it at 8:00 tomorrow night yeah

I’d like to go do you think we should

have dinner first yes that’s a good idea

let’s eat at the restaurant across the

street from my apartment oh I think I

know the place you mean we ate there

last month right yeah that’s right you

have a good memory

Lisa would you like to go to the library

with me okay do you think we can go buy

a newspaper first sure first we’ll go

buy a newspaper and then we’ll go to the

library are we going to walk or drive

the weather is really nice today let’s

walk the weather is good now but I think

it’s supposed to rain this afternoon all

right then

take an umbrella is your brother coming

with us no he’s still sleeping

Wow it’s already 10:00 he must have been

up late last night yeah he didn’t come

home until 12:00 I hope he can come

later I hope so too

I’ll give him a call when we get there

how do we get to the library from here

it’s straight down this road on the left

next to the museum it takes about 10


hi Melissa are you going home this

weekend no not this weekend I have too

much work to do where do your parents

live my father lives in Washington DC

how about your mother my mother died two

years ago oh I’m sorry to hear that is

your father still working

no he’s retired do you have any family


yes two of my cousins live here and my

aunt and uncle live about 30 miles from

here do you have any brothers or sisters

yes I have two brothers who live in New

York and a sister who lives in Boston do

you see them a lot not as much as I’d

like to usually just on holidays like

Thanksgiving and Christmas

I can’t find my glasses and I can’t see

anything can you help me find a few

things no problem what are you looking

for my laptop do you see it yes your

laptop is on the chair where’s my book

which one the dictionary it’s under the

table where’s my pencil there’s a pencil

in front of the lamp that’s not a pencil

that’s a pen oh sorry

there is a pencil behind the cup how

about my backpack do you know where that

is it’s in between the wall and the bed

where are my shoes they’re on the left

side of the TV I don’t see them sorry I

made a mistake they were on the right

side of the TV Thanks

oh and here are your glasses they were

next to your cellphone

excuse me check please okay

is everything very nice thank you

would you like this to go yes can you

put it in a plastic bag

sure no problem here you are

that’ll be $25 do you take credit cards

yes we accept Visa and MasterCard okay

here you are Thanks

I’ll be right back okay here you are

here’s your receipt thank you you’re

welcome please come again

next please hello how can I help you

I’d like to buy a ticket for New York

would you like one-way or roundtrip

roundtrip when will you be leaving when

does the next plane leave in about two

hours I’d like a ticket for that flight

please first class or coach coach

okay let me check availability I’m sorry

tickets for that flight are sold out how

about the one after that let me see that

one has seats available would you like

me to reserve a seat for you yes please

that’ll be a hundred and twenty dollars

okay thank you here’s your change

Michelle can you help me clean things up

before we go sure where should I put

this Cup which Cup the red one put it on

the table how about this fruit oh that

goes in the refrigerator and those

pencils what should I do with them

bring those upstairs and put them in the

bedroom how about this pen give it to me

please I need to use it what do you want

me to do with that paper over there you

can throw that away I don’t need it

anymore the trash is full all right then

please put it in a bag and take it

outside okay now what I think we’re

finished can you please turn off the

lights and shut the door sure

this looks like a

restaurant yeah it is I come here all

the time let’s sit over there okay can

you pass me a menu please sure what are

you going to have to drink I’m going to

have a glass of beer how about you I

think I’ll have a glass of wine do you

want to order an appetizer first not

really maybe we can just order some

bread okay what are you going to have to

eat I’m not sure I haven’t decided yet

can you recommend something sure I’ve

had the steak and lobster before they’re

both very good I think I’ll have the

lobster what are you going to have I’m

not that hungry I think I’m just going

to have a salad I’m going to go to the

bathroom when the waitress comes back

will you order for me

sure no problem

hi Anna come in Wow your apartment is a

mess I know I didn’t have time to put

things away before you got here

look are those all your clothes on the

couch yes are they clean

actually most of them are dirty I

haven’t done laundry in a while I

usually wait until I can do it in my

parents house my sister and I usually go

to the laundromat down the street why

don’t you go there I know I should but

that place isn’t very convenient you

have to wait a long time yes I know I

have to do it every week anyway are you

ready to go no I’m not ready yet I still

have to brush my teeth and wash my face

can you wait a few minutes okay but

please hurry I think the restaurant is

closing soon

Pam where’s the closest ATM it’s not

that far

do you see that yellow building over

there the big one or the small one the

big one yes it’s right next to it on the

right do you know if there’s a

convenience store around here I don’t

think there’s one around here the

closest one is on Third Street but

that’s probably closed now I really need

to get some things before I leave well

you could go down to 22nd Street there

are a lot of stores down there that are

open 24 hours a day can I take the

subway to get there yes

but that’ll probably take about a half

an hour you should just take a cab won’t

that be expensive

no from here I think it’s only about $5

vesser where’s Canada Canada is north of

here can you show me on the map sure

