What are you doing tomorrow Practice English Everyday Life Conversations


50 topics for everyday

life conversations 17

time and date dialog

have you seen the latest news the

schedule has been changed

i don’t know what is the new class


we changed the morning class schedule to

the afternoon class

so we have math with mr anderson at 2pm

great i hate going to school in the

morning in this cold weather

i will spend the morning sleeping

whatever because every morning i wake up

early to exercise and cook breakfast

well i know you have a healthy lifestyle

dialogue too

do you know what time it is it’s a

quarter past six

what’s up the movie stranger things

starts the new season at 7 30. i want to

get ready to see

i thought you said this movie wasn’t


it’s about season two you know this new

season has a great cast of guests

that sounds interesting now i’m going to

go make coffee to enjoy the movie

do you want mom i don’t drink coffee at


are you going to watch all the episodes

of course i’ve been waiting for this

movie for a month

well enjoy it dialogue three


hello where are you going

i’m on my way to the library

wow do you often go to the library

about three times a week why do you ask

oh nothing i’m just curious

how long can the books in the library be


you will be borrowed for about two to

three weeks

can you assist me with my studies

of course what time

at six o’clock tonight my family is

having dinner at that time

around 8 pm okay

that’s okay see you later

see you


18 shopping

dialogue one

good afternoon has anyone helped you yet

no not yet what could i do for you

yes i’m looking for a silk tie

well you’re in luck because we have some

ties that are on sale today

what color would you prefer oh

i prefer solid colors and checkered


here it is okay how much is it

the initial price is thirty five dollars

and a ten percent discount

now it’s 31.50

all right i’ll take it okay

i will repackage it for you

dialog 2.

hello can i help you with something

yes please i’m looking for a pair of

sports shoes

which size do you want i need size 42.

which particular branch do you prefer

i like adidas ones how about this one

it looks fine can i try it on

go ahead um

they’re too tight maybe i should try a

bigger size

yes sir here it is how much

forty dollars all right i’ll get it

dialog three

excuse me do you work in this store

yes may i help you my basement is being


i need a new brush better than an old

brush to work with

try using a spray gun spray gun

that sounds weird is it easy to use

it’s very easy to use i’ll get it for


that’s incredible it resembles a gun

from a science fiction film

yes but it’s a fantastic tool

it’s not messy because you may change

the tip or spray a smaller amount

well that’s probably better for little

details in corners

that’s correct and it’s on sale this


sounds really tempting

right when the product is defective you

can return it within one week

however it should not be necessary

oh i a five-year guarantee has been

offered by the manufacturer

it’s a guaranteed thing nice

i will take one well please give the

money to the cashier



19 offers and invitations

dialogue one


well what are you doing tomorrow evening

i will go to a live show with my friends

it’s the live show of the group maroon

maroon 5 it’s my favorite band

i’ve become their loyal fan since

listening to pay phone

so do you want to go with us

am i invited why not

we can buy an extra ticket for you

many thanks what time shall i meet you

a live show is going to start at 8 pm


we will meet at six o’clock at the


yes see you tomorrow then bye

dialogue two

what are your plans for thanksgiving

eric i’m staying at my university

what’s up are you staying on campus

don’t you go home with your family my

parents are traveling to switzerland

so what are you going to do i don’t know

maybe study or dinner with my friends

that’s really boring um

what options do i have why don’t you

come to my house and have dinner with my


do you think that’s a good idea

definitely yes

it will be so much fun but

your parents don’t worry

my parents enjoy having dinner with my


um okay so

when are you going to leave tomorrow


i’ll be waiting for you at the parking


you can help pay for gas okay

i can alright you’ll have a wonderful


20 congratulations and

celebrations dialogue



wow you look different today what’s

going on

today is our 30th wedding anniversary

our family is going to the hotel to


that’s why you have those gorgeous


oh what bag are you holding that’s the

present i prepared for my wife

a necklace studded with diamonds

fantastic your wife will surely be very


i also hope my wife will like it my wife

always complains about why i don’t give

her diamonds

hope you both have a good time thanks

dialogue too


morning tom oh morning anna

you look happy how’s it going great

have you heard any news no

what’s wrong i received my law college

admission letter oh really when

just this morning they sent me an email

well done thank you very much

now i’m too excited to go to class

forget about classes and lessons let’s

go have some fun

no i’d want to celebrate but not this


i will celebrate in the afternoon when

no one has class

of course the more the merrier

true what time do we meet let’s all meet

here at four o’clock

congratulations once again you’ve done a

great job

thank you i was fortunate

now we have to rush to class okay then

see you later

miss future lawyer i’ll see you this


21 telephone calls

dialogue one

hello hello may i speak to alice please

sorry about that there’s nobody here by

that name

is this the number eight six three three

one two one two one no

you got the wrong number please accept

my apologies

i must have phoned the incorrect number


two hello is alice available

sorry she’s not here i inquire as to who

is phoning

i’m anna can i take a message

don’t mind i’ll call her cell phone

all right thank you anyway

it was nothing dialogue three

good morning how can i help you good


could i speak to brian owen please

who’s calling please mary haston

hold for one moment please i’ll hold

okay ma’am i’m sorry his line is busy

mr owen is on the other line ma’am

can i take a message can you please

put me in touch with human resources

they may have already left let me check


ma’am yes

someone is in the office i’m going to

transfer your call

right now okay thank you

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