HAVE TO NEED TO MUST English Modal Verbs of Necessity

all right have you started I think we’re

rolling welcome back Internet welcome

back to our live stream my name is

Alisha and today we’re going to talk

about have to need to got to and must

these are words we use to talk about

responsibilities things we have to do so

there are some people in the YouTube

chat already great um let’s see Taylor

hello yes everyone is here to learn

English Khan hello from Thailand

Facebook is coming up in just a moment

so we’re going to wait for everybody to

join in we’ll keep an eye on Facebook

not there yet alright Road Jerry oh

hello on YouTube I see you Dewey and I’m

not late we are exactly on time we’re

exactly on time a fantastic man hello

from China thanks for watching drifts

yes I’m here your teacher and your

teacher for today it looks like Facebook

is up maybe yes Facebook is up Edith on

Facebook hello I see you welcome on

YouTube Eduardo hello as well Jennifer

hello on YouTube Jonas hello Anderson

and Leonardo from Brazil hello Roger Rio

hi and Sebastian hello from Cambodia

no-name from Cambodia mysterious okay we

are going to wait for other people to

join so while we join a recap from last

week and a couple questions we got last

week I would like to talk about so first

I want to as I do every week share how I

used last week’s grammar point the

present perfect tense in my own life so

you’ll see it here in just a second this

was my tweet from last week I was

talking about this tweet is actually

about our recent whiteboard series that

we’re doing where I kind of talk about a

specific grammar point in the lesson as

a lesson for a long time and so I used

the present perfect tense actually here

I said this is the only thing we’ve ever

done we have ever done the only thing

we’ve ever

done where it’s just me alone in a room

so I was talking about all of our video

experience as a whole as a general

experience and I used here the only

thing we’ve ever done in the present

perfect tense to talk about our video

experience so this is one way that I

used present perfect tense just in my

everyday life since last week so if you

haven’t seen that video by the way check

it out and you can check it out let’s

see I linked it here on Twitter I linked

it let’s see I linked it there it’s

linked on YouTube it’s linked on

Facebook so check it out wherever is

convenient for you

okay let’s see more people are joining

great Tiago from Brazil hi Alex on

YouTube hello Eric yeah hi lots of

people from Brazil as always good

evening on Facebook more people are

joining the Dene welcome is it your

first live first live stream cool Rosa

hi Carlos hi TK lo Marco hello and

Andrew from Taiwan on YouTube okay

I want to go to some questions we got

from last week though last week we had

some really good ones one we got a few

times was the difference between present

perfect and present progressive tense

someone name you know ask this the

difference between present perfect tense

and present progressive tense like for

example I have studied English for three

months and I have been studying English

for three months using the progressive

tense I have been studying has a much

stronger nuance of continuing it sounds

like you are continuing your studies

that action started in the past and is

continuing to the future it sounds like

you have maybe more focus on that that

item that you’re doing that action

you’re doing so if you want to emphasize

continuity you want to emphasize

something continues to occur use the

progressive tense in that case thanks

for that question also from someone

named Rafael really good question any

difference between do you ever and have

you ever yes so do you ever is an action

you do regularly in your everyday life

for example do you ever go hiking or do

you ever go scuba

means in your in your regular life as

part of your lifestyle do you do those


have you ever on the other hand is about

your past experience like have you ever

gone hiking means in your whole life in

your life experience have you had the

experience of hiking so do you ever

happens now in the future perhaps or in

your regular life have you ever is a

past tense question about your past

experience so thanks for that

do you ever versus have you ever nice


okay lots more people are joining there

are a lot of other questions and I don’t

think I have enough time to get to

today’s topic but I’ll introduce it one

more time because now a lot of people

are here I think which is great also if

you haven’t please make sure to like

this video hit the like button on

Facebook or on YouTube it’s really

helpful for us people can find the video

and if we if we get enough people liking

and watching the video then we can

continue to make livestream so please

please please hit the like button as


today’s topic though if you are just

joining is have to got to need to and

must and the negative form so today

we’re going to talk about how to explain

your responsibilities the things you

have to do okay then I think we’re about

six minutes in so I think I might start

today’s topic if that’s okay we have

lots more people great

nabil on Facebook you are not late you