look here Canada is north of the United

States oh I see

where’s Mexico Mexico it’s south of the

United States

how about Connecticut where’s that

Connecticut is east of New York what

state is west of Pennsylvania Ohio ok

where’s Los Angeles Los Angeles is in

California it’s south east of San

Francisco where’s Boston Boston is in

the northeast part of the country where

is Las Vegas Las Vegas is in the



breakfast yet yes I ate at the hotel

with my son and my husband oh they have

good food there what did you have I had

some cereal fried eggs and orange juice

how was it the food didn’t taste very

good and actually I don’t feel very well

now that’s too bad do you want to take a

break no I’m going back to the hotel at

lunchtime to lie down okay I’m going to

the drugstore later is there anything I

can get for you no that’s okay

I think if I rest for a little while

I’ll feel better

and what do you want to do tonight I’d

like to go see a movie

I heard Titanic is playing at the movie

theater oh I’ve heard that’s a good


what time does it start 6:30 it’s a long

movie I heard it lasts for about three

hours will you come and pick me up what

time I think we should get there early

because they might be sold out is five

okay yes that’ll be fine I’ll meet you

at your house at five do you want to get

something to eat before the movie I’m

not sure if there will be enough time

for that we can have popcorn and hot

dogs at the theater if you want I don’t

like the popcorn they have there I think

they put too much salt on it

okay then I’ll pick you up a little

earlier and we can go to the Thai

restaurant next to the theater is that

okay yes I like that place

the food it tastes really great did you

cook it yes I made it this afternoon

would you like some more okay just a

little dull I’m really full Oh would you

like some soup instead what kind is it

tomato and rice have you had that before

no this is my first time how does it

taste it’s good try it what do you think

wow it is good did you make that also

yes you’re a really good cook Thanks

next time I’ll make chicken soup for us

that sounds good

did you study cooking in school no I

learned by myself I have a good cookbook

that I read when I have time


Kelly will you help me take these things

to the car okay

which car do you want me to put them in

bring them to my wife’s car which one is

hers the blue SUV in front of the Honda

what should I take first that chair over

there but please be careful with it it

was a gift from my mother-in-law don’t

worry I won’t drop it wow it’s really

heavy I don’t think I can move it by

myself let me help you with that I don’t

want you to hurt your back where are you

taking all this stuff didn’t I tell you

we’re moving to Florida you’re moving

now I knew you were moving but I thought

you said you were moving next month yes

that’s true

my wife found a new apartment on the

internet the other day and she wants to

move right away

Toodee your

nice car Thanks it’s a lot better than

mine and it’s new where are you going

we’re going to visit my sister in the

city I didn’t know your sister lives in

the city when did she move there about a

year ago she lives in an apartment on

3rd Street across from the public


I see it’s almost 5:00 now don’t you

think there will be a lot of traffic

oh we’re not driving we’re going to take

the subway the subway only takes about

20 minutes yes but it can be very

crowded around this time I always feel

uncomfortable taking the subway I take

the subway to work every day so I’m used

to it now doesn’t your mother live in

the city yes she’s lived there for about

10 years I remember when she moved there

apartments were a lot cheaper then I

know what you mean it’s hard to find

anything that’s reasonable now have a

good time next time you’re free give me

a call and we’ll go play poker see you


Jim I heard you took a trip to San Diego

is that right yeah I

got back this morning that sounds really


what did you do there well we were only

there for three days so we didn’t do too

much we went shopping and went out to

dinner a few times and at night we

walked around the city with some friends

did you take any pictures yes I have

them with me do you want to look at them

sure I love looking at photos this one

is of my wife and me on the beach and

this one is our daughter Emily standing

next to my wife

your daughter looks like her mother I

know they look very similar where was

this picture taken that was taken at the

train station before we left did you

have time to go to the zoo no not this


we went there last time it looks like

you all had a nice time yeah it was a

lot of fun

good afternoon how may I help you hi I’d

like to order some flowers

who are they for they’re for my wife her

name is Samantha what kind of flowers

would you like I don’t know I don’t know

too much about flowers can you recommend

something okay

what’s the reason you’re sending her

flowers today is her birthday and she

told me she wants me to buy her flowers

do you know what kind of flowers she

likes I’m not sure I know I should know

that but I can’t remember right now well

they’re for your wife so I think you

should give her roses roses will be fine

what color I think red would be nice do

you want to pick them up or should we

deliver them can you deliver them please

what’s the address

241 Main Street

hello hi is

there please sorry I think you have the

wrong number is this 6 1 7 2 2 8 2 2 8 9

yes who are you looking for again

Heather Johnson oh I thought you said

Laura sorry about that this is the right

number but Heather’s not here right now

do you know where she went she went to

the store to buy some groceries would

you like to leave a message

yes would you please tell her Eric

Martin called hi Eric this is her

roommate Cathy I met you a couple of

months ago at the Christmas party oh yes

how are you good

