How to Give Advice Like a Boss in English

are we rolling it’s up its up its up all


I have to see the comments now I think

we’re started

is anybody there I can’t see comments

yet oh oh wow there’s lots of comments I

can’t read hi hello Catarina hello the

one hello welcome

there are lots of people again thank you

very much for coming today I’m excited

to do this every week okay I think we’re

loading Facebook too so YouTube I see

YouTube I don’t see Facebook just yet oh

maybe Facebook is up now so Facebook I

see you ciao yes I can see you hello

Antonio hello Vail valet hello Sam hello

T fellas hi Jose

Julio greetings from Mexico hi Mexico

wow look at all these comments Cairo

Miriam hello Joe on Facebook hello uh

hello again Brazil hi Hugo and I’m URIs

from Dominican Republic hello from

Colombia Maria hello Dalal z1 hi

Morocco Oh Psalm I’m not sure how to say

your name hello uh Hasan from Finland

thanks for coming someone from China

hello owl is some hi there

derek dreamer hello Ricardo hello wow so

many people lots of people from Brazil

again to lay on Facebook I see you hi

from Brazil

Latifa from indonesia hi Valda lease

hello from Haiti I saw someone from

Haiti again hi from Mexico Danielle or

Daniel sorry from China a few people

from China today Richard from Columbia

hello um from Atlanta hello iris from

Vietnam hi from Yemen Rashid hello

thanks for watching from Bolivia Jorge

someone from Siberia - all right we have

lots of people joined that who have

joined us now so while we wait for a few

more people what did you do last

weekend’s anything good since last

week’s broadcast or did you yeah did you

do anything exciting or oh yeah did you

get to use what we talked about last

week last week’s topic was like meeting

people doing greetings introducing

yourself so did you get to use that at

all last week as homme yes I do have an

American accent

garrison thanks very much for watching

I’m glad to hear um let’s see hello

Edward from Taiwan Nadine from

Afghanistan hello Mack Suda from

Kazakhstan nice to meet you nice to have

you with us Joan from South Korea hello

so the question right now is what did

you do last weekend or did you get a

chance to use the introductions or the

greetings that we talked about in last

week’s broadcast ji says sleeping and

strolling that sounds nice ah John says

he saw video lessons hi Raul on Facebook

Amancio from Cape Verde Wow boy from

Malaysia and someone from Syria on

Facebook hi

so many countries Miriam says she’s been

waiting for the live video from last

week thanks very much i

this week is okay um let’s see Mara

Tonya hello Katie I don’t know how to

say your name I’m sorry from California

hey that’s where I was born

hi California lots of people from Brazil

tea fellas coming you two uh nice work

let’s see from Egypt hello Mahmud so

again what did you do last weekend did

you get to introduce yourself did you

get to greet anybody with something we

talked about last week

let’s see Seif hi so for example me uh

let’s see uh Mila from Japan hey thanks

for joining

um so last week for example I took a

one-day trip I took an overnight trip I

visited a friend of mine who’s opening

restaurant so I went to check out the

opening of his new restaurant it was

great yeah so many people from different

countries we tour I agree yeah so last

week when I went to visit my friend he

introduced me to a lot of different

people in that town so it was a good way

to actually I used some of the things

that we talked about last week like hey

nice to meet you where are you from

those sorts of questions so it was good

it was really good on Facebook Ahmad

hello our riffin on Facebook hello

thanks for joining

Youssef from Sudan thanks for joining

okay so we have lots of people watching

right now I think so actually today’s

topic is going to be giving advice today

we’re going to talk about how to give


and like last week so in last week’s

broadcast I was speaking kind of slowly

this week I’m also going to speak slowly

so I’m speaking slowly because there are

many people watching from many different

countries and with many different levels

of English

so hopefully speaking slowly will help

everybody be able to understand alright

Daniel says last week he went to the

beach with friends it was good that

sounds nice

I haven’t I have not been to the beach

yet this week I or this summer rather I

really want to go Xavier from Columbia

on Facebook hi last week just working

and studying no it’s good working and

studying is good um let’s see from Libya

who samberg ojos ah I’m sorry high high

from high Libya great

okay nice lei from Brazil but born in


last week you visited your parents oh

that’s nice I saw my parents last month

it was good

Bilal says last week he or she sorry

visited family and went to the beach

with his girlfriend do I know who’s

Becca Stan yes I have not been there but

I know of Rebecca Stein uh and URIs may

be from Dominican Republic hi hello Peru

I used it yeah so again we’re talking

about advice this week but also as we as

we kind of go through today’s live

broadcast we’re gonna share some things

that are prepared on the website for you

this month so they have like a free like

gift package and then I think there are

a lot of different things that you can

find in that gift package it’s like

there’s like some PDF things that you

can download print out if you like and

then there’s like some just different

patterns that you can use to um

especially good for beginners I think

and then yeah I think there’s some other

little like 1 1 minute things you can

