What are you going to do Basic English Conversation

rding hi Internet hello this week’s


it is rainy here today oh my gosh how

are you how is your weather we are very

very soggy

I’m very soggy good morning good

afternoon good evening and good night

wherever you are in the world for

getting everything loaded now all right

some people in the chat Raphael hello

you always write in Japanese why do you

write uh hi Dan - good morning uh I’m

ill card good night Valda Lee say hi um

Ozma it’s your first time welcome good

morning or good afternoon good evening

depending on where you are Raphael yes

from Mexico no I don’t really speak

Spanish just a little bit okay we’re

getting Facebook going now - oh I think

Facebook’s up I don’t see comments yet

on Facebook but I see you Facebook oh I

think I think it’s up Oh yep great okay

YouTube comments are coming in now

Marcelo hello Ivan it’s raining here -

I’m cattle Oh Austin from Indonesia high

gear man Rodriguez from Brazil Leandro

Brazil Jonathan ah ah - fascist from

Brazil um let’s see Dominican Republic

Diana hi

Estevan buenos noches let’s see from

India to you Caesar from Texas hi let’s


Angelica hi again Alexis you finally

caught a live session welcome good ok

Facebook is up not to you I see your

facebook comments Joe Maura hi I’m doing

well how are you thanks for coming Aisha

hi thanks for coming today

someone from Thailand - not through hi

another person from Brazil Anderson on

Facebook Jose from Costa Rica hello

thank you for joining Fernando also on

Facebook hi whoa oh my gosh comments are

going so fast now okay

let’s see from Boston Joseph hi some are

it’s your first time thanks for joining

us that’s great okay from China Lin from

China Amy from China oh my gosh

there’s a lot of people today I feel

like oh my gosh today art can I say it

okay today today our producer is in this

in the room with me we’re having some

technical difficulties today so hi ice

ice is joining us in the room instead of

outside the room today so many things to

her for all her help

all right so Wow lots of people are

joining okay let’s see the time okay I

got a bit more time all right

from Venezuela oh it’s Waldo nice thanks

for coming what time is it here it’s

11:03 a.m. on Thursday morning here on

kids from India hi Aaron from Mexico no

no from Mexico

so many names Rafael hello hello welcome

welcome will Rodriguez you give up

saying hello really it’s hard to see I

don’t know if you guys understand how

quickly the comments come in here but

I’m trying my best to see everybody’s

names Jack from South Korea Ravi Sarah

from Thailand hi Facebook Diwan hello

top res hello

Victor Stark hi uh Tong Ewan from

Vietnam hi Nikolay from Brazil hi Darwin

says he can’t play this live video I

tried refreshing the page maybe if

you’re having trouble um how Mali

Chinese okay welcome um let’s see so

many people here from Uruguay Alex hello

yes there are lots of people here all

right so let’s see we’re about four

minutes in so I’m going to slow down a

little bit as people continue to come in

let’s do a little a little review of

what we talked about last week so some

of you joined our broad

cast last week last week we talked about

past tense we talked about sentences you

can use to talk about your past

activities and we also practice making

past tense verb changes form conjugation

so I have another example this week from

my life so I think it’s gonna be over

here this is this is my example sentence

oh my god I’m still so bad at this my

example this is my example sentence my

example tweet from last week so I

decided past tense that’s a regular a

regular verb decided is my first verb

decided to watch a movie at home bought

popcorn that’s an irregular past tense

verb and then I talked about my stupid

and easy popcorn recipe so here’s how I

used past tense simple past tense in my

life actually since our last broadcast

so maybe you guys had a chance to use

simple past tense as well so that’s my

little example by the way you can see

there’s no there’s no subject I didn’t

say I I hear because we understand it if

you can understand who the subject of

the sentence is you can drop it in this

case though it’s just to save space

Twitter has limited space available but

in this case there’s no subject clearly

marked in the sentence but that’s okay

in certain cases okay so that’s my

little example sentence I also want to

mention we had a couple really good

questions or really good points that

came in last week after the broadcaster

I just didn’t catch them in real time so

I want to mention first someone said

what should you say if someone asks you

what did you do last weekend but you

were just super lazy you did nothing he

just stayed at home in that case you can

say I didn’t do anything I didn’t do

anything is the best answer for that

also someone maybe you’re watching today

Asiago Franza ask the question do

you have a good weekend is that correct

no you can’t say do you have a good

weekend it’s did you have a good weekend

that’s the correct sentence okay so I

think we have lots of people here now

hello Oscar

hello Reiji from Brazil from Dominican

Republic Rome merde I’m very sorry if I