we’ll be back in about 20 minutes I’ll

tell her you called okay thanks bye bye

hello hi Tina its Joe hi Joe how’s the

weather there today it’s really cold

it snowed all day and the schools closed

early what’s the temperature is 30

degrees now it was even colder this

morning have you heard what the weather

is going to be like tomorrow I was

watching the news a little earlier they

said it’s probably going to snow

tomorrow I really don’t like the winter

I wish it were summer me too how’s the

weather where you are it’s not too bad

but it’s pretty cold here too it was

about 45 today and it rained this

afternoon I heard it’s going to be a

little warmer tomorrow

Christmas what are you doing this

weekend nothing special just working why

do you ask well I still haven’t finished

my Christmas shopping do you want to go

shopping with me this weekend I’d like

to but I’m not sure if I can work has

been really busy lately why don’t we go

on Friday instead Friday is not good

I think the stores will be very crowded

and I have to work okay

then let’s try to go this weekend I

should know if I can go by Friday is it

okay if I call you then yeah that’s fine

what’s your number 2 2 3 3 3 1 8 8 2 8

let me give you my email address - it’s

Tom 8 6 1 @ gmail.com ok I’ll talk to

you soon ok

hello hi Vicki are you there yet yes I

just got off the subway I’m almost there

sorry I’m late that’s no problem


just wanted to tell you I’m inside where

are you on the second floor should I

come to the second floor or do you want

to come down to the first floor come


what Oh

can you hear me okay I said come to the

second floor oh okay

what are you doing there just looking at

some books on how to learn English do

you want to get something to eat later

no I’m still full from dinner what do

you want to do I don’t know for sure

when you get here we’ll talk about it


see you soon bye

Craig what do you do for work I’m still

a student what school do you go to

Boston University that’s a good school

what do you study I’m studying English

math and history

my major is English how long have you

been studying English more than six

years that’s a long time yeah I started

to learn English when I was in high

school now when do your English is so

good actually it’s not that good I can

read but I can’t speak very well I

haven’t had a lot of chance to practice

I see

talking with other people is very

important yes but I still don’t have

many friends here yet

I’m having a party tonight at my


you should come oh thanks for inviting

me I’d love to come

Jim hey Shaun good to see you again

how have you been okay I didn’t sleep

much last night though I stayed up until

2:00 a.m. studying for an exam I was up

late last night too

the semester is almost over I’ve had

exams all week are you going back to

California after you graduate I think so

I graduate I’ll probably go back home

and try to get a job do you know where

you’d like to work not yet

but I want to be an English translator

that’d be really cool I’d like to be a

translator too but I don’t think my

English is good enough don’t worry about

that your English is better than most of

my classmates thanks where are you going

now I’m going to study at the library I

to take an exam tomorrow me too how late

does the library stay open I think it’s

open until 11:30 okay

good luck you too

hello hi Angela its Dan hi Dan how are

you good

I called you yesterday did you get my


yes I was taking a shower when you

called I saw that you called and I tried

to call you back but I think your phone

was off no problem I wanted to remind

you that my friend is getting married

next week

you’re still coming to the wedding with

me right oh is that next week yes

did you forget no of course not I

already bought them a present that’s

good I want to invite Megan also next

time you see her can you tell her for me

sure does she know your friend yes I

think they might have gone to the same

college or something like that I’m not

exactly sure how they know each other

are we all going to drive together yes

I’ll pick you up first and then we’ll go

get Megan


a doctor please do you have an


no when would you like an appointment is

today possible yes today is fine what

time would you like as soon as possible

my stomach really hurts please wait a

moment I’ll see if the doctor is

available okay

sorry he’s with a patient right now

it’s probably going to be another 30

minutes would you mind waiting a little

longer no problem yeah I see your

insurance card please

here you are Thanks that’s going to be

$25 for today’s visit really

didn’t think it would be that much I

know how you feel I’ll pay with cash

thank you would you please turn on the

heat it’s really cold in here

hey Jane

Eliott yes I picked it up this morning

there were a few bills and a letter for

my mother there was also a lot of junk

mail was there anything for me

I don’t remember let me check

so it looks like there’s something here

for you who’s it from the American

Embassy my hands are dirty will you open

it for me sure what does it say it says

your passport is ready you can pick it

up anytime do you think you can drive me


sure when I think we should go get it

now I’m going to wash my hands

and then we’ll go is that okay that’s


how are you feeling I still have a cold

still it’s been over a week now hasn’t

it yeah it’s been a while I started

feeling this way last Monday are you

feeling any better

a little I took some medicine this

morning and I feel a little better now

what’s wrong I have a bad cough did you

go see the doctor yes not yet

I might go tomorrow I’m going to the

drugstore now can I get you anything

yes if it’s not too much trouble would

you get me some tissues sure anything

else no that’s it okay I’ll be back in

about an hour if you think of anything

else you need give me a call


hi James it’s good to see you again

