Your Internet Slang Guide Learn English

alrighty then stream started great

welcome back everybody it is time for

our live stream again this week so we

are going to wait a couple minutes to

let everyone join us live and then we’re

going to begin this week’s topic is

internet and texting words we’re going

to talk about a few short combinations

of letters you’ll see quite often on the

internet the english-speaking internet

so oh yeah there we go

on this side today internet slang I

guess will be the nice way to put it for

today so we’re loading everything up as

you join of course we have a new banner

today make sure to hit the like button

and share the video too it’s super

helpful for us so as you join please

make sure to LIKE the video other people

will find it alright we have YouTube up

I think in Facebook is coming up now too

great hi YouTube peers there hi Pierre

mr. postman you have a new name I think

good hello Guatemala hello from Brazil

hello um let’s see mothman Pedro Eduardo

jr. hello everybody great to YouTube is

up Facebook is coming soon we’ll begin

in just a moment Facebook it’s Facebook

coming Facebook is coming so as I said

today we’re talking about internet slang

internet slang so by that I mean like

the short like little combinations of

words that people use when they’re

texting or when they’re using the

internet like social social media and

things so we’re going to start very soon

ok good YouTube is up is Facebook coming

Facebook will be coming soon I think

Facebook is soon Facebook is coming soon

and then we’ll begin Facebook yeah

Facebook is coming ok but while we wait

maybe um can I talk about my example

from last week or should we talk about

something else

show show okay we’re going to wait a bit

so for now we’ll we got to wait for

Facebook Facebook’s a little slow today

so for now hi everybody in YouTube by

the way if you have some questions so

this is for people who are watching live

and for people who are watching later

after this video is uploaded to the

channel if you have a question like if

you saw some kind of like phrase on the

internet or if you saw a word or what’s

called an initialism what we’ll talk

about later if you see something on the

internet or if you have seen something

on the internet and you have a question

about it please send that like in the in

the live chat or just send it in a

comment on Facebook or on YouTube and we

can answer that maybe in next week’s

lesson so if you have questions today

please feel free to ask because those

should be pretty quick questions okay

all good it looks like Facebook is up

fantastic good so Facebook is coming I

don’t see chat yet but we will begin

soon very nice ok good um everybody’s on

YouTube still good all right so please

be prepared with your questions for


excellent Facebook hello Facebook Great

Lawn is on Facebook I see you excellent

okay we are ready to go Roberto is also

there fantastic okay let’s begin then so

as always yes as always I like to share

something about how I used last week’s

topic in my life

so today the same thing today I want to

share this time it’ll be something from

Instagram instead of Twitter but today I

want to share my my achievement I guess

last week I talked about ways to stop

procrastinating and one of those was

enroll in a course to enroll in a course

like to help you study so I did that

myself a few years ago and then I

finished it recently so I got this

certificate actually yeah this I

finished my course recently look at the

end of last year and so I got this

certificate so I studied editing I was

studying editing so it helped me learn a

lot about like good ways to commute

Kate and good ways to use text as well

so like helping people improve their

writing so this was read this is real

this is a way that I’ve applied last

week’s point in my life so I finished

that last week so that’s my exciting

point and it relates to last week’s

topic and this was a course I did on the

internet too so it’s kind of a nice pair

for last week’s topic and this week’s

topic okay so let’s begin with this

week’s topic everybody Facebook I know

is just uh has just joined us so if

you’re just coming please make sure to

hit the like button on Facebook so other

people can find the video please do yeah

we have a nice new banner a very

brightly colored new banner today so

please hit the like button okay hi

curious your first time to join from


welcome thanks for coming today alright

let’s begin

today we are talking about internet

slang internet slang um so you might

have seen some of these words before

especially on social media or maybe your

friends use them when they text or maybe

you see them maybe even on TV I don’t

know you might also see these words in

business emails too so I hope that the

words and the the expressions we’re

going to talk about today are useful in

many different situations so I’m going

to introduce some expressions that you

can use that are fairly common

I feel so if you have questions yet

include them in the chat because those

should be pretty quick to answer today

so okay good we have lots of people

today that’s great so let’s begin to

introduce though to introduce a key

point for today though I want to mention

the expressions were going to talk about

today are called initialisms initialisms

so I think well we might have it coming

up on a over here can we do that really

quickly so this is sort of a key word

for today and initialism and initialism

so you’ll see it in just a second here

thank you

Thanks so an initialism this is the key

sort of a key word for two

this is like the the category of word

the category we can assign to today’s

words so an initialism is a word that we

make from the first letter of several

words but we pronounce the word using

the names of the letters so maybe some