try that are good for like everyday

practice and then a couple of their

little pointers here in there so that’s

that changes every month but it’s the

beginning of the month kind of and we

have some new things up there so

definitely check that out if you have a

chance all right so so yeah so today

we’re talking about how to give advice

so I want to start out with maybe a few

kind of casual ways to give advice so

usually when I give advice I just say

you should blah blah blah or I think you

should do something something something

so for example like if I’m trying to

give my friend a recommendation about

like a hobby or something that I enjoy I

might say like I think you should learn

how to cook oh yeah it’s here it’s here

so like I think you should learn how to

cook this would be like one example

sentence and actually this is a thing I

cooked I cook this on Tuesday this is a

real picture from my kitchen so you can

use this expression I think you should

learn how to cook that’s nice yeah this

is oh this is the beginning for I made

like a chicken

I made a chili it’s summer so it’s

somewhere here so I made chili this is

the beginning this is like onions and

peppers in my chili so yeah you can use

this part this I think you should and

then something here this is the part

where your recommendation goes so I

think you should level up

it’s how to give casual advice that’s

nice all right Caroline from Brazil

hello Jacqueline from Brazil also Sharif

from Bangladesh hello oh you just found

the videos two days ago great welcome

all right basket dude from Indonesia

that’s a great that’s great G Chinese

food no this was I guess you would call

it American food it was just a chili


ah let’s see from Brazil must suck kasi

I guess uh - from Vietnam hi-yah someone

I thought someone wrote and I’ll let

like capital letters I think you should

learn to cook it’s good

um let’s see common ah ah hello

ill Homme from indonesia hello welcome

another person from Brazil hi Rodrigo

from Sudan to you

let’s see oh it’s someone’s birthday Wow

happy birthday bill all congratulations

and another person from Brazil hi thanks

for coming so yeah today we’re talking

about how to give advice so this is one

of the example sentences like a casual

way to give advice I think you should

learn how to cook in my example sentence

yeah okay

let’s see it looks like fajitas oh

really maybe maybe this is like the the

ingredients I could I could see that I

could see that for sure okay let’s see

Sayyid side from facebook from morocco

hi there and nuyen from Vietnam hello

Rene from Brazil - hello another Jose

from Brazil lots of people from Brazil

again today that’s really cool okay um

so yeah so that’s maybe the first kind

of example I prepared but maybe we can

talk about a stronger way to give advice

so maybe something that’s like a little

bit more serious or just something you

really really want to recommend I think

maybe we’ve talked about this in a video

before but you can use something like

you must but only for really really

strong personal advice like a serious

situation but you can use command form

verbs as well so command forms like try

something something something or what I

like to do is you can use the expression

you have - blah blah blah so for example

like I mentioned I went to my friend’s

restaurant opening this weekend so if I

want to make a recommendation about that

restaurant I can say if you go to that

restaurant you have to try the miso

ginger chicken wings

oh here so if you go to that restaurant

you have to try the miso ginger chicken

wing so this part you have to

plus a verb and the rest of your

recommendation so this is a way to give

kind of stronger maybe personal personal

preferences personal recommendations and

then here all I can’t point at the top

here is if you go to that restaurant

this part is an if clause so you can

start your recommendation with and if

you do something you have to do

something else so you can actually use a

lot of information in sentences like

these all right cool hi max cool let’s

see zarab from Afghanistan welcome I see

you on Facebook and D from Somalia

welcome tarik from Algeria tonic from

Algeria hi ah let’s see

hello left Jeff from India and

Jacqueline from Indonesia welcome bit

tall from Mexico hi and someone from

Massachusetts hello East Coast okay

someone from Kazakhstan as well very

nice welcome from Ukraine oh I’m sorry I

can’t read your name but welcome um

Angela on Facebook hello great if you go

to Guatemala you have to visit Antigua a

nice one that is perfect that is a

perfect one so a nice recommendation

from Eduardo there on in the YouTube

comments that was good

hi Russia sie es I think I said your

name once already Carrie in Japan hey

hey hi Carrie um Rodrigo from Chile Ralf

  • sorry I didn’t catch where you were

from uh salah from morocco

welcome home back from Thailand hello

from Nepal beador welcome make more live

videos we’re doing this is brand new

it’s once a week so for now will do will

do once a week so this is nice

want to do once a week

right yeah so we have people watching on

YouTube but there’s also people watching

on the English class Facebook page too

so I have to kind of comment streams on

that on the screen in front of me right

now but if you haven’t checked out their

Facebook page I think there’s a link in

the description for that as well okay

nice Kazakhstan hello yeah so if you’re

just joining us today we’re talking

about advice how to give advice we

talked about a kind of casual way to

give advice and then more something a

little bit stronger like do you have to