hi Barbara are you here for work yes is

Steve with you no I’m here alone Steve

couldn’t come this time how long will

you be staying four days I’m going back

on Friday my brother and I are getting

together for dinner do you want to come

with us

yeah that would be nice I have a meeting

in an hour I can meet you afterwards if

that’s okay the meeting shouldn’t last

long that’s fine

who is your meeting with the boston

insurance company I’ll call you when

it’s over

okay can I use your phone I left mine in

the car and I want to call them to get

directions sure here you go

hello hi Frank is Pam hey Pam what’s up

not much

where are you I’m in the car driving

home when you get home will you send me

an email with directions to the party


sure no problem when do you think you’ll

get home I don’t know maybe in about 30

minutes or so there’s a lot of traffic I

have to go out soon can you just send me

a text message with the address instead

I’ll do that as soon as I get home

thanks a lot drive carefully okay I’ll

see you tonight bye

hello hi Sharon its George again what

time do you think you’ll get to the

party tonight sorry what did you say

hello can you hear me I said what time

do you think you’ll be getting to the

party sorry I can’t hear you can you

hear me now

no not very clearly it’s really noisy

here it might be my cell phone I don’t

think I have very good reception oh

that’s okay can I call you right back


Edie what should we do today I’ve been

studying all week

I’d like to exercise me too

let’s go to the gym good idea what are

we going to do there we can lift weights

or play basketball I like to play

basketball are you good at it not really

but I like to play I used to play a lot

when I was in school but now there’s no

time I know what you mean I used to play

soccer a lot do you think we can play

soccer there no there’s not enough room

I think it’s better if we play outside

ok maybe we can go play soccer later

this afternoon it’s too cold outside

today let’s wait until the weather gets

a little warmer ok

Anthony are you okay I’m okay now but I

got into a car accident this morning

were you hurt no but my neck is still a

little sore what happened I wasn’t

paying attention and I hit a car that

stopped in front of me with the people

in the other car all right

yes they’re fine I wasn’t going very

fast were you wearing a seatbelt

yes did the police come yeah I called

them on my cell phone right after it

happened do you want me to drive you

home no I need to go get my car fixed

this afternoon

as Wilson hi doctor how are you feeling

I don’t feel good what’s bothering you

I have a stomachache and a headache

where does it hurt here do you have a

fever no I don’t think so okay let me

look at your throat open your mouth

it’s red does it hurt yes it’s sore when

did it start to feel this way last week

I think you have a virus it might be the

flu I’m going to give you a prescription

for some medicine

thank you try to get some rest

and be sure to drink lots of water and

orange juice

hello Marriott hotel how may I help you

hi I’d like to make a reservation just a


okay for what date July 25th how many

nights will you be staying two nights

what’s the room rate $75 a night plus


to reserve a room for you yes please

your name Nancy Anderson miss Anderson

how will you be paying Visa card number


four one nine eight two two eight nine

three three eight eight two two eight

expiration date 1 9 2012 okay you’re all


we’ll see you on the 25th

Kevin what would you like to do I don’t

know maybe watch TV that’s a good idea

we’re going shopping later so I think

you should rest for a while I don’t

think I want to go anymore what do you

mean I thought you said we were going

shopping I know but I changed my mind

I’m too tired well I still have a lot of

stuff to buy when do you think we’ll go

maybe tonight okay would you mind if I

use your phone sorry I don’t have signal

are you kidding I usually have really

good reception here my phone is very old

and it doesn’t work very well what if I

take it outside yes that’s fine

it works well outside

Andrew would you like to play a game

okay what kind of game let’s play cards

do you know how to play blackjack yes

that’s an easy game I don’t want to play

that right now okay do you remember how

to play poker I think so

but you’re going to have to explain the

rules to me again okay look at this

piece of paper it has all the rules on

it okay yes I remember now I think the

last time we played this game you won

and I lost yes that was fun

okay let’s play but this time I don’t

want to bet money okay we won’t bet

we’ll just play for fun

Angela come in happy birthday thanks I

can’t believe you remembered that well I

have a calendar in my computer it helps

me remember things like that what are

you up to

I’m reading a book my cousin gave me for

my birthday

let me see oh I have this book at home I

want to give you a present too Wow it’s

a guitar I already have one but I like

this one better thank you you’re welcome

do you know how to play the guitar yeah

I know how to play my father taught me

when I was young will you play it now I

want to listen to some music okay do you

know this one yeah I’ve heard that one

I could sing that song when I was in

middle school it’s an old one it makes

me feel old when I was in college they

used to play it on the radio all the


good evening hi do you have any

vacancies tonight yes the rate is $55 do

the rooms have internet access we have

wireless if you have a computer you can

use the wireless network for an

additional five dollars okay I’d like a

room please would you like a smoking or

a non-smoking room non-smoking how will

you be paying visa here you are

how many people - would you like a

king-sized bed or two double beds

king-sized please you’re in room 237

it’s on the second floor here’s your key

sign here please