of you watched our New Year’s video

where I talked about like the the word

smart for setting SMART goals we talked

about acronyms this word an acronym this

is a new word that we make from the

beginning letters of other words and

then we pronounce it as a new word but

initialisms are different we’re going to

see initialisms today that’s what this

this style is called so this is sort of

a key word for today initials okay with

that then let’s take a look at our first

internet slang topic our first internet

slang initialism very popular one you’ve

probably seen it in many different cases

so the first one for today is

l-o-l LOL this one LOL i’ve seen it used

in a couple of different ways LOL can

mean laugh out loud or it can mean lots

of laughs so as you can see this L o L

and L o L here so the the first letters

of these words form lol so this is

called an initialism LOL is an

initialism so we use this we use this

initialism when we want to explain that

something was funny we thought something

was funny or something caused us to

laugh lol that video was hilarious or

sometimes now even in everyday

conversation not even just in like in

text text situations but in everyday


some people will pronounce this as a

word I’ll old or I’ll old as well so you

can see here it takes the regular verb

conjugation lol EDI lolled

so some especially young people use this

from time to time for something that

they think is kind of funny so you can

say lol that video is hilarious

it’s like when you’re texting or you

could say I love in speech maybe but

just keep in mind that this is extremely

casual this is very very casual and

maybe like just young people tend to use

this so lol is our first one for today

but you can use it however you like it’s

very common yeah so peers using it in

the YouTube chat for sure that lol good

okay so that’s our first one for today

let’s go to the second one a very common

one like I posted about it I posted this

one on Twitter to announce today’s

livestream actually maybe arguably the

most common initialism at least in

American English is omg omg means oh my

god or oh my gosh oh my god or oh my

gosh what’s the difference here some

people the word God is a very sensitive

word so some people prefer not to use or

some people don’t like to hear this word

um so maybe a gosh is better for some

people so oh my gosh could perhaps be a

little bit softer a little bit more

polite I tend to use oh my god

when I was surprised but we use this

initialism oMG in text for shock or for

surprise so we feel like maybe

embarrassed as well so some kind of

surprising or shocking emotion oh my god

or oh my gosh we use oMG to do that so

we can use this here like I did for

something amazing

so if I see you something online like a

video I really enjoy I can say oMG

amazing something that’s amazing I can

use oMG before that here I’ve combined

it with the first initialism we used

today I have oMG lol which means in

other words surprised and funny this is

sort of the the meaning behind this

combination so something surprised me

and it was really funny so like my

friend sends me a funny picture or

actually this is true my friend sent me

a really funny video last week and I was

eating breakfast I saw it

when I was eating breakfast and I

laughed so hard like I had to stop

eating and so I responded to the message

with oMG lol that that’s true that’s a

true story so we can combine we can put

them together in this case so let’s use

oMG I want to mention also we have this

word oMG in text but young people and

actually I suppose even people in my

generation use oMG in speech - of course

we say oh my god or oh my gosh when

we’re surprised but you can also say oMG

as well it sounds really really casual

but you you can’t hear this from time to

time so some people do that ok good so

let’s use oMG as our first chat question

as our first soak the people who are

chatting live or even if you’re not

watching live let’s use oMG to share

something that surprised you or

something that was like amazing to you

or something maybe that shocked you

recently so what is something that

shocked or surprised you recently please

share with oh em gee oh my god

so oMG like 500 people are watching this

live stream right now actually I don’t

know I don’t know on Facebook we have

like 77 I don’t know how many are in

YouTube but oMG 500 people are watching

this live stream right now or oMG I

passed my test or oMG I finished my

course I’m so happy so please use oMG to

share something shocking anybody have

anything good so omg omg it’s really hot

in here

it’s always really hot in here oMG

Fraser says oMG I need coffee

oMG I need coffee Jr says oMG you look

great in this black jumper I wear like

the same shirt for almost every

livestream I feel like I have like five


oMG I’m 40 plus alright not so on

YouTube says oMG I understand everything

that’s fantastic I’m really happy to

hear that that’s great that’s great

ahh according to our crew there

ah 240 people watching on YouTube and 70

something on Facebook okay but still oMG

that’s a lot of people it’s over 300

people watching live fantastic uh Jesse

says oMG I’m improving my speaking great

great awesome

someone says oMG first time not missing

the stream great Claudia says oMG your

English accent is so clear good I’m glad

to hear that I hope so what else

Tommy says super blue blood moon oMG

yeah did you guys see that I totally

forgot I totally forgot did you see it

super tiny

it was super tiny here okay okay yeah

oMG I need to leave ASAP up that person

who was that a counter counter has used

the word ASAP which I wasn’t planning to

talk about today a.s.a.p this is not in

my list today but this is a very useful

one to use ASAP if you don’t know ASAP

means as soon as possible as soon as

possible this is something that’s very