do something let’s see oh and also I

just mentioned the Facebook pages in the

description for this video on on youtube

but if you check that description also

you’ll find there’s a link I mentioned

it once earlier but there’s a link to

this month like there’s a there’s a free

like gifts thing every month and so this

week we’re kind of introducing the new

things are that you can find there this

month so there’s stuff you can use to

practice every day like little one

minute um tips little one-minute lessons

and then there’s like stuff you can use

when you travel there’s a vocabulary

list there’s like some nice PDFs some of

the PDFs I was looking at them before we


they have like um business ones or

business vocabulary words school

vocabulary words and then there’s like

some dining and food vocabulary words so

actually you might be able to use those

like with some of the recommendations

that we’re talking about today so like

just now we did a advise like if you

visit a restaurant so you could use

potentially some of the vocabulary words

yeah like in the in that PDF like the

you could replace this part this miso

ginger chicken wings maybe you can use

some of the vocabulary from that

in a sentence like this right here so

that’s cool okay let’s see hello victor

hello Karthik from India welcome uh mom

from Pakistan hello oh sorry hi oh

that’s that’s me

sorry Rana from Pakistan uh and Gabriel

from Dominican Republic hello Emily from

Oregon is here hello Emily from Oregon

Emily from Oregon welcome uh let’s see

Oscar hi I’m doing great how are you

let’s see

cash off I wish I could explain about

active and passive form but it is beyond

the scope of this live this live

broadcast today but thanks for that

question I will put that in my head ah

let’s see red uh from Morocco hello JG

Gonzalez thanks for vocabulary cool I

hope it’s useful ah new in from Norway

long doing from Norway

let’s see Eduardo says I’ve never had

miso ginger chicken wings I had not had

them either until last week but they

were delicious my friend made them IV

Chaya from Thailand hello one more from

Brazil - and oh I see you on Facebook

okay - yo yes it is a little bit laggy

this video has a little lag so there’s

lag and I’m speaking a little bit slowly

today so that people with different

levels of English ability can all

understand Angelica hello Daniel from

Brazil welcome so many people from

Brazil again this week let’s see another

person from Brazil people from Guatemala

lots of people from Guatemala ok so

let’s go back to the main topic for

today which is giving advice so we

talked about casual advice with you

should or I

think you should Baba we talked about

strong advice yes so here is our casual

advice I think you should something

something something learn how to cook in

this case then we talked about a

stronger advice phrase if you do

something you have to blah blah blah

this was a stronger advice example

sentence but if you have kind of weak

advice or maybe you’re not so sure about

your recommendation there are a couple

different patterns you can use you can

use a negative to soften your advice so

like for example why don’t you something

say something

so using that negative helps make it

soft a little bit softer you can also

use an expression like have you thought

about Baba bah like you’re asking the

listener a question so that’s a nice way

to give soft advice then there’s also

this maybe you should do something so

for example like if you feel tired in

the morning when you wake up maybe you

should drink some coffee this is an

example sentence I made this is a coffee

I drink this coffee in London a few

weeks ago it’s an actual coffee I drank

it was delicious but so this part maybe

you should and then here’s the part you

can change drink some coffee should

change to your advice your

recommendation for the listener so maybe

you should over boy this is sort of a a

weak or not it’s not a very strong form

of advice I suppose okay so yeah so

that’s nice we’ve got three example

sentences so far for today not tell ya

on Facebook just started following

videos and likes them thank you for

watching I will continue we will

continue to do our best

Yussef says I understand every single

word you say but I can’t speak like

native speakers what can I do practice

really that’s the only thing to do

it takes time I think okay Beth from


hi welcome Cambodia Eduardo has another

nice advice sentence he says you should

sleep eight hours that’s in the YouTube

comments nice one Jorge says I really

appreciate that you open border lines

for this channel yeah actually I think

it’s really cool that so many people

from around the world watch these videos

and and participate in the live stream

chat on Facebook and on YouTube

like that’s kind of amazing so there are

so many people from all around the world

that can practice together so I think

that’s pretty that’s pretty cool that’s

really cool ah nothing again continuing

to learn more great thanks so much Thai

from the USA Wow Edwin says I can’t

watch right now you’ll post it later on

the channel yes so when this live

broadcast finishes the video will go on

to the YouTube channel as regular so if

you miss it live you can watch this

anytime like a regular video on the

English class Channel and you can also

watch it on the Facebook page too so

some people I think watched the video

after the live broadcast actually a lot

of people watch the video after the live

broadcast so that’s fine to do but just

keep in mind like we can’t you know

interact as well after the live

