Why did you say that Learn English by Topics for Everyday Life Conversations


50 topics for everyday life


48 household objects and tools

dialog one

hey chris what exactly are you looking


i’m looking for remote control i don’t

see it anywhere

tv remote

no i’m referring to the dvd player

is it absolutely necessary

yeah if i need to pause the movie or

change to a different scene

have you looked for it everywhere

is it trapped in the couch

i looked for it there

how long has it been since you last saw


i was watching the news this morning i

was using it to switch channels

so where could it be

i also wonder where it is

oh here

in the midst of a heap of newspapers

oh well i’m curious how it got there

i don’t know

anyway thanks for finding it

what would you do if you didn’t have me

dialogue too

fortunately my roommate moved to another


why did you say that

she was always utilizing my items

without my permission

she arbitrarily used my ruler paper

stapler tape and other supplies

did you remind her

no i have not

you know it might be tough to mention

these topics with friends or roommates

at times

you should have probably stated the

ground rules first

you wouldn’t have been so irritated if

she hadn’t utilized your belongings

yes i will notify my roommate not to use

my belongings without my consent the

next time

or even better i won’t have a roommate

that would save a lot of time and effort

live and learn as they say

maybe you’re right

  1. politics

dialogue one

who are you going to vote for

that is a secret i don’t think i need to

tell you

really but i can tell you i voted for


allens why he’s such an idiot


so you must have voted for roberts

sure i did he has very serious plans for

actual transformation

and how do you suppose he’ll perform all

that he’s told

there’s a budget surplus the government

has extra money

it’s not enough for all his schemes he

attends to boost taxes

i’m willing to spend a bit more if it

means a better quality of life for all

of us

pay more taxes i don’t want to

why although holland stated that he

would not raise taxes

this does not make him a good president

as a result he is a low-cost president

he’d let me spend my money as i wanted

instead of paying more taxes

why don’t you agree to pile more taxes

obviously not

they didn’t earn it i did so i want to

spend on what i want

what about those less fortunate than us

are you going to take care of them

i suppose so if individuals like you

aren’t willing to do it

do you believe you have all the answers

at the very least i’m considering the


dialogue 2


i’m sure you’re relieved your time on

the city council is done


it’s really a lot of pressure and

sometimes it was a headache

why do you say that

you can satisfy some of the people all

the time and all of the people some of

the time

abraham lincoln observed but he can’t

satisfy all the people all the time

that quote i believe is incorrect

i believe it was fool the people rather

than pleasing the people

you know there was no way you could

please everyone all the time

that’s quite typical someone will always

object to something no matter what you

say or do

i’m not sure why people like politics so

much it always makes them stressed

it’s worth getting into politics

and i was just elected to the city


consider working in state or federal


well i must say that i appreciate your


if only more people were like you it

would be

worthwhile 50.


dialogue one


what are you now reading

oh i see there’s a topic in the paper

i’m not sure whether i agree with the


what is the article about

i believe his political viewpoints are


everyone has their own opinion

i think the journalist should not put

his personal opinion in the article

except for an editorial story

oh my each newspaper has its own style

some papers are liberal while others are


i know but this author appears to be

prejudiced toward the president

and you don’t agree

honestly his point is very convincing

simply consider what he says will you

remember it i’m still trying to do that

it is beneficial to read stuff with

which you disagree

it helps to keep your mind sharp

yeah this newspaper makes me unable to

refute because my theoretical point is

too sketchy


that is true for everyone and it is

wonderful to recognize that

just wait till i read another tale in

favor of the president

dialogue 2.



i don’t believe the station does a good

job of covering the news

i don’t agree being a news director must

be a demanding job

so what is its difficulty

they must pick which news is the most

significant or what to start with this

is what draws viewers in

that shouldn’t be that difficult it is

just what is happening around the globe

no not always perhaps they want to start

with a less important story that hasn’t

yet been reported

then they must select whether to do a

live interview a short video or a long


it shouldn’t be an issue because there

is so much news

however everything must be timed to the


the newscasters must practice

pronouncing the names of overseas cities

and leaders

furthermore they cannot be a second too

short or a second too long

how did you know all this

i have a master’s degree in journalism

and have taken some broadcasting classes

i also did a radio program or a public

service announcement

you have a lot of talent

no not at all

oh and did i mention that i also did

community news for a radio station

dialogue three

which newspaper do you like to read

the star tribune is my go-to source for

breaking news however for local events i

like the post review

what about the cambridge

oh their news is not about what i’m

interested in

i enjoy the editorials and the star

tribune particularly those by the guest

editor realism

i’m thinking of sending an editorial to

them really what subject will it be


my thoughts on zoning rules and


i believe the city is not doing enough

to curb urban sprawl

i concur that’s a terrific idea for a

topic on that point i believe everyone

would agree with you


have you forgotten about the developers

of real estate

if i fired some bullets at them they’d

be as enraged as hornets

however it is ultimately up to the city

council to enact zoning rules and


alright i’ll do it then

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