are on time today you’ve only missed a

few minutes Gabriel on YouTube hi South

Paulo cool Andrew Seto from Guatemala

great Mariana from Indonesia cool ah

Thank You hey-zeus for liking the video

much appreciated thank you thank you

okay but I would like to start today’s

topic which is as I said have to got to

need to and must we use these to talk

about responsibility so I want to talk

about have to to begin with so first of

all to make have to and the negative

form don’t have to it’s a pretty simple

and you’ll see in just a second here

yeah so to make it we have a subject

like I or Frank well let’s use I for now

I plus have to or don’t have to plus a

verb so for example I have to pay my

mobile phone bill or I have to teach

English today for example there’s some

expectation please be careful when the

subject here is he or she we have to

change half due to has to so he has to

she has to and the negative form changes

also so he doesn’t have to she doesn’t

have to

so for example he he has to go to work

early tomorrow or she has to travel out

of town for work or you have to if they

have to finish your homework so we use

have to for our responsibilities we use

have to for tasks someone else expects

us to do there’s some expectation and if

there’s no expectation we might not do

that thing so I said I have to pay my

mobile phone bill if I don’t pay my

mobile phone bill I might not be able to

use my phone for example

yeah nice someone in YouTube wrote I

have to go to blah blah blah a place

nice so I want to point out though I

have white the whiteboard again today I

want to find out though a pronunciation

point about half too so sometimes

non-native speakers this is okay will

clearly say half - half - but native

speakers kind of contract this in speech

in fast speech it sounds like hafta I

have to go I have to do my homework I

have to study I have to teach I have to

work whatever so please keep this

grammar or pronunciation point in mind

for this for today hafta as a

pronunciation point so let’s use this

let’s use have to in the positive let’s

make a positive statement about your

weekend this weekend so please share a

responsibility about

weaken the question the first question

will be what do you have to do this

weekend what do you have to do this

weekend so this weekend I have to blah

blah blah this weekend I have to clean

my house this weekend I have to study

this weekend I have to take a test this

weekend I have to visit my family this

weekend I have to take my dog for a walk

this weekend I have to cook a lot of

food what do you have to do this weekend

nice youtube face one sorry face what

face button I looked at Facebook

nice one first one on YouTube a boo I

have to learn English nice patty mastery

I have to drive to work today

I have to watch this video today hope

it’s fast I have to go blah blah blah

yes Molly one I have to read a book cool

Eric I have to watch that video on

Facebook I have to pay the rent Carlos I

have to go to a party Lex I’m going to

talk about must later just a second

let’s see Ahmed yes I have to teach us I

have to teach you every week that is

true that is my responsibility

tsommo on YouTube I have to dance nice

ah Taylor I have to help my sister with

her homework nice ah

Mario I have to sleep 23 hours that’s a

long time I’m at the hurry I have to go

to the city tomorrow nice this weekend I

have to go to the beach I have to cut

carrots I have to pay my mobile phone I

have to take a midterm Wow

that’s going really fast JC trailers I

have to work this weekend I have to

volunteer in the pet shelter nice on

Facebook I have to meet my friends

garrison hi I have to run nice I have to

travel I have to do my studies great you

guys have great sentences and lots of

responsibilities you guys have busy

weekend’s coming up I think great very


I have to go skateboarding I have to I

have to go to the beach mm okay I have

to dance I have to go to the bathroom

that is a very important sentence it’s

true it’s true great khali on high on


great lots of good sentences here Jack I

have to

on Twitter sure come find me that’s fine

I have to travel abroad I have to make a

pizza fantastic fantastic I have to move

my hair from my forehead yeah it’s hot

in this room sorry I move my hair a lot

it’s hot in here

okay great sentences nice work

but I also want to point out that we can

use have to in this way to talk about

responsibility but we can also use need

to so if you would like to say need to

to talk about your responsibilities you

can use it in the same way as have to so

I need to pay my mobile phone bill and

so on I need to go to work I need to

study and so on so have to and need to

we can use in the same way but one more

point I want to make there’s we’re not

going to change the example sentence you

might also hear have got to so today I’m

explaining from a perspective sort of

American English the way we use these in

American English have got to is another

one we use for our responsibilities I

have got to blah blah blah

I have got to pay my mobile phone bill

but you might hear this in the

contracted form I’ve got to so this have

got to or rather I have got to will

become I’ve got to we contract the half