what kind of trick old 11:30

hello how may I help you I’d like to

send this

to California would you like to send it

overnight or by regular mail how much is

it to send it overnight $20 and by

regular mail $12

I’d like it to get there tomorrow please

fill out this form when you are finished

come back to this window okay I think

I’m done is this correct yes that’s

right I’d also like to mail this letter

do you need to buy stamps yes

a book of stamps cuts $3 so that’ll be

$23 for everything oh I forgot my wallet

in my car I’ll be right back

Patrick why didn’t you call me last

night I was worried about you

sorry I was sick I went to bed early

what’s wrong I had a cough and my eyes

were really dry are you better now yes

I’m feeling a lot better much better

than yesterday do you have allergies yes

last time I went to the doctor he did

some tests and told me I have allergies

it gets worse in the spring what time

did you wake up this morning around 9:30

are you going to work today no I think

I’ll just stay home and watch TV I can

work from home today

good get some rest and I’ll bring over

some food later Thanks


hi Rachel hi Josh it’s been a long time

where are you working now I work at a

software company downtown I’m an

engineer that’s interesting what kind of

software do you write it’s a database

for small businesses does your company

have a website yes what’s the website

address WWF on Comm how can I get the

software you can download it from the

website it’s very popular and it’s free

okay I’ll do that I have to go now it

was really nice seeing you again it was

nice seeing you to email me next week

and we’ll get together for coffee my

computer is broken so I can’t send you

email right now can I call you sure my

number is 2 3 3 2 8 8 2 3 2 8

what are you listening to I’m listening

to the radio I know that who are they

playing gasps I think it’s the Beatles

right that’s right how did you know that

in my country everyone knows who they

are they’re famous really of course my

parents saw them at a concert a long

time ago did you know that they’re from

England yes of course what kind of music

do you usually listen to I listen to

everything but my favorite is pop I see

who’s your favorite singer Celine Dion I

like her too

she’s got a great voice

hello miss do you need a taxi yes

do you have any luggage just these two

suitcases okay I’ll put them in the back

for you

where are you going the Comfort Inn I

think there are two in Boston which one

are you going to the one downtown is

this your first time in Boston no I’ve

been here many times I come here for

work all the time do you know how long

it will take it shouldn’t take long

probably about 15 minutes wow it looks

like the traffic is really bad yeah

there might be an accident up ahead okay

then stop at the next intersection I’m

going to get out there and take a subway

are you hungry no why

we’ve been driving a long time I think

we’d better find someplace to eat soon

no I’m okay we’re late so we’d better

not stop we’ve passed that same store

three times already I think we’re lost

we should ask someone for directions

we’re not lost

I’ve never gone this way before do you

know where you’re going yes

this road goes through town it’s faster

than the highway okay would you mind

driving a little slower please

sure no problem

did you see that sign back there I think

this is a one-way street no I didn’t see

that I’m gonna have to turn around you

can’t turn around here I think you

should let me drive I think you’re right

I’m getting tired

Adam can you do me a favor sure I can’t

find my curse can you help me no problem

I’ll help you look for it

thanks what color is it

it’s black did you look in the kitchen

yes I already looked there I’ll look in

the living room did you find it no it’s

not in there when was the last time you

saw it

I had it when I went to the library this

morning do you think you might have left

it there

maybe I’ll call the library and ask them

if anyone found it wait is this it

yes that’s it that’s my purse thanks for

helping me find it

excuse me

sure of us sure

is a really nice camera Thanks

my parents gave it to me how do you use

it you press this button here come a

little closer

wait that’s too close move a little to

the left

okay stay right there do you mean here

yes that’s good

oh I can’t get it to work you need to

hold down the button for about three

seconds okay I got it

are you ready yes smile

hi Tracy what’s going on hi Thomas I’m

waiting in line to buy a DVD player the

line is too long why don’t you come back

tomorrow I think you’re right they’re

going to close son let’s go get some

coffee okay wait a minute I have to get

something out of my purse will you hold

this for me

sure oops what happened I dropped your

calculator is it broken I’m not sure let

me have a look

no I don’t think it’s broken the button

came off though I can fix it

sorry about that don’t worry about it I

do that all the time if it is broken I

have another one in my car

hey how did you get here I rode my bike

are you serious why did you do that I

could have picked you up that’s okay I

didn’t want to bother you

I know you don’t like to wake up early

that’s so nice of you aren’t you cold

no not really I wore a coat what’s in

the bag it’s a special type of Apple oh

can I try one

it’s very sweet I put sugar on it

these apples are really good they were

only thirty cents each

aren’t those more expensive than the

ones in the supermarket yes they’re more

expensive but they taste better did you

buy any other fruit well besides apples

I brought oranges and bananas

hello hi are you still up yes

you sound tired is everything okay yeah

everything’s fine I’m just getting ready

to go to bed it’s been a really long day

do you have time to get some coffee with

me later I have something I want to talk

to you about no sorry not today I have