mess up the pronunciation from Colorado

on Facebook is from Cambodia young high

Dipendra as well from Malaysia great

okay we are about seven minutes in today

so let’s begin today’s topic today’s

topic is the future tense so last week

we talked about past tense this week

we’re going to talk about simple future

tense this week also we have upgraded a

bit this week I have a whiteboard which

is great because I want to be able to

show with a few visuals that I hope can

help make the differences between some

of these between two of these key

grammar points clear today so let’s

begin the first one okay different if

you’re just joining us our producers in

the room with me today we had some some

technical difficulties so she’s here

with me today okay so today we’re gonna

talk about future tense the first thing

I want to talk about is going to we’re

gonna talk about two key grammar points

today which are going to and will and

the negative not going to and won’t so I

want to start with going to so I want to

talk about when to disallow you decide

when to use going to and when to use

will so I like to when I teach this

grammar point to my students in real

life I like to use a timeline which I am

making right now

oh okay so I like to make a timeline

with this so here in my timeline oops I

forgot T okay okay so here’s my timeline

so I like to teach this grammar point

with a past now in the future a simple

timeline here so when you want to make a

future tense statement and you’re

thinking should I use will should I use

going to how do I decide let’s start by

explaining going to or not going to so

we use this grammar point for decisions

we made before the conversation so

something you decided before you started

speaking to this person so for example I

could say and after this lesson I’m

going to eat lunch or after this lesson

I’m going to do some work for example

because I decided before this

conversation so on this timeline which

we will add to on this timeline oh it’s

really hard to write like this this

timeline my decision happens in the past

yeah and then this is now this is our

conversation where you’re having our

live stream now but the plan my action

is going to happen sometime in the

future back here so this is sort of the

the timeline for my decision-making here

so I make the decision in the past

before the conversation but the plan is

going to happen here so this is when we

use going to so like I said I’m going to

eat lunch after this broadcast or I’m

going to do some work or I’m going to

have dinner with my friends this weekend

so how about you what are you going to

do this weekend remember this is a

decision you made before this broadcast

what are you going to do this weekend

I’m going to

what tell us what are you going to do

she says she’s going to she’s going to

leave the room after this all right

yeah also a great point Eduardo Matias

has a great point what you gonna do this

weekend so Ghana we use the

pronunciation native speakers will use

Ghana I’m ok I’m gonna do blah blah blah

try to use I’m gonna instead of I’m

going to alright so yes I know senior

said oh Facebook first one your first on

Facebook Kumar after this I’m going to

my job

nice Amin says I’m going to drink Cola

great uh-uh now says I’m going to visit

my cousin Facebook you’re fast on that

Oh YouTube’s coming in Ivan says I’m

going to go to school tomorrow and after

that I’m going to go to work

Eduardo I’m going to Kenwood mall this

weekend nice let’s see ah new yin tang

Newman says I’m going to play games nice

Patrick says I’m going I’m going bowling

I’m going to Bowl or I’m going bowling

it’s correct

Mayer says I’m going to my computer

course this weekend nice John Kelly

you’re going to Fukuoka the day after

tomorrow enjoy I want to go to Fukuoka

Leandra I’m going to listen listen to

more content in English Yusef says I’m

going to listen to Alicia Tim Chang says

I’m going to die I hope not that’s what

Harry said on Facebook after a break I’m

going to visit my friends nice Eric joke

I’m gonna study hard nice use of gonna

there Angelica I’m going to sleep I’m

really tired

sweet dreams let’s see Ivan I’m gonna

watch another video another one of your

videos to improve my English yeah okay

if you’re just joining we’re talking

about what you’re going to do what

you’re going to do so with this point

I’m gonna

I’m going to okay I’m going to work I’m

going to Facebook Fernando I’m gonna

take my dog to the vet

I’m gonna take my dog to the vet our

mando on YouTube I’m gonna sleep nice

mario says i’m going to see a movie okay

Lucas I’m going to learn more English

someone said I’m going to watch your

previous episodes thank you um let’s see

Jose Perez are you going to give a

lesson now I’m giving the lesson now I’m

giving the lesson right now I’m teaching

the lesson right now let’s see mister is

a odd I’m going to hang out to hang out

not past tense hung there uh Julio says

I’m going to send you a message oh you

just sent me the message okay Samba says

I’m going to sleep too

great so we have a lot of people who are

going to go to sleep that’s good it’s

night I think for a lot of people Farhad

says after breakfast I’m going to call

