Asking for and Giving Personal Information in English

okay I think we’re starting sorry for

the delay guys we’re back work we’re

beginning this week’s live stream so

welcome to this week’s live stream here

on our channel thanks very much for

joining us as always this week this

week’s topic is going to be exchanging

contact information so I hope we can

talk about a lot of things today I want

to talk about how to exchange contact

information in a way that doesn’t make

the other person feel uncomfortable and

we’re also going to talk about how to

maybe accept or refuse if someone asks

you for your contact information so

we’re going to start in just a couple


I see YouTube chat is up hi everybody in

YouTube chat room from Cambodia hello

with some good morning Marcel oh hello

gyro hello Freddy Alex Alex from Russia

hi great Eduardo from Guatemala

fantastic YouTube it’s ready Facebook

will be up in just a moment in the

meantime though there is something I do

a quick review of every lesson show how

I used some words that we talked about

in the previous lesson in my life so I

think in just a second I’m going to show

a photo just from Twitter a screenshot

from Twitter about some way that I used

last week’s point in my life so last

week we talked about New Year’s

resolutions and New Year’s resolutions I

said that there’s like a set phrase that

we usually use New Year’s resolutions

but we can also use the word goal to

talk about those things so you’ll see

here in just a minute yeah I said this

year I definitely have some goals so I

didn’t use the word resolution here but

I said I think rather than write about

them it’ll be better to share them as

they happen so you can talk about your

goals or your resolutions generally as I

did here that’s fine too so this is how

I used last week’s point in my everyday

life all right but great so that’s good

then I want to mention a couple of

questions actually a few people had the

same question about a vocabulary word I

used in last week’s live stream and that

was about the word loci I said that I

had a very low-key holiday and people

say what does low-key mean this word if

you’re not sure if you weren’t in last

week’s live stream

I used the word low-key this word here

this was a word that I used to talk

about my holiday and people said what

does low-key mean I don’t know what that

word means

low-key is a very casual word it’s kind

of a slang word it means low intensity

so low-key means like low intensity so

it’s it means like quiet or relaxed or

not a lot of force or not like emotional

very very low intensity low-key so this

is a nice word to explain a day off or

like to explain an event to explain a

party like a low-key party or a low-key

barbecue or a low-key night out for

example so that’s a word that I talked

about last week but today we’re going to

talk about how to exchange your contact

information so we have a couple points I

want to mention kind of three parts for

today’s lesson but I think actually I

say Facebook is up now - great that’s

fantastic so Facebook hi ah from Algeria

great Carlos and Richard hi Richard

welcome back ruse Berto from Atlanta

great good good good okay everybody’s

here so I want to start today’s topic by

the way if you haven’t already please

make sure to hit the like button on

youtube or on Facebook it helps other

people to find the video so if you’re

just joining please make sure to hit the

like button and of course share if you

want to as well but okay I want to start

today’s topic so today’s topic as I said

is exchanging contact information we’re

going to break it into three I’ve

decided to break it into three parts

first we’re going to talk about how to

ask for someone else’s information but I

know that many of you probably know like

what’s your phone number or what’s your

email address I want to talk about ask

about like social media accounts and how

to ask that in a polite way so in a way

that makes the other person feel

comfortable so that’s one - I want to

talk about how to ask and give your

contact information in a business

setting so something a bit more formal

that will be the second point for today

and then the third point I want to talk

about for today is responding to

requests for your contact information so

that’s those three okay but let’s begin

with the first topic that I said I

wanted to talk about how do you ask for

someone’s information so please be

careful I want to review this word we’ve

talked about many times on the channel

so Michael and I have talked about this

word I’ve talked about this word in ask

Alicia the word creepy so when you ask

someone for their contact information

don’t be creepy remember the word creepy

it’s a casual it’s kind of an everyday

word but it means a person who causes

nervous feelings in other people so we

need to ask for contact information but

we should not be creepy about it so

first point is don’t begin your

conversation asking for someone’s

contact information so that’s rather

creepy so if you walk up to somebody and

say hey can I have your phone number hey

can I have your email address it’s it’s

strange and uncomfortable so first

please make sure to speak with the other