to get up early tomorrow Oh what are you

going to do tomorrow my mother-in-law is

coming over so I have to get up early

and clean the house I see are you free

tomorrow yes in the afternoon I have to

finish something I’m working on but I’ll

be free after 3:30 do you want to get

together after you finish work do you

think you’ll have time yes my

mother-in-law will be leaving here

around 2

hey I just talked to Jim what did he say

he said he had to cancel the meeting

this afternoon oh I see is there a

problem no it’s not a big deal he and I

were supposed to talk to some new

customers today sorry to hear that it’s

okay this has been happening quite a bit

recently that’s strange

I wonder why his wife has been sick so

sometimes he has to go home early to

take care of her

I see how’s work been going things are

slow right now would you mind if I

borrow your phone

mine’s out of batteries and I have to

call my boss to tell him about this okay

let me go get it it’s in the car

hello hi John sorry for calling so late

I hope I didn’t wake you up actually I

was just finishing some work I haven’t

gone to bed yet

did you hear Bill got fired yesterday

no I didn’t hear that are you sure yeah

Sarah told me this afternoon she was

pretty upset about it that’s too bad

Bill’s a nice guy yeah I know why did

they fire him she didn’t say I see well

if you talk to Sarah again tell her

there’s a job opening in my company bill

can have an interview this week if you

want oh thank you so much I’ll call her

and tell her

hi Jim hi Karen you look upset what’s

wrong it’s nothing I’m just a little

nervous is everything all right well I’m

having surgery tomorrow on my finger

what’s wrong with your finger I broke it

the other day playing basketball oh

that’s terrible yeah it’s been bothering

me since that day are you afraid of

having surgery yes I’ve never had

surgery before I wouldn’t worry I had to

have surgery on my leg last year

everything went fine were you nervous

before the surgery

a little who’s your doctor dr. Allen oh

I’ve heard he’s really good I don’t

think you have anything to worry about

good that makes me feel much better

Betty are you and John still dating yeah

things are going really well where did

you meet him we were sitting at the same

table and he asked to borrow my pen wow

that’s a nice story I was telling Jim

about it the other day he thought it was

pretty romantic do you two have plans

for tonight

yes I think we’re going to rent a movie

have you seen anything good lately

I saw spider-man the other day I’ve

heard that’s a really funny movie are

you kidding that movie’s not funny it’s

sad I was crying at the end you’re

really sensitive aren’t you I guess so

that’s why I can’t find a girlfriend

hi Peter can I talk to you for a moment

I just heard the cookie factory downtown

is going out of business where did you

hear that Sarah told me I’m not sure

that’s true

and heard anything about it she said

they have already started to lay people

off doesn’t your father work there yes

I’m really worried he might get laid off

he just started to work there about

three months ago what do you think I

should do I talked to your father yeah

but if there was something wrong I don’t

think he’d tell me he doesn’t like to

upset me but I really would like to know

what’s going on

so what are you going to do aren’t you

good friends with the president of that

company yes we used to work together at

a different company about five years ago

maybe you could call him and see what’s

going on well I don’t know I guess I

could it’s pretty late now

but I’ll call him in the morning okay

thanks so much

Wow I’m really getting fat you don’t

look fat yes but I am I’ve gained ten

pounds in the last two months look at my

stomach how much do you weigh I think

about a hundred and seventy pounds what

kind of foods do you eat I usually have

pasta for dinner sometimes I get takeout

or fast food if I don’t have enough time

to cook I was reading a diet book the

other day it said if you eat meat and

nothing else you’ll lose weight quickly

Wow does that work

I don’t know that someone told me they

tried it and lost 20 pounds that sounds


but I’m not sure how long I could do

that I know once you start eating

vegetables and bread again you’ll

probably start gaining weight well I

think I’m going to try it anyway

who’s the author I can’t remember it’s

not that popular anymore when I get home

I’ll check and give you a call

hello hi Sarah its James hey James I

can’t talk now

can I call you back later sure is there

a problem I’m late for work and my car

isn’t working so I need to find someone

to take me to work I can take you oh


thank you that would help a lot do you

need me to pick you up after work also

yes if it’s not too much trouble it’s no


I’m leaving my house now I’ll be right

there okay I’ll wait for you in front of

my apartment building do you know what’s

wrong with your car I’m not exactly sure

I think there’s a problem with the

engine okay I’ll have a look when I get

there I know a lot about cars when I was

younger my father and I used to fix old


hey what have you been doing today

nothing just watching TV I’m really

bored I don’t have anything to do I

don’t have anything to do either I

didn’t do anything today except clean my

house I know I was planning to go to the

mall today with one of my friends but

it’s not so much we couldn’t go anywhere

I hope it snows all night because I

don’t want to go to school tomorrow do

you know anyone who has a camera I want

to take a picture of all the snow no I

don’t know anyone who has a camera have

you seen Sarah today I think she might

have one no she hasn’t been around all

day she said she had something important

to do today oh where did she go

nobody knows I called her roommate and

she doesn’t know either

Mandy did you know

ever called you know when did she call