you are you it’s interesting Val bear on

Facebook says I’m gonna go to my job

great ahaan says I’m going to subscribe

to your channel thank you thank you very

much yeah if you haven’t subscribed

please do so that you can get I think

you can do notifications now on on the

on check you can do channel notification

so actually some of you have said in the

comments like how do I know when the

next livestream is or how do I know like

when the videos come out I think you can

turn on uh yeah you can turn on a

notification if you’re watching on

YouTube if you look down there’s a

little bell icon there and if you hit

that if you push that button I think you

get notifications for when we do new

videos so that could be a really good

way if you forget about our videos so

check that out okay we have so many good

sentences wow you guys are awesome oh my

god I’m going to play soccer

uh yeah Carlos says Carlos has a big

question what are you going to do after

you finish this lesson so I’m going to

go to lunch and then I’m going to do

some work okay great let’s see what else

could we do we could do if we can do a

negative sentence what aren’t you going

to do I’m not going to the beach after

this broadcast

yeah Oh are we are we gonna make a not

going to okay i’m gonna learn english

yeah so you can say i’m going to

subscribe to your channel i’m going to

enable it means turn on make available

i’m going to enable notifications let’s

see so right now we’re making a negative

pattern you can use so what aren’t you

going to do I’m not gonna or I’m not

going to so again same rule applies same

grammar rule applies with gonna so you

decided before this broadcast you’re not

going to do something so like I am NOT

going to go back to sleep is broadcast

I’m not going to go back to sleep let’s

see I’m not going to watch TV

I don’t think great-nephew Longbottom

says I’m not going to watch you anymore

that’s not very nice sad face also

Neville Longbottom why okay sylia says

I’m not gonna kill myself I’m very happy

about on Facebook indicas as I’m gonna

watch a very important English lesson

yeah great point by the way many of you

are saying I’m gonna this I’m gonna

watching I’m gonna going something like

that we can’t use the progressive tense

you can’t use the thank you you can’t

use we can’t use the progressive tense

of the verb after going to you need to

use the regular like the the base form

of the verb I’m going to learn I’m going

to study I’m going to eat I’m not going

to play I’m not going to watch you can

say I’m going to go bowling but in that

case bowling is not used as a verb it’s

used as a noun phrase so please be

careful of your grammar here alright so

that’s our first grammar point for today

I’m going to I’m not going to so please

keep in mind this is a decision you make

before the conversation here is your

decision here is your plan

your decision directly affects your plan

so you’re expecting to do something ok

great you guys are awesome you have so

many good example sentences very funny

ones - nice nice ok but I think we need

to talk about today’s let’s see today’s

little bonus material so today we talked

a little bit about it last week I think

but we have some PDFs these free they’re

free right yeah they’re free PDFs for

people if you’re just getting started

there’s one that’s that’s a PDF that’s

all about how to get started learning so

a few tips if you’re just beginning and

also if you are already studying there’s

a PDF for how to improve your skills so

some of you have been asking during the

live broadcasts like for example how do

i improve my listening or how do i

improve my pronunciation and so on so if

you want to please check that out it

could be really good I think there’s a

lot of stuff for like specific

situations - so like going back to

school which maybe many of you are

there’s a lot of like business stuff -

so if you are if you need to use English

a lot for work you can check that PDF if

you’re going to travel like some people

mentioned they’re traveling this weekend

you can check out the travel PDFs too so

depending on the situation there’s lots

and lots of good stuff so please check

that out there’s a link in the

description below the video on YouTube

and above the video on Facebook so check

that link also if you’re watching this

video by the way if you’re watching this

video on YouTube you can like the video

in real time and then it helps other

people find it too so that’s another way

so like if you forget then hopefully

your classmates can help you like get

reminded if the page refreshes or

something so make sure to hit the like

the the like button on the video as it’s

live - that’s really really helpful okay

but let’s go to grammar point number two

for today grammar point number two for

today is

will and won’t I want to talk about will

and won’t because a lot of people mix up

going to and will and won’t when they’re

trying to talk about their future plans

so um let’s see so we talked about let’s

see here this is our are going to

pattern a decision made before the

moment of speaking however let’s see

will and won’t are used for decisions

that are made during the conversations I

