What should I do Everyday Life Conversations


giving advice

dialogue one max found

out that his girlfriend cheated on him

with another guy

nathan and scott max’s closest friends

take him out for a drink to cheer him up

hey man are you okay

no not really i don’t know what i should

do now

have you talked to her yet i did

she apologized and told me she still

wanted to be with me

but i don’t think we should continue

this relationship

yeah i agree i tried to do that with my

ex-girlfriend cheated on me we still

broke up afterward

my advice for you is to end things with


i don’t think so i think you should give

her a chance if you still love her

the thing is

i don’t trust her anymore

i only found out she cheated on me when

a friend told me he saw her with someone


he urged me to ask her about it

i’m very sorry max i wish we could help

it’s okay can you recommend to me what

drink i should get

i would recommend that you try that


i should know what’s good i go here all

the time

thank you i will follow your advice

you’re welcome if there is anything you

need let us know

yes thank you guys you are my best



dialogue two brian’s wife is pregnant

he wants to quit smoking to protect the

baby’s health

henry his friend used to be a smoker

he gives brian some advice on how to

quit it


hey brian congratulations on the good


you must be really happy right now thank

you henry

i am but i am also a bit worried

tell me what’s the problem nothing much

i’m just scared that my smoking habits

will affect the baby

so i’m thinking of quitting

i think you definitely should tell you


i used to be a smoker as well oh

really yes but i already quit it two

years ago

my lungs got very weak and i could not

breathe well

how was it for you was it hard to quit

at first yes i would advise you buy some

nicotine gum

you can find it at any store can you

tell me more about it

it is gum that helps prevent you from

wanting to smoke

it helped me a lot then

i think i should buy it immediately

thank you henry

no problem oh remember that you should

not use it for more than six months

thank you for the reminder you’re


good luck brian


dialogue three ellen gained

some weight recently because she ate too


she wants to lose them to become


she asks tina her best friend

to show her how tina

i feel really heavy i think i should

lose some weight

oh ellen you are already beautiful the

way you

are no it’s not that

i just want to be healthier do you have

any suggestions for me

hmm i have been drinking celery juice


it is good for detoxing you should try


that’s nice but i don’t think it will

have long

lasting results what else can i do

i would advise you to try running

cardio is great for losing weight

oh my personal trainer suggested that as

well but i

hate running you should start running

short distances then slowly

increase to longer ones i guess i could

do that

do you think i should go on a diet

yes you should but not harmful ones


look into eating clean i heard it is the

healthiest way to lose weight

i will thank you for your advice

you’re welcome let me know if you see

any results okay

my doctor advised me to lose some weight

as well

of course good luck ellen

dialogue four maya’s stomach hurts

she goes to the hospital for a health

check her doctor

lily gives her some advice

maya it looks like you have a problem

with your stomach

can you tell me what you have been doing


yes doctor i have been working overtime

and not having enough sleep for the last

few weeks

i see you should have at least seven

hours of sleep

per night so your body can rest by the


you can call me lily i got it lily

is there anything else that i can do to

help my stomach

i would advise you have a healthy diet

try not to eat

anything too spicy and drink a lot of


oh yes i love spicy food it is my guilty


a little bit of it is okay but too much

can upset your stomach

you should try to eat a lot of

vegetables as well

are there any specific vegetables that i

should eat

leafy greens like spinach and kale are

all good for your digestion

i will make a note of that thank you so

much lily

you are welcome please come back if your

symptoms do not decrease after a week

okay okay


dialogue five molly just

lost her job but she does not know why

her dad james advises her to


and prepare herself for future


hey dad can you give me some advice

i just lost my job i don’t know who else

i can ask

oh i’m sorry honey tell me what happened

i am not really sure myself my boss just

told me that i did not fit the company’s


it’s okay you should not be too sad

about it things happen

instead you should focus on preparing

yourself for future job

interviews yes but shouldn’t i reflect


what i did wrong as well that’s a good


i would advise you to write it down that

usually helps me to think clearly

okay i will try to do that anything else

hmm you probably should get some

training courses on how to ace an

interview as well

it will help you impress your future


thank you dad you always have the best


i feel much better now you’re welcome


tell me if you need anything else okay i

love you

love you too dad

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