person for a while for a short time and

then perhaps gently politely ask for

their contact information so please

avoid saying give me your facebook give

me your Instagram because these sound

rather creepy or they can’t or they

sound a similar word is pushy these

words can sound creepy or pushy so pushy

means a person who tries to push the

other person to convince the other


to do something so please don’t be

creepy don’t be pushy these are two key

points for today so what should you say

what should you say so I’m going to talk

about just three example sentences you

can use to ask for someone’s social

media accounts exchanging contact

information through social media so in

these example sentences I’m using just a

few popular social media platforms but

you can of course choose the platform

that is that you are interested in using

so we’ll look at it here in just a

second I think it’ll come in just a

second but instead of saying give me

your facebook or give me your Instagram

or something well instead say do you use

Facebook do you use Instagram do you use

whatsapp these are much much better

questions so the reason so why why is

this why is saying do you use Facebook

why is this better it’s because if you

use this question the other person has

the chance to say no the other person

can say no I don’t use Facebook or no I

don’t use Instagram so if the other

person feels uncomfortable then this is

a chance for them to say no I don’t want

to exchange my contact information so

this is a much much better question to

ask to use Facebook to use Instagram to

use what’s up I asked this question if

the other person says no then you can

say oh okay I understand and then maybe

you can you can ask is there another way

I could contact you which is fine you

know email address or phone number but

if they say yes if they say yes to this

question then you can follow up so we’ll

talk about that in just a moment so if

you say that do you use Facebook

do you use Instagram to use whatsapp

then your follow-up question so they say

yes I do

or yeah yes I do I do something like

that then your next question is going to

be something like we’ll see it in just a

second here the next question will be

for Facebook for example can I add you

as a friend can I add you as a friend or

can I follow you

or can I have your number so depending

on the social media that you’re talking

about if it’s Facebook for example can I

add you as a friend or if it’s Twitter

or Instagram can I follow you or if it’s

whatsapp can I have your number in

YouTube Roberto says can I say pass me

your Facebook no we don’t use the verb

pass for Facebook we don’t use that verb

we say like can I add you our can i

friend you on facebook we use these as

verbs to friend or to add so we don’t

use the verb pass we can say like let’s

exchange Facebook info or like let’s

exchange like our I don’t know our

Instagram account names exchange is okay


so these are some good questions you can

ask that are rather polite so again if

you say give me your facebook or give me

your Instagram it’s a little too pushy

so I don’t recommend those instead I

recommend do you use Facebook then can I

add you as a friend long and YouTube

says can or could I would recommend can

can could I add you as a friend it’s a

little more formal and in most cases if

you’re saying like asking about

someone’s social media accounts it’s

probably a casual situation so I would

recommend using can instead of good yeah

do you have Instagram yes so I’m so you

use so something something says can I

say do you have facebook yes yes that’s

the question we talked about before and

Garrison says can you give me your

Facebook is that way correct can you

give me your Facebook it’s okay but I

think I still think it’s better to ask

do you use Facebook I think most people

say that instead it’s just it’s more

polite it’s much softer I would

recommend do you use Facebook and then

the next question if they say yes say

can I add you as a friend Toni says

would you like to have my phone number

that is a very confident question I

don’t know if I would use that if

someone said that to me

I would feel I would feel that person is

a little too confident

um on Facebook essa asks is a– i just

answered one of your questions in the

next ask Alicia um are you on Instagram

yes you can use are you on Instagram or

are you on Facebook yeah tarik has the

same question on Facebook are you on

Instagram are you on Facebook

yes yes those are great questions to Leo

asked may I have your number yes that’s

also a good question today I’m focusing

on like social media because I think

many people like to use those today

so these are a few ways that you can

kind of politely ask for someone’s

social media like accounts and they have

the chance to refuse if they’d like to

okay good so I would recommend that all

right shoe bomb on YouTube says can we

be friends on Facebook that’s another

nice question yeah so you can again do

you use Facebook yes can we be friends

on Facebook okay

that’s sort of the pattern for the

conversation so do you use Facebook do

you use Instagram these are very nice

questions to ask I highly recommend

those okay yeah and Deena has another

one are you on Twitter