two hours ago I think two hours ago

why didn’t you tell me earlier sorry I

forgot what did she say she said she’s

waiting for you at her sister’s place

okay I was going to cook dinner first

but I don’t think I have enough time now

I’ll just warm up some leftovers in the

microwave okay if she calls again tell

her I’m going to be late okay no problem

this is very important don’t forget

don’t worry I won’t forget actually

would you please hand me my phone I

think I should give her a call now she’s

probably wondering where I am sure I’ll

get it for you

I’m going shopping do you want to come I

thought you went shopping yesterday I

did but an old friend called me last

night and invited me to his birthday

party I need to buy a gift for him I see

what are you going to get for him I

really have no idea what he likes I

haven’t seen him in a long time what do

you think maybe a cake well that’s a

good idea but I think I should probably

get in something else like something he

can wear how about a sweater I saw a

really nice one in the mall the other

day maybe we can go there and take a

look okay what store was it in it was a

Macy’s I think they’re having a sale

this weekend oh that’s a really nice

store I like the clothes there

hey Diane what are

doing here hi Tim how are you I’m

waiting for a friend I heard you’re

going to graduate this summer is that

true yes if everything goes all right

I’ll be getting my bachelor’s degree in

August then I need to start looking for

a job I had to do that last year it

wasn’t easy do you have any job offers

no not yet I send out a lot of resumes

that I didn’t receive many responses

it’s pretty hard to find a job right now

what’s your major psychology that was my

major when I started college but I

switched to engineering after the first

year I think it’s easier for engineers

to find a job I’m not sure about that it

took me about three months to find a job

I finally was able to get a job after I

put my resume on one of those job

websites anyway it really doesn’t matter

if I can’t find a job I’ll probably go

back to school to get my master’s degree

hello hey Gary what’s up I haven’t

talked to you in a long time

what’s happening well I don’t know if

you heard I just moved into a new

apartment in LA no I heard you were

thinking about moving but I didn’t know

you’d already found a place that’s cool

yeah I’m really happy about it

do you have any roommates no not this

time it’s a big change for me because

I’ve never lived alone don’t you think

you’ll be lonely not really I have two

friends who live in the same building we

all had dinner together last night are

they students also no they’re not

students but there are a lot of students

living in the building sounds like a

nice place yeah I think it’s a good

environment for learning English well

I’m glad to hear everything worked out

you should come out here and visit me

sometime there’s even a pool that would

be nice I’ll think about it

Justin hey

a girlfriend yes no not yet

what about Jenny she has a boyfriend oh

I thought they broke up no they’re still

together how about that girl from work

you were telling me about last year

who Emily she’s married now she got

married last month I see it seems like

everyone our age is married yeah it’s

not easy

is there anyone you’re interested in

there is one girl I like who lives in my

building I talked to her a lot because

she’s also studying English

what’d she like she’s really nice she

moved here from Texas about three months

ago what does she do she’s an accountant

that’s a good job she must be really

smart have you asked her out yet

actually we’re going to dinner on Friday

good luck

hi Jason sorry to bother you I have a

question for you okay what’s up I’ve

been having a problem with my computer I

know you’re an engineer so I thought you

might be able to help me I see

the problem I have a file that I can’t

open for some reason what type of file

is it it’s a Word document I’ve been

working on I need to finish it by

tomorrow were you able to open it before

on the computer you’re using now yes I

was working on it last night

and everything was fine but this morning

I couldn’t open the file do you think

your computer might have a virus no I

checked and there weren’t any okay I’m

not sure what’s wrong if it’s possible

email the file to me and I’ll see if I

can get it to open okay I’ll do that

when I get home are you going to be

around tonight yeah I’ll be home after

8:00 send it to me when you get a chance

and I’ll call you later

hi George do you know how to get

downtown sure why are you going there I

want to buy a new computer ok are you

driving yes go straight down this road

when you get to the second light take a

left then get on the highway and take

exit 52 that sounds really complicated

can you tell me again which road do I

take first you go down this road then at

the second light turn left that road is

Main Street okay I think I’ve got it now

why are you buying a new computer anyway

didn’t you just get one a few months ago

yes but it doesn’t work anymore where

did you buy it at Walmart I think your

computer should still be under warranty

you can bring it back to them and

they’ll fix it for free I think you’re

right I didn’t think about that

I should go talk to them about it

where’s the closest Walmart it’s about

two blocks from there I have to go there

to get some stuff now anyway do you want

to follow me sure

on did you see the news today no what

happened there was a big earthquake in

San Diego oh my goodness the president

was on the news talking about it earlier

was anyone her I think they said two

people were killed oh that’s terrible

yeah I can’t believe you hadn’t heard

about it they were talking about it on

CNN all day oh I don’t watch TV that

often don’t you watch the news no I

usually read the news online but I