into I’ve I’ve got to so have got to or

rather I have got to becomes contracted

to I’ve got to which becomes even

shorter and grammatically it’s not so


I gotta if you hear this I got a go I

got a study I got a teaching English

livestream I gotta do something

I got a leave this gotta means I have

got to it’s a responsibility it’s a

necessity phrase so I gotta please use

this in speech only I don’t really

recommend using this in writing you can

use it in casual writing but in formal

situations generally not so good so

that’s one more point I want to talk

about today okay I think maybe I should

talk about your free stuff for this week

yes perhaps would that be good okay nice

yes okay so as always this week we have

some free stuff for you guys the crew

the crew prepared actually from all of

the stuff from September a free gift

package for for the month so within the

free gift package there is a bunch of

free stuff so that means PDFs you can

use a bunch of lessons a series of new

vocabulary and phrases that have kind of

been put together by theme there are a

lot of different things in this package

and so it’s all stuff from September the

crew the team has put together that is

totally free so if you would like to

check that out and definitely check it

out go download this stuff you can find

a link in the description below the

video on youtube or above the video if

you’re watching on facebook so please

check that out this is an English class

101 comm it’s the free gifts of the

month free gifts of the month so there

are some a lot actually I think you just

saw a lot of different things that the

crew put together so definitely go

download that go check it out and share

it too if you like it share it it’d be

great so that’s the free gifts for the

month for September from last month’s

good stuff so check that out below the

video on youtube or above the video on

facebook okay let’s continue if uh your

response by the way a few of you said

this on youtube if you don’t have any

responsibilities so to go back to have

to and need to if you don’t have any

responsibilities the correct answer to

my question what’s something you have to

do this weekend use the negative I don’t

have to do anything I don’t have to do

anything so just one point there okay

but I want to practice using the

negative don’t have to now so the

negative don’t have to which we talked

about a little bit at the beginning of

this livestream is something that we use

be careful for spurt

it should be something a task or an

activity that it would be reasonable to

expect a person to do so for example I

don’t have to go to work tomorrow or he

doesn’t have to wake up early or she

doesn’t have to call me back these

things is reasonable to expect another

person to do these sorts of things so

please be careful when you use don’t

have to it should be for a reasonable

task please be careful so sometimes my

students say I don’t have to drink

alcohol at work but in most workplaces

usually it’s not so reasonable to expect

someone to drink alcohol at work if you

work in like a bar or in a place where

maybe that’s expected fine but in most

cases something like that and it doesn’t

really make sense so please use it for

reasonable expectations in your life in

your lifestyle but let’s try to make a

negative sentence with the question a

new question what is something you don’t

have to do this weekend what is

something you don’t have to do this

weekend do not you are not responsible

to do this so we’ll use this pattern I

don’t have to bla bla bla I don’t have

to get up early on Monday I don’t have

to get up early on Sunday I don’t know I

don’t have to go to work on Sunday I

don’t have to clean my house tomorrow I

don’t know so something that you don’t

have to do fantastic minutes I don’t

have to be president of my country

that’s a good one I like that I like

that good so what else what is something

you don’t have to do Romulo on YouTube

first one I don’t have to work tomorrow

nice Elizabeth de Carvalho says haven’t

or have no here we won’t use haven’t or

have no but I don’t have to don’t have

to it costs on on YouTube I do not have

to learn math nice Sergio on Facebook I

don’t have to work this weekend Rosa I

don’t have to get angry do you usually

have to get angry please be careful make

sure it’s a reasonable expectation you

don’t have to do it

have to do it alejandra on YouTube I

don’t have to work this weekend nice

Jennifer I don’t have to take care take

care of my sister I don’t have to care

for my sister mmm

Taylor I don’t have to walk to work good

it on Facebook I don’t have to cook

Latvia nice I don’t have to hesitate to

drink alcohol at my friend’s party this

weekend okay bond look maybe that’s not

depending on your lifestyle cool ah

Nabil says I don’t have to leave now

okay because I’m watching your lesson oh

that’s cool

I don’t have to go to school on Facebook

I don’t have to work today nice I don’t

have to get up late this weekend

Eric maybe okay if you usually get up

late that sentence is okay be at Ria’s I

don’t have to work on Sunday good Charan

I don’t have to practice another person

I don’t have to worry about money this