useful in business emails in in like

business planning you can use it in

speech as well ASAP you might also hear

people say ASAP ASAP so this is a very

multifunctional expression you can use a

few different things here ASAP

so what on YouTube says oMG I have no

money oh no be careful be careful great

Facebook I see some comments there OMG

super Blood Moon for sure for sure good

oMG I’m at work okay

oMG good advice oMG I passed my exam

great very nice job

very nice job okay so I think you guys

have the hang of oMG so we can use it

for a lot of different situations let’s

move on though let’s take our first a

break for today so this week we are

introducing our PDF we always have a PDF

for you guys some

free stuff so this week some of you

might have seen before but it’s may be

useful especially for the month of

February which we’ll talk more about

next week but this week our free item

for everybody is PDFs so we have these

free what we call PDF cheat sheets these

are really good for building your

vocabulary so each PDF cheat sheet is

like a is it’s something that’s like

specific to a topic so like

back-to-school for example or like if

you need to use English at your job if

you’re traveling somewhere so especially

like February February has a Valentine’s

Day coming up and so we’re going to talk

about some of those words next week but

if you need to review or if you have a

vocabulary gap you can check these out

these are free on the website so

definitely check the link below the

video on youtube or above the video on

Facebook and you can download these for

free if you have an account on the

website you can download them free right

away if you don’t have an account you

can make an account really really

quickly so please check it out our

producer says oMG it’s free oMG it’s

free so please check that out definitely

I have a look they are totally free so

please come to our website and download

these so that you can get some extra

vocabulary practice in alrighty welcome

back ok so if you’re just joining us

welcome back today’s topic is internet

slang internet slang so Oh should I move

are you gonna put it over there ok so

today’s topic is internet slang this

thumbnail this thumbnail is just

incredible right this is a really old

photo anyway today we’re talking about

internet slang so if you have not

already please make sure to LIKE the

video helps us a lot and of course share

it as well alright but let’s get back to

our topic for today so we’re talking

about initialisms as I introduced at the

beginning of today’s lesson however

I want to talk about a few that you can

use like in business situations as well

so you might see them in business emails

or you might even hear them like in

presentations or in meetings and

discussions whatever so let’s look at

the first one I’m gonna have to move

okay so let’s look at the first one

which is bTW the first initialism here

is BTW i can tilt the screen I could I

can tilt the screen up to here so be

tuned sorry okay I won’t do that sir

okay so BTW means by the way by the way

so you can use BTW in the same way that

you would use by the way in your speech

so for example BTW have you heard any

updates yet by the way have you heard

any updates yet or BTW i’m going to be

out of the office next week so these are

used in exactly the same way we would

use by the way so you will hear however

not just by the way in speech but

especially younger people like I said

young people will often say this in

speech however W is a very long sound so

we don’t say bTW when we’re using this

in speech you will hear young people say

bt-dubs dub so dub dub comes from the

first syllable of W so dub

but then the s sounds but then the S

sounds kind of like rough or cool know

that yeah I’ve heard people say bt-dubs

before which means by the way but it’s

extremely casual so bt-dubs yeah right

our producers saying by the way is just

three syllables it’s true but in writing

in writing this is quite is quite easy

to do bTW but in speech you might hear

people say bt-dubs as well so by the way

this is one you can use in business

situations too alrighty let’s look at

the next one the next one that you might

be able to use in like a business

situation or

you can use also in like an online

discussion is one if you use especially

if you use like reddit for example

that’s a popular English content

aggregation website content aggregation

means like content collecting website so

especially if you use like an online

discussion site like that you can use it

oh honey asks is it formal by the way um

not necessarily not necessarily it’s not

really casual either it’s just a neutral

and kind of transition word yeah okay

someone says bTW I’m watching this live

stream at the office oh very nice okay

uh Wow well there are a lot of good

examples hi Harley by the way I have to

say you’re nice thanks thanks thanks for

always writing me comments to you

alright but anyway let’s go to what was

I gonna do the next time yeah the next

one the next one for business use and

for an online discussion use is iIRC

iirc this one iirc so this initialism

this ignition ism iirc I’ve seen it the

meaning as these two things so if I

recall correctly and if I remember

correctly so remember and recall in this

case really have the same meaning they

mean remember recall sounds is a more

formal use of recall really so iirc

we’re going to talk about dating

expressions in our next live stream so

if I recall correctly we’re going to

talk about dating expressions in our

next live stream so that’s my like I if

I remember correctly in other words if

my memory is correct so it there’s like

a chance then that I might be incorrect

it might be incorrect yes it is yes it

is about dating expressions next week or

if I recall correctly I have a meeting

