Spring activities Learn English with Jessica Everyday English Speaking


spring activities

spring is a beautiful time when the

weather is

lovely and everyone can participate in a

variety of

activities like taking a walk or going

on a picnic

let’s watch the following video to learn

what the common activities in spring are

and how to ask others to join you in

these activities

dialogue 1 taking a walk

monica are you up already

yeah i got up at 6. today is such a

beautiful day it’s sunny but it’s not

hot at all

flowers are also starting to bloom down

the street

i’m thinking that maybe we should take a


i need to get some exercise we were at


all the time last week because of the


yeah let’s do that i also want to get

out and enjoy some fresh air

okay then let’s go after we have


oh hey if we take a walk in the park

should we also

go on a picnic you know what

that sounds like a fine idea

what do you want to eat then i think

sandwiches would be a perfect choice

okay we still have some canned tuna left

i’ll make some tuna and egg sandwiches

i’ll also bring some orange juice

sounds great let me go find our picnic

basket and a blanket for us to sit on

ok let me wash my face then i’ll prepare

the food


dialogue 2 farmers market


hi jenny how are you doing

pretty good what about you lana

i’m good today’s weather is so lovely

i know i love spring

me too hey what are you doing today

i don’t have any plans for today i don’t

want to stay at home on such a beautiful

day but i can’t really think of anything

to do

i’m thinking of going to a farmers

market to buy some flowers

would you like to go with me a farmer’s


what’s that a farmer’s market is where

you can buy food

produce and plants directly from the


you can buy a lot of fresh food at very

good prices

wow i have never been to a farmer’s

market but that sounds interesting

oh do they sell flowers at that market

yep i believe they do great

i want to pick up some lilies or maybe

some roses to put in my living room

where is that market there’s one only

three blocks from here

we can walk there within five minutes

awesome i’ll go with you okay

let’s go then


dialogue three going on a picnic


good morning lizzy how are you

morning jane i’m well thanks how are you

i’m great i’m enjoying every moment of

this fine

spring day yeah

the weather is so beautiful

hey you know what should we go on a

picnic this weekend

it’d be a shame if we stay indoors when

the weather is this nice

the picnic sounds great what should we


any ideas do you like fishing

nah i don’t think fishing is for me i

tried going fishing once

but i guess i’m not patient enough

hmm what about just jogging and enjoying

the fresh air

there’s a really pretty path that leads

to central lake

that sounds awesome i know that path i

took a walk on that path once

right now there must be lots of

different flowers blooming by the side

of that path

i’d really like to go see the flowers

alright are you free saturday morning

yep i am should we meet at 8 a.m

in front of your house okay

let’s meet at 8. i’ll see you then

see you soon

dialogue for dinner at a rooftop


wow it looks incredible

your table is over there please follow


here’s the menu please let me know when

you’re ready to order

okay thanks please give us a couple of


please take your time

what do you want to eat honey um

i think i’ll have the creamy salmon and

mushroom pasta

and what about you i’ll have lobster and

some baked potatoes

that’s a great choice is there anything

else you’d like to order

can we also get a bottle of your most

popular type of red wine

of course i’ll bring you the wine right


and food will be served shortly thanks


how do you like your pasta really good

how’s your lobster here

have a bite it’s pretty good

this also tastes great

what do you think of this restaurant i

love it

the food is tasty the vibe is really


and the view is just amazing

we can see the whole town and enjoy the

chilly air from this rooftop

yeah i thought you’d love the view

i know you’re super busy but you still

went to the trouble

to find this restaurant for our date


thank you honey it’s a wonderful place

to spend

a saturday evening i’m glad you like it

let’s come back here sometimes


dialogue five gardening


what are you doing out there honey i’m

just doing the gardening

are you busy nope i’m free as a bird

let me give you a hand that’d be great

can you bring me the shovel and a pair

of gloves

okay i got them i’m coming


honey i’m thinking of fixing the garden

what do you think

that sounds alright we still have a lot

of empty space

yeah i want to grow some flowers what


should we plant can we plant orchids

i’m not sure if we should grow orchids

my friend says it takes a lot of work to

grow orchids

and also they will wilt and die easily

oh i didn’t know that hmm

let’s plant lilies and poppies then

those are your favorite flowers

oh that sounds wonderful and they are

pretty easy to grow as well

yeah we can also plant some grass maybe

we should also grow some vegetables

i’d like to do that too we can plant a

garden full of spinach

lettuce and carrots yeah

we can also plant tomatoes cucumbers and


we will no longer need to buy veggies at

the supermarket

i love that idea let’s go buy the seeds



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