do you use Twitter we have that as well

yes good okay so that’s our first topic

for today how to kind of ask about

social media in a polite way but now I

want to take a quick break so as always

our awesome team has prepared some good

stuff for you guys this week for free so

please check the link in the description

below the video on youtube and above the

video on Facebook this week we have PDF

cheat sheets again a lot of people

really liked these I think they are free

PDF cheats I think you’re gonna see them

in just a second maybe yeah there we go

okay so these are cheat sheets a

vocabulary cheat sheet so that you are

able to kind of review any vocabulary

that maybe you’re not confident about or

maybe there’s a new topic that you know

you’re going to need to use or to think

about so these are great ways to do that

you can download these for free from our

website if you check the link below the

video on YouTube and above the video if

you’re watching on Facebook you can

download those for free right away so

please check those out there’s a lot of

good stuff in there okay great

so let’s get back to today’s topic um

good and yes if you’re just joining

please make sure to like and share the

video super super helpful for us today

we’re talking about exchanging contact

information um you Malak us which video

should I use to learn English from

beginning on your channel um from

absolute beginner we have one 30-minute

video that’s actually kind of old that

we did but it’s it’s like learn English

in 30 minutes but it’s from our English

in three minutes series that’s a nice

way to learn the basics I think um I

don’t use whatsapp now my Instagram

account I start this live stream every

week with an example from my social

media accounts if you haven’t found it

by now

go check go check okay let’s go on to

the next topic so the next topic is

going to be exchanging your contact

information in a more formal situation

so how do you do that in a in a business

situation for example if you go to a

conference or a networking event then

you might have a business card with you

like I don’t know maybe I do have maybe

uh-huh but if you go to like a

networking event or something like that

you might have cards with you so um

that’s a situation I might have

something in here here let’s I have an

Adidas card we’ll use that okay so

that’s this will be my business card for

today okay so if you go to a business

event its natural to introduce yourself

to someone and because you are at the

event for the purpose of networking for

the purpose of exchange and contact

information so when you do that it’s

typically polite at least at like a


in the US or maybe a conferences in the

UK for example to share a little bit

about yourself so who are you what do

you do and then you can you can finish

that by giving the other person your

card you can say here’s my card and then

you’ll see here in just a second so

you’ll say here’s my card yeah here’s my

card and then I and then give a summary

of your job a really quick summary of

your job so for example I could say hi

my name is like here’s my card

I make videos at English classes

or here’s my card I edit and translate

documents in my case or like here’s my

card I make cakes in a bakery I don’t

know depending on your job depending on

what you do here’s my card

I plus a summary of your job so this

summary should probably begin with a

verb phrase so I in my case like make

videos and teach English at English


so some kind of short summary of your

job when you give the other person your

card however if you’re having a

conversation with somebody and they

don’t give you a card they don’t give

you any information about how to contact

them but you would like to keep in touch

don’t ask for their social media account

and don’t say do you use Facebook

perhaps if it’s very casual if it’s very

I don’t know low-key then you could but

instead in most business situations

there are a couple of other questions

that you can ask here these two are more

formal questions first

is there an email address where I can

reach you about this if you like you can

you can drop this part that’s okay

is there an email address where I can

reach you it’s fine or is there an email

address where I can reach you about this

so meaning about this topic so this is

one way like you can you can ask for an

email address or here is there a phone

number where I can reach you this is

another way to get in touch with

somebody for like a more

a business situation something that’s a

little bit more of a formal question

Raphael yes it is an adidas card that’s

the card in my wallet okay my example

business card so these two are more

formal these two are ways that you can

ask more politely for someone’s

professional contact information so in

this case if you say is there a phone

number where I can reach you it’s

probably not going to be well it might

be someone’s personal cell phone number

but this is for these are more

professional questions so I want to

practice this a little bit so I in my

example about giving your business card

to someone giving a short summary of

what you do I know many of you like

teach or our students are studying but