at 3:00 for example so this this this

implies that like I think I’m correct I

think I have the correct information but

there’s a chance I have made a mistake

so this expression leaves a little

room for a mistake iirc iirc if I recall

correctly if I remember correctly so

this is a useful one for discussion like

supporting your points and also like

just sharing your schedule sharing some

information good

alrighty then let’s move along to the

next one the next one also very common

in emails but very common in speech fYI

fYI probably many of you know about this


FYI means for your information for your

information so use this when you are

introducing new information to somebody

FYI so we use this when we want to share

information that is new so something

that is new for the listener or

something that is new for the reader fYI

we changed the meeting time from 10:00

to 11:00 a.m. for your information or

for your information fYI I’m having a

barbecue this weekend I wish so FYI

means for your information for your

information okay by the way you will

hear F why I like spoken this is a

spoken– initialism as well in a meeting

fYI our meeting has changed or FYI I’ll

be out of the office next week you will

hear this in everyday conversation so

let’s go to next chat question for today

so please prepare so please send in the

chat then some new information using fYI

fYI so you’ll see it here and just they

say yeah use fYI to share new

information into the chat whoa you guys

are fast

okay so FYI I’ll be out of the office

next week is my example Harley in

YouTube says fYI I have learned so much

with your classes yeah thanks

my bad english says FYI I’m learning

English with Alisha cool thank you a

hearty knee says fYI I love your

teaching great okay on Facebook shahe

dot karim says FYI I’m a graduate are I

graduated maybe I think okay great lots

of wow you guys were fast with

okay others so share some information

with fYI fYI another one fYI next week’s

live stream is about dating expressions

so if you haven’t heard by now all right

polyglot Jake how many languages do I

speak I speak well - 2 - 3 ish -

Giuliani says FYI I’m from Indonesia

nice one good good good good other ones

so did you hear like something

interesting in the news or is there

something interesting coming up you can

use this at work or like with your

friends fYI to share new information

where indra says FYI i’m moving to a new

country next month where are you moving

Claudio says FYI I’m improving my

English with Alicia

very nice hearty nice as last night I

took a picture of the beautiful Eclipse

yeah lots of people saw that I didn’t I

didn’t I totally forgot I totally forgot

I am not good at things ok let’s look at

let’s go though I think we need should

we take a break I said should we go to

the last point break break ok break ok

we’re gonna take another break you guys

have nailed fYI nailed like you have

nailed something something means you’ve

got it really well nice job you nailed

it you nailed it he’s so nice one nice

one thank you for all your nice your

nice comments if you haven’t also please

make sure to like the video share the

video so other people can find it great

alrighty so let’s go to a break umm if

you missed it earlier if you missed it

earlier today we are sharing for free

with you guys our PDF cheat sheets yeah

there they are so if you have a gap or

if you know that there’s something you

need to study very soon in the future in

English like if you’re travelling

somewhere or if you need to I don’t know

use business-business English for


check out these they are free and you

can download them to your computer

or you can like save them to your phone

for example

and then you can study offline as well

so some of you have said in the past

that you want to study when you don’t

have an internet connection so these are

really good ways to just like refresh

your vocabulary like if you’re traveling

for example or maybe if you want to

share it easily like via email with

somebody else you can check these out

too so these are great little kind of

bonus I guess vocabulary lists so you

can check them out so if you haven’t

checked them out you can download

actually all of these these are all for

free on the website right now so if you

would like to download these please

check the link below the video on

YouTube and above the video on Facebook

you can download them right away

alrighty we only have like three minutes

left so let’s quickly finish up oh gosh

I have a couple I have a couple I need

to talk about quickly oh alright let’s

begin then so let’s go to what actually

this next one is the only one that is

not an initialism today everything else

that I introduced today is an initialism

so remember initialism is a word we

pronounce like the letters of the word

so the next one is actually an

intentional misspelling an intentional

misspelling so this means this word is

spelled wrong this is this is wrong but

it’s on purpose so this is an

intentional misspelling of the word what

what so what this is the obviously this

is the correct spelling of the word what

but here we see it used with a with a UW

YouTube so what why what is the deal

with this so we use this what and like

the the implication here so like the

nuance here is like this seems a little

bit like stupid right like somebody has

made a mistake here

but we use this for situations that seem

stupid or really confusing or like we

just we just can’t understand that so

instead of people saying like what is

this like to properly and like politely

confirm like we’re so surprised or we’re

so confused by the situation we type the

wrong spelling

and and so it sounds kind of like what

like it sounds a little bit stupid

actually so for example I have this like

as an example like a recipe for vegan

meatloