Where were you last week Simple Topics for Everyday Life Conversations


50 topics for everyday life




dialogue one

hey i need your help

tell me if i can help i will

my automobile is having mechanical

issues and i need to take it to a repair


what exactly do you want me to do

the automobile must remain there

overnight could you take me home


yes of course what’s the matter with

your car something must be wrong with

the engine and it makes a strange noise

all the time

how long ago did you buy a car

it was my father’s car it’s nearly 10

years old

when was the last time you got your car


i don’t remember exactly maybe four or

five months ago

i think it’s time to change to a new car

i hope it’s not serious because right

now i really can’t afford it

anyway i’ll be able to pick you up

tomorrow what time is it

arrive at my company at six o’clock p.m

and follow me to the mechanics okay

okay i will go from my company to your

company see you tomorrow

many thanks see you

dialogue two

have you ever been on a camel ride

yes but it was dreadful

this camel was constantly attempting to

bite me and smelled horrible


i tried riding a camel once the feeling

was very interesting

it didn’t have an unpleasant smell

you for me it was a horrifying


what about an elephant have you ever

been on an elephant ride

never and you

yes i frequently ride elephants in

reality my elephant has arrived do you

want to ride

thanks for your suggestion but i’m

afraid i can’t

dialogue three

do you own a

car no i do not have

why i assume all foreigners have their

own cars

true many westerners own cars

but i don’t have it because i enjoy

walking and furthermore i need exercise

to keep from getting too fat


you mean you’d gain weight if you had a


  1. health and illness

dialogue one

you were absent all week last week where

were you last week

i was recuperating at home

what are you recovering from

remember how i injured my back while

playing basketball

yeah i remember but that happened two

months ago

i thought it was okay but no

it became painful last week and i went

to see the doctor

what did the doctor say

the doctor said that i had a herniated

disc in my lower back

oh my god so serious

yes he was shocked that i could walk

anyway i had surgery


why you do not talk to me

oh it was a simple treatment and i had

to relax for a few days afterward

and you’re okay now

not at all sometimes the pain still

comes and i must continue to attend

physical therapy

is it still hurting

yes it would hurt so i’m on pain


i’m sorry to hear that best wishes for a


recovery thank you

dialogue too

god my head

what’s the problem did you have an


no i’m suffering from a hangover

hangover what do you mean

we had a party last night

a hangover is the feeling you

experienced the next day after drinking

too much the night before

you should not consume excessive amounts

of alcohol

perhaps you should take pain relievers

i already took painkillers it doesn’t

seem to work for me

i may need to take a hair of the dog

that bit me the night before

what does that even mean

that’s something i’ve never heard before

that is

you will drink what you drink the night

before which gives you a hangover

it’s not a good idea

i’m just kidding

i’m going to take a break


dialogue 3

your face looks so pale are you sick

i’m not sure i’m feeling hot and i’m

suffering from a headache

i guess you have a fever have you taken

the temperature yet

have you been to the doctor perhaps you

should go to the hospital you might have


oh no

here comes my bus bye

wait wait wait i’d want to speak with


this isn’t your bus you’ve boarded the

incorrect bus

sorry please excuse me let me through

let me down

thank god i got down in time

you’re so lucky

that bus goes in the opposite direction

from your house


the bus has arrived i gotta go see you


wait that’s not your bus

39 education

dialogue one

i’m concerned about the local education

system quality

where what area do you mean

i mean the area where we’re moving to

i’ve heard a lot of awful stuff


low test scores high dropout rates and

issues with discipline

the school doesn’t seem to care about

the students

hmm that sounds bad

i find the issue of education there very

alarming jack’s school here was

excellent but what about his new one

we should pay more attention to this


well i think so

there is a good private school nearby

a catholic school

is it pricey

not too expensive i know some of my

co-workers send their children there as


at the very least that is a better


on monday i’ll phone them and inquire

about registering jack for next semester

okay but think carefully about your



dialogue too

is your ielts test okay

how do you think you fared on the iel at


not so good maybe i only got a 6.5

if i want to get into manchester

university i have to get a 7.5

is it that difficult

almost no one ever gets a 7.5

yes it’s a really high score that is

really difficult to attain

so which university do you plan to


i’m not certain perhaps i’ll attend

guangzhong university of foreign studies

in guangxo

that’s a good choice too

at least you will be able to eat chinese

food every day


three night our chinese buddy yuki lon

phoned me

oh how is she doing is she still

enrolled in college

of course she’s a good student her

subjects all scored a and i complimented

her on her intelligence

well i think that schools train students

very well particularly in terms of


that is why they excel in mathematics

and science

yeah she is really fortunate because

california citizens are entitled to free


i’m not sure how she’d finance college

with her part-time work at mcdonald’s

of course we know she’s tenacious and


she owes you a great deal for assisting

her in obtaining a visa to the united


i think she deserves it she tried a lot

  1. work

dialogue one

you look a bit tired what’s up

nothing i’m at work right now

are you really okay

actually i’m not very well

work makes me very stressed

why is that

you know i’ve lost all respect since the

firm declared their aim of sales

i don’t quite get it

my sales last month did not meet the

target so this month must meet the


oh i see

i’ve been contacting everyone i can

think of saying anything to get a sale

that’s great that is what our company


i know but i’m really exhausted

i’m virtually begging for selling goods

i’m not sure what to say to you

i’m going to be all right i simply need

to have a cup of coffee and

unwind for a few moments

i know you are under a lot of stress

right now

relax and before you make any decisions

tell me

i guarantee it you’ll be the first to

know if i do something insane

everything will be fine don’t worry

dialogue 2.

are you okay

oh i’m simply exhausted


i worked a total of 10 hours

why do you have to work so many hours

i want a little extra income

money is vital but your health is far

more so you know you can’t purchase


thanks for your advice

dialogue three

is the teaching in the new school okay

it’s fantastic we have a terrific time

together my students are very obedient

and hard working


do you enjoy teaching

well i like it my students always make

me laugh all day

that’s great so you decided to teach at

this school

right i will try more

thanks for watching

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