weekend oh that’s nice

I don’t have to wake up early I don’t

have to prepare breakfast early good I

don’t have to go to eat at lunchtime I

don’t have to go to school good Sean

says I don’t have to speak English well

maybe but it’s good to practice it’s

good to practice I don’t have to go to

the gym on Facebook nice great okay so

we have lots of negative sentences

remember these are things we use for

reasonable expectations so keep that in

mind okay

but our other primary topic for today

we’ve talked about have to and need to

and a little bit of this have got to

which we use in the same way but the

other grammar point I want to talk about

today is must so a lot of my students

have trouble using must so we use must

in the same pattern as we use have to so

here you’ll see we have a subject plus

must positive or must not negative plus

a verb so like someone must or must not

do something is the is the pattern here

same as have to and don’t have to

however when should we use must what’s

the difference between 1/2 2 and must

essentially in American English we use

must for official rules for example like

your within your country within yours

society formal rules or laws or at the

airport for example rules at the airport

rules at your workplace at your office

may be rules with the police for example

so statements with must sound very

formal must and must not sounds very

very formal they sound like formal rules

depending on where you are so we can we

use must for things we’re responsible

for yes but they’re used for formal

explanations okay and we use things we

use must to talk about things that are

against the rules or we should not do

formal situations things we should not

do we are responsible not to do these

things we use must not in those cases

one point about using must and must not

however in these sorts of sentences the

subject of the sentence might not be a

personal pronoun so we practice using

like he/she they for example we might

not use those personal pronouns as the

subjects of sentences with must end must

not so at the airport for example we’ll

use like passengers as the subject

passengers must show their passport at

immigration or at work staff must wear a

nametag at all times or at a office

employees must not smoke in the office

so keep in mind that the subject of the

sentence is a bit different okay but I

want to try using must with you guys

today so please think about where you

work or where you study so some of you

are students some of you work I know

that from last week actually you told me

last week so what is a rule at your

place of work or study at your place of

work or study so at your school or at

your office or whatever what is a rule

so if you’re a student students must or

students must not something or if you

work employees at your workplace

employees must blah blah blah or

employees must not do something so for


maybe employees must not wear jeans to

work or employees must start work at

9:00 a.m. or students must not drink

alcohol on campus for example okay let’s

make a few rules about your place of

work or study Ethan is first on YouTube

drivers must not drink and drive

perfect very nice that’s a societal rule

very very nice

excellent Mohammed on YouTube passengers

must be pat down at the airport okay

passengers must be pat down good

remember these are rules societal rules

official rules workplace rules that’s

what we’re practicing now so please be

careful not not have to not your

personal responsibility is necessarily

but formal rules like at work

Jennifer students must be on time for

class good Esmeralda and Facebook

students must not bully others great lo

M students must wear white shirts and

black skirts in my school perfect

Ruben’s you must wash your hands after

you finish using the bathroom

perfect i al an a on Facebook students

must do assignments good Marcio students

must not cheat on tests good mohammed

students must use a uniform on youtube

good um students yes students must not

bully others we’ve had a couple of those

good rindra employees must not smoke

during working hours good work time

should be working hours yeah nice one

Kenta employees must not talk back to

their boss ooh nice one good one talk

back means like be aggressive in

conversation with someone great Jennifer

students must not drink before class

good one on Facebook SEC guy students

must not cheat in an examination hi SEC

I welcome back um what else

Iftekhar on Facebook students must have

good manners nice Susan we must use a

uniform at work every day nice Dave the

taxi drivers taxi drivers we usually use

the subject as a group a group of people

taxi drivers must be polite good

matahari students must not be absent

from class good Rob employees must not

speak Spanish

if you work in an English call center

nice one great so these are perfect

really really nice job these are formal

rules or workplace rules we use must and

we can use must not to talk about these

as well very nice really nice okay so oh

there’s still a few more coming in

students must be able to learn with all

students Exxon on YouTube just one small

fix with all students also on YouTube I

must get a visa if I want to go out of