imagine if you were going to a

conference if you were going to a more

formal situation looking for a job in

English for example and you gave your

card to somebody what would you say so

this is our our point so I hope get

ready get ready to chat at me um so in

your case if you were giving your card

we’ll see you here in a second oh we’re

fixing some text really quickly if you

were giving your card to someone in a

formal situation what would you say so

my example was here’s my card I make

videos for English class

here take my card this is me or here’s

my card I translate and I edit English

document so here’s my card I run a

design firm in LA so in your case in

your case if you were giving your card

to someone in a formal situation what

would you say garrison has a question on

Facebook is there a phone number where I

can reach out you ah you can say reach

out to you but reach out is typically

used like when you maybe you’re making

an introduction for a new project like

for example I want to reach out to you

to see if you’re interested in this

project when you’re just exchanging

information I would recommend is there a

phone number where

I can reach you I think that’s better

don’t worry about reach out in this

introductory one thanks for the question

though okay

so Deena says here’s my card I am so

here I’m if you want to introduce your

job title which I think Deena did in you

tin the YouTube chat if you want to

introduce just your job title say I am a

teacher I am a doctor or here like what

I was thinking was a what do you do so I

help people with their problems I don’t

know so here you can introduce your job

title or you can introduce actually your

activities here so either is fine good

Junior says here’s my card I’m a student

okay good good good that’s fine that’s

fine if you’re a student by the way if

you’re a student talk about what you’re

studying so you can say um like Jun

junior in your case I don’t know what

you’re studying but like here’s my card

I’m a student I’m studying blah blah

blah or I’m interested in blah blah blah

so give the other person something like

how are they going to remember you give

them something they’re like oh yeah this

is his card

this guy is interested and I don’t know

cakes I don’t know why okay so please

think about that this is an opportunity

to share something about yourself with

the other person Roberto says here’s my

card I am and don’t forget your article

I am an expert in genes oh okay exciting

um why do you do you mind if you give me

your mobile number I would say I don’t

know that that’s maybe the best question

you could say like would it be possible

to get your contact information is a

little is much actually much more

natural I feel okay

Tuan says here’s my card I’m a software

quality control something expert maybe

or I’m a software a quality control

specialist something like that that’s

nice though

subhan says here’s my card here’s make

sure don’t forget this s yeah here’s my

card I’m studying engineering nice

Taylor here’s my card

I’m an English teacher I’m a I’m an

adult English teacher sounds good

Ferris says here’s my card I’m a

magician really okay cool um

Tariq II on Facebook says here’s my card

I run an engineering consultancy firm

perfect very nice for y’all I’m here’s

my card I’m an Arabic teacher great Dina

says what is reach you is there up reach

reach you means contact you so like to

reach out it’s like so reaching is this

motion yeah I like to reach for

something but reach out as a set phrase

means contact someone like digitally

like through transmission so to reach

out to someone through email so like

reaching out but they’re far away so

reach out in like by phone or by email

and Allah says here’s my card I’m a

designer good Raphael on Facebook I’m a

lawyer here’s my card great good good

good good okay very nice very nice this

seems very clear okay so this is one way

to introduce yourself in a business

situation but it is time for another

break I think so let’s take a quick

break and look again at our PDF cheat

sheets for the week you’ll see them in

just a second

um these these yeah there they go so

we’re talking about today business and

work in this in this section right now

so if you know that there’s like

something business e related perhaps

that you need to brush up on before you

go to a conference to exchange your

cards this could be a good resource for

you so these are PDFs you can download

them to your phone or to your computer

and you can study them even if you don’t

have access to the Internet so take a

look at those the link is below the

video on YouTube and above the video on

Facebook okay good

so let’s finish up today our third topic

I said so the third topic was responding

to requests for your contact information

we talked about it a little bit already

but also if you haven’t already make

sure to LIKE the video if you’re

join like and share like a joke okay

anyway let’s go on to the last topic for

today so um we talked about like do you

use Facebook or is there a phone number

where I can reach you of course and some

of you mentioned in the chat to like can

I have your email address or can I have

your phone number