don’t know can you see it’s sort of hard

to see but so when you make a decision

during the conversation like right now

during the broadcast if you decide

you’re going to do something you’ll use

will to make that decision so I could

say all right now I’ll so I’m using the

contracted form aisle now I’ll talk

about will and won’t

I’ve decided just now I’m that’s what I

want to do so I can say will or won’t to

talk about that decision so some of you

like like right now I just said like

please try to hit the like button on

this video so more people can find it

and so you could say to yourself okay

I’ll hit the like button that’s a

decision you made at the moment of

speaking now I’ll hit the like button

and you do it so you just made that

decision we use will to to talk about

those decisions so this plan it can be

the same the plan can be the same at the

same point in time but the point here is

the decision when did you make the

decision did you make the decision now

then you should use will okay

so I mentioned we talked about

pronunciation with gonna so a more

natural pronunciation of gonna with

going to will also has the same thing

try not to use I will whoa I will subdue

something so we have it right here

I will go to the beach I will hit the

like button I will I don’t know what

but try to use the contracted form here

Isle this sounds much more natural so

try to use it’s hard to see you probably

on this whiteboard but try to use this

apostrophe ll so meaning for example

you’ll or aisle or wheel try to use the

contracted form to sound more natural so

aisle blah blah blah okay so let’s see

somebody said I will travel to USA see

did you make that decision right now

because it sounds a little strange to

say to use will for your travel plans

because typically travel plans are

decided before the conversation yeah so

try not to use will unless you’re saying

okay I’ll go to the party tonight like

you just decided in a conversation with

your friend in that case great will is

perfect but if you’re talking about

something big like that it sounds really

strange to use will because that’s a big

decision okay so that’s a lot of

information so we can try to talk about

a decision we’re gonna make now let’s

see so let’s see if I decided I could

say I’ll mmm I think I’ll eat pasta for

lunch for example I just decided that so

some of you have said I’ll eat I’m gonna

have dinner after this lesson what do

you think you’ll eat for dinner or your

next meal that’s something you can

decide right now Oh Angelica says I’ll

water my lemon tree okay she just made

that decision nice you always have nice

example sentences Angelica thank you for

joining okay

Renata says I’ll drink some water I’m

thirsty very nice great okay Rohit says

I will hit the like button thank you

okay producers thank you okay

just for fun being Pakistani says I’ll

watch this video later great great yeah

you can watch it multiple times actually

Jennifer says I’ll drink water

I’m on YouTube great on Facebook uh nos

says I’ll check if my breath

is asleep yet or not great a Bell says

I’ll make tea because it’s raining nice

idea it’s raining here cute sooo

Oliviera on Facebook says I’ll watch

your classes more great thank you thank

you thank you

Paulo says I’ll try to use only the

contracted form of will excellent

excellent choice I think very nice

really it says I’ll eat milk chocolate

great Eduardo says I’ll have pork ribs

for lunch very nice Yousef says I’ll

listen to you great great Seba I’ll go

to sleep after this broadcast is this

correct yes yes so I think I’ll go to

sleep it’s natural by the way to use I

think aisle blah blah blah so it shows

that maybe there’s not as like a hundred

percent chance of that happening but

there’s you’re thinking about it like I

think I’ll have pasta for lunch I think

I’ll go to sleep after this broadcast I

think I’ll have coffee with my breakfast

I didn’t drink coffee this morning I’m

very sorry let’s see so I want to

mention one more point about will so

sometimes you make a decision at the

moment of speaking as we’ve talked about

you make your decision here but there’s

a high chance that this decision is

going to happen like you’re talking to a

friend and you’re trying to decide I’m

like should I go to a party what should

I do

if you make your decision at the moment

of speaking and there’s a very high

chance you’re going to do that thing you

should use will you can use will but add

probably so add probably in this case

you can use probably with going to which

we talked about here like I’m probably

gonna go to the beach I’m probably going

to eat lunch but if you want to talk

about a decision at the moment of

speaking with a higher level of

certainty like there’s a higher chance

you’re going to do that you can use

probably so here perfect aisle probably

like some of you said I’ll probably go

to sleep after this broadcast

I’ll probably eat dinner after this


someone said I’ll try not to be late for

the next direct lesson yay great okay

let’s see

Oh on Facebook there’s a question is it

possible to post this broadcast later

yes so actually this broadcast we’re

recording it now live so you can watch