haven’t had time to turn on my computer


what’s your favorite sport I like

basketball i watch the games on TV all

the time

who’s your favorite team the Boston

Celtics they’re really good this year

I’d say yes do you like them yes

everyone around here does do you think

they’ll win the championship this year

it’s possible they have some really good

players did you watch the game last

night a little not the whole thing I

watched the second half though and I saw

some of the highlights online it was a

great game wasn’t it yeah do you know

who they’re playing tomorrow night I

think they’re playing LA that’s going to

be a tough game LA has a good team

I live are you working on your webpage

now no I’m still waiting for you to send

me that image file for the home page you

mean you didn’t get it I sent it to you

over an hour ago

let me check it’s going to take a second

because I have to start up my computer


did you get it one second I just have to

open my web browser and check my hotmail

account okay okay here it is I got it

how do I find the web page I tried to

search for it on Yahoo but I couldn’t

find it

don’t use Yahoo use Google achar that

also and it didn’t work if you go to

Google and search for my name you should

be able to find it okay let me try that

I see it now

hey Michael I’m tired would you mind

driving for a while sorry I would like

to but I don’t know how to drive really

you don’t have a license I thought

everyone had a license no I’ve lived in

cities all my life and when I’m at home

I usually take the subway or bus I see

do you think you’ll ever learn how to

drive yes I plan to buy a car next year

I think you need one in the u.s.

actually now that I think about it a lot

of people in cities here take the bus

well I’d like to travel more I’ve been

here for a few months already but I feel

like I haven’t seen anything yet how are

you going to learn to drive do you want

me to teach you no I wouldn’t want to

trouble you I’ve already signed up for a

class in my house it starts next month

Thomas your English is so good how did

you learn it well in my country everyone

has to take English starting in the

first grade I’ve been taking English

courses for 12 years now wow that’s

interesting I remember when we took that

trip last year and visited your family

it seemed like there weren’t many people

who could speak with me in English oh

that’s because they don’t speak English

that much but they speak it in school

right maybe they just didn’t like me so

they didn’t want to talk to me no

actually they liked you a lot they told

me they thought you were very nice they

are just shy they’re not used to talking

with foreigners I remember when I first

came to the US I was really nervous

about speaking with people I see I

thought there were lots of Americans

teaching English in your country yes

that’s true

there are probably twice as many now as

there were five years ago but they’re

mostly in cities my family lives in the

country I wonder why personally I prefer

the country to the city it’s so quiet

and peaceful if I were to teach I would

want to teach in the country do you

think you would want to teach someday I

know the schools around my town are

looking for teachers so if you want I

can call them and get more information

no I don’t think so I would need to stay

there for a year and I don’t think I

could take that much time off work well

if you change your mind let me know I

think you would be a really great


Dorothee what are your plans for

Christmas oh yes it’s almost Christmas

isn’t it I’m not sure what I’ll be doing

then well if you don’t have any plans

your family could have dinner at my

house that’s very nice of you

Thanks have you finished your shopping

yet no I still have to do that I think

I’ll go to the mall this weekend

it’s going to be really crowded at the

mall you should shop online you’re right

my family loves to read so I can

probably get them all presents from

amazon.com what do you think you’ll get

your wife probably a romance novel it

seems like she’s always reading one of

those don’t you think you should get her

something a little more expensive like

jewelry or maybe a new computer maybe

you’re right it’s hard buying gifts I

think my wife has everything she wants

maybe I should just ask her

Martin who are you going to vote for you

mean for president yes I’m not sure you

you should make up your mind soon the

election is next month yes I know I hear

about it every day on the news I’m going

to vote for Obama I think he’s a good

choice but I think McCain would make a

good president also I know they’re both

good it’s hard to decide McCain is older

but he has more experience Obama seems

to have a lot of good ideas but some

people say he wants to raise taxes I

heard he wants to lower taxes it’s hard

to know what the truth is that’s the

reason I really don’t pay attention to

politics yes it can be frustrating but

it’s important and it’s interesting to


hey John can I talk to you for a minute

sure what’s up I wanted to let you know

about a book club I joined a couple of

months ago I know you do a lot of

reading so I thought you might want to

come with me next month oh that sounds

like fun

when did the group meet usually the last

Saturday is a month at 9:30 in the

evening is that too late for you no I

think that’s okay

what do you talk about in the group well

every month we choose a new book and

then during the next meeting we discuss

it what book are you reading now The

Kite Runner I’ve heard that’s a good

book what’s it about it is a good book

I’m almost finished the book is about a

boy who grows up in Afghanistan during

the 1980s it’s called The Kite Runner

because the main character takes part in

a kite flying competition that sounds

really interesting

I’d love to come okay great

the next meeting isn’t for another two

weeks so you still have time to read the