my country good Dave

people must respect wildlife good at

like a national park

Ruben’s on Facebook you must not answer

your phone when you drive good slim I

must make a revision after my class ok

make revisions to something after a

class good Esmerelda’s students must not

have guns at school great what else

rosemary college students must study a

lot that’s close that’s close maybe nice

fun ROG area on YouTube employees must

not eat during work great so we have

some must not sentences here to Mahad on

Facebook you mustn’t smoke in public

places ah great point here I think yeah

I think that’s ok must not so we’re

talking about using must not some of you

are making great sentences with must not

but someone on Facebook just made a

great point I want to mention using the

contracted form oops sorry

using the contracted form there is a

contracted form of must not I should say

though that American American English

speakers don’t really use this very much

this mustn’t mustn’t it sounds like

mustn’t you mustn’t do that

you mustn’t do this you mustn’t do that

there is a contracted form of this must

not becomes mustn’t here but American

English speakers don’t use this one very

much but it does exist there is a

contracted form of mustn’t there of must

not it becomes mustn’t great thanks for

that point ok well lots of

good ones workers must not sleep on the

job we said on the job to do something

during working hours just to do

something on the job on the job good may

employees must not wear short skirts at

work perfect uh what else now hang on

Facebook students must plan their goals

niced one matahari on YouTube children

must respect their parents good okay so

I think that people get the idea

everybody’s making really nice sentences

with must and with must not so I want to

maybe finish because we’re running out

of time huh we’re running out of time

but I want to finish with maybe one last

point about must and must not we can use

must and must not when giving advice but

it’s usually for a very strong situation

a very serious situation so for example

a doctor might recommend a patient like

you must stop smoking or you’re going to

die or maybe you must make a lifestyle

change if you want to improve your

health for example so it’s in a very

very serious situation that we use must

or must not to give advice also we can

use half tube to give advice like you if

you go to a different city you have to

do wallah you have to do something we

can use must and have to to give advice

as well as to talk about our

responsibilities but have to is a little

bit more casual it sounds a little more

friendly please think of must as

something you should use in formal

situations Andre on YouTube says people

must watch your videos that’s very nice

but yeah you don’t have to but if you do

it’s great yeah okay so we only have a

couple of minutes left unfortunately you

guys have some really great example

sentences with half two and must but I

need to wrap up I need to finish because

I have run out of time so I want to

mention next week’s topic next week

we’re going to talk about how to talk

about your schedule so we’re going to

use actually this grammar

point we’re gonna use this half to or

maybe must depending on your situation

we’re gonna talk about how to explain

your schedule so we’ll use this grammar

point and some grammar points from our

recent livestream so if you missed a

live stream please check it out you can

see them on Facebook or on YouTube but I

want to kind of review everything we’ve

been discussing the last few weeks so

the next live stream is going to be

October 11th that’s Wednesday October

11th 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so

Wednesday night October 11th Eastern

Standard Time you can catch us on

YouTube or on Facebook both are fine so

we’re going to talk about yes how to

talk about your schedule so explaining

maybe your your upcoming week or maybe

your upcoming weekend so I’m going to

introduce some phrases and maybe some

vocabulary to help you do that so we

want to talk about like appointments

responsibilities and free time so I’m

going to focus on that next week okay so

I think that’s everything I need to talk

about today thank you guys very much for

joining me as always this week you have

really really great sentences this time

and if you have any questions please

make sure to leave them in a comment

either Facebook or on YouTube because I


I really do check after the broadcast

then I go grab your questions and then

we can talk about them last week so if

you have any questions or comments I’ll

try to answer them next week or maybe on

Twitter we’ll see but please if you if

you have any ideas or if you just want

to send a message please feel free to do

so on Facebook or YouTube okay I have to

go now it’s time for me to go so thank

you very much please make sure to watch

us again next week and you’re going to

see our free gifts of the month for

September when I leave so please check

that out at English class 101.com check

the link in the description on youtube

or above this video if you’re watching

on facebook thanks so much for joining

me this week and I will see you again

soon bye bye