broadcast is over

but yeah you can watch it after the

broadcast has finished okay Aaron from

Mexico hello Jorge says I like coffee

and cold coffee - I do as well it is

very nice let’s see yes and when the

video will be on the channel later so

yeah so someone was talking about coffee

this was our most recent example

sentence here maybe you should drink

some coffee

hmm all right from Brazil hola hola como

estas muy bien gracias e - Carlos I see

you hello from Brazil

Cinzia maybe it’s how you say your name

welcome to Cambodia hello ah let’s see

Norway okay hi Norway um great so let’s

see um maybe we can talk about one more

type of advice so we’ve talked about a

casual advice sentence we’ve talked

about a strong advice sentence and a

weak advice sentence but I think that

some people maybe you need to use

business English or need to use English

from time to time at work so if you want

to sort of level up your advice make it

a little more professional sounding

instead of you should you can use an

expression like I recommend so ah I

recommend you or I recommend we do

something something or I would say we

should do something so there’s maybe one

more that I prefer to use and that’s I

would suggest it sounds really soft like

the I would sounds very soft and then

using suggest also sounds quite soft

it’s not such a strong suggestion so for

example I would suggest a company trip

to strengthen internal relationships so

maybe for like team-building

for example so here’s the sentence I

would suggest a company trip to

strengthen in so internal relationships

means in your company like the the

connections between people in your

company so maybe sometimes oh this is


to string it should be STR e in strength

and internal relationships I’m sorry no

that was my fault I put a type one my

notes I’m so sorry that should be

strengthen internal relationships that’s

my bad I’m sorry I’m a human I made a

mistake but strengthen internal

relationships so this part I would

suggest this part is the nice kind of

professional recommendation I would

suggest something and then here I

included in this example sentence to

strengthen internal relationships this

is a reason for your suggestion so maybe

in a professional situation it’s good to

give a reason for your recommendation so

I would suggest this because this so

there’s a lot of information happening

in this sentence Eduardo says I

recommend you watch Alicia on YouTube ah

good one but be careful in your comment

on YouTube it says I recommend you to

watch Alicia on YouTube you don’t need

to in that sentence I recommend you

watch Alicia on YouTube no - in that

sentence but then it’s perfect nice mmm

ah garrison has a nice question what if

I use should probably is it more polite

for example you should probably blah

blah blah you can use it it’s not really

more polite it’s just a stronger

recommendation so like for example if

you have to wake up really early in the

morning someone might say to you you

should probably go to bed early it’s

kind of it’s a stronger recommendation

alright okay Carlos I have learned a lot

with you thank you great thanks for the

comment uh ran on on Facebook hey Nazi

on facebook says I recommend drinking a

cup of coffee every day to reduce the

risk of cancer well is that true

also same thing there I recommend to mmm

instead of using the infinitive to drink

use I recommend drinking a cup of coffee

every day that’s better so not I

recommend too but I recommend and then

use that ing the gerund form for grammar

geeks I recommend drinking a cup of

coffee every day uh I do not speak

British English I speak American English

I have a maybe West Coast

American accent hello Nicaragua scarless

I think from Japan hi Japan we have a

few official people watching from Japan

today Paulo from Brazil hello let’s see

Stefania the difference between so and

then I would love to explain I would

love to talk about that but we have less

than one minute left in this broadcast

so I will put in my head for another

time okay

same thing with pongpat your difference

between half two and must we talked

about it very quickly earlier but must

is used for very very strong personal

opinions or personal recommendations so

for example

like if you’re a doctor and you say to a

patient you must stop smoking or you’ll

die it’s like a serious personal

recommendation personal advice okay look

we’re almost out of time oh my gosh

so oh yes so we will be on live again at

the same time next week next week the

topic is going to be how to ask for help

so this time we talked about how to ask

for advice but next week we’re going to

talk about ways that you can ask people

for help so please I think for most

people it’s Wednesday nights in Eastern

Standard Time it’s 10 p.m. 10 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday

nights so I hope that that’s helpful and

you can find the time zone that’s best

for you alright

cláudio do you speak another language

yes I do so thanks very much everybody

for watching this is great and make sure

to check the links in the description

for you can find the Facebook page there

there’s our free gifts the free gifts

that we talked about a couple times are

also in the description

I think they’ll show that when I finish

here and then yeah I will see you again

same time same place next week and we’ll

we’ll talk about how to ask for help so

thank you so much for joining so many

people from around the world again

thanks for your questions to really

appreciate it and all your feedback so

have a nice week and I will see you

again soon

bye bye