it on our Facebook page by the way if

you haven’t found us on Facebook yet

come find us on Facebook YouTube there’s

a link in the description so you can

watch it on the Facebook page and you

can watch it on our regular YouTube page

it’s it’s in with all of the regular

YouTube videos so yes you can watch live

but just please remember I course can’t

respond to comments in real time okay

so yes so Wow lots of more sentences

with will that’s great so I’ll subscribe

to your channel now yay great thank you

yeah so I’ll subscribe to your channel

great I’ll hit the like button great

thank you

okay um let’s see on Facebook Graciela

says I’ll probably watch TV later on

that says I’ll probably go to the gym

after I eat breakfast nice okay um what


Oh Roberto on YouTube I think I’ll be

planning I think I’ll plan my next

wedding your next wedding another

wedding this is a very mysterious

sentence okay Ivan says I’ll probably

fall asleep while watching this video

I’m so tired

do your best there’s only my gosh

there’s only three minutes left okay

then um should we talk about this more

no at the end all right wow this went


so today yeah we talked about will and

going to I feel like there was one other

thing I wanted to talk about let me see

oh yes um there’s one more thing I

wanted to talk about questions really

really quickly so I’ve asked you what

are you going to do this weekend for

example but the same rule this same rule

applies to your questions so don’t ask

someone what will you do this weekend it

sounds really weird don’t say what will

you do this weekend ask what are you

going to do this weekend what are you

going to do this weekend is a much

better it’s a correct that’s the correct

question so please use that also some

more natural questions what are you up

to this weekend what are you up to this

weekend or any plans this weekend

those are good I have it sorry it’s on

the top yes so those are those are a bit

more natural ices making the is making

the questions so you can see them here

so what are you going to do this weekend

any plans for this weekend those are

much more natural questions just please

don’t use what will you do this weekend

do not use what will you do this weekend

please use I’m what are you going to do

or any plans for the weekend those are

much better yeah thank you what are you

going to do this weekend and any plans

for the weekend these are much better

questions yeah good so what are you

gonna do this weekend Angelica I’m going

to say goodbye now thank you for joining

Angelica I hope to see you next week

thank you as always for the great

sentences - alright good so those are

the main things I wanted to talk about

today gosh it’s so fast like just to

grammar points in 30 minutes it’s like

he goes so quickly but let’s see I guess

we should talk about next week’s topic

then so next week I thought it would be

interesting a lot of you have asked

questions about phrasal verbs people

want to know about phrasal verbs there

are a lot of different phrasal verbs

it’s hard to just teach a lesson about

phrasal verbs so I chose one verb the

verb run which has literally like

different uses in the English language

but I want to talk about a few maybe of

the most common uses phrasal verbs with

run for next week so we’re gonna talk

about some phrasal verbs and that’s

gonna be let’s see let’s see next week

on Wednesday night at 10:00 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time that would be Wednesday

September 6th on Eastern Standard Time

at 10:00 p.m. so you can find us on

YouTube or you can find us on Facebook

so same time same Channel

10:00 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday or let’s

see Eastern Eastern Standard Time so

please check us out there we’re gonna

talk about I’m going to talk about right

I’m going to talk about phrasal verbs

and the verb focus is going to be run

run so thank you very much for your

questions and comments actually like you

should know if you have something that

you want to talk about that you would

like to learn after this broadcast I’m

going to actually this is true I look

through your comments and I pull through

I pull out questions that maybe we can

talk about later so if there is

something you would like to learn please

let us know let us know let me know and

we can add it to our list of things so

yes please join us again next week for

our next broadcast thank you so much for

joining thank you so much for liking

this video - that was awesome

like and you yea our producer is very

happy with you - so so um you can still

hit the like button even after the

broadcast is finished that’s super

helpful for us but like us on Facebook

like us on YouTube subscribe to us on

YouTube of course check us out at

English class 101.com

I think you’ll see our free our free

stuff our free PDFs for the week in just

a minute when I finish so thanks very

much for your time today

it was great to see so many people again

from around the world that’s awesome

everybody have a good night I appreciate

all the messages I hope you have a good


and I will

see you again at this time next week so

thanks very much I’m going to go now bye