those are great questions as well I just

wanted to introduce a few different ones

today but if someone says can I have

your email address can I have your phone

number of course just say sure sure is a

great response or yes is a very simple

response that’s great and then give your

information however sometimes of course

for everybody there are cases where we

don’t want to give our contact

information to the other person for a

number of reasons

so I want to introduce a couple ways to

refuse and that are like polite I feel

and hopefully hopefully the other person

is not creepy or pushy so please I hope

you aren’t creepy or pushy and hopefully

the other person is not creepy and not

pushy but if someone says for example

can I have your phone number and you

think oh I don’t really want to give

this person my number you can use this

response I’m sorry but it’s private it’s

private so this is a nice phrase it’s a

very very general response you can use

this for like your phone number your

email address if you like if you like

your social media accounts perhaps to

like I’m sorry but it’s private this is

a very general response you can use to a

request for your contact information I’m

sorry but it’s private my phone number

is private so in most cases the other

person should understand okay this is I

should not push any further so I’m sorry

but it’s private okay however if you

have maybe like a specific rule for like

your social media use or something like

that and a couple other things that you

can say like if someone says can I have

your Facebook or do you use Facebook or

something like that and maybe you do but

you have a specific

rule for how you use Facebook or how you

use Instagram many people do you can say

for example sorry I use Facebook for

family members only so maybe this is a

polite way to refuse someone if you like

if their if people are being like pushy

if you’re dealing with a pushy person or

a creepy person you can try to use

something like this like I use Facebook

for my family members only or my

Instagram is for close friends only so

these are a couple of examples of ways

to like nicely refuse to nicely refuse

if however there’s still like someone is

still like um really pushing you or

whatever you can say something like I

prefer not to share my contact

information but hopefully you don’t need

to say that

so I’m sorry it’s private yeah can I in

YouTube the YouTube chat says the rude

one is I’m sorry but it’s none of your


yes that is rather rude so if you’re

dealing if the person is rather pushy if

they’re like really pushing for your

contact information and like you’ve

politely refused many times somebody

might say that

so it’s none of your business it is

quite rude yeah but you might hear that

if you’re too pushy yeah okay good um


Touche agon facebook says I can’t

download the cheat sheets do you have an

account you need to have an account on

the website you can make an account for

free and then go to the link and

download the cheat sheets there okay

good so we talked about a lot of points

for today but I hope that I hope that

the things we talked about today are

helpful in in politely and tactfully so

tactful means like um maybe kindly and

with understanding for the other

person’s feelings so I hope that you can

exchange your contact information and

exchange your social media stuff

politely and without being creepy or

pushy okay so we have to finish up two

days stream unfortunately so thank you

so much for joining us today we’re

happening up at the end of the lesson

I’m gonna steal the mouse sorry okay

good but I have to finish up for today

so um next week actually next week’s

livestream we’re going to talk about job

interview questions a lot of you have

asked about job interview situations and

so on so I’m going to prepare some

sample job interview questions and a

couple different patterns for how to

answer so that’s gonna be next week’s

topic Kudo Domino yes it is live it is

live this is almost finished though so

we’re going to talk about typical

questions and some sample answers for

job interviews in English so I hope that

that’s useful for you guys so please

join us next week so next week is going

to be like Wednesday January 17th at 9

p.m. Eastern Standard Time 9:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time so that’s New York

City time so look at what time it is now

for those of you watching live it’s 30

minutes ago

so we’ll start 30 minutes ago next week

so in the meantime of course please

check out the links the PDF sheets I

talked about before also if you like

thanks very much for submitting all your

questions on the ask Alicia page -

that’s a really cool if you have other

questions please feel free to send me

questions at the ask Alicia page that’s

it English class 101 comm / ask - Alicia

so there are lots of ways for us to

connect ok so in the meantime good luck

exchanging your contact information with

everybody and enjoy the rest of your

week so thank you so much for joining

thank you very much for liking and

sharing the video and for sending your

great comments and your great questions

so enjoy the rest of your week enjoy the

rest of your day and I will see you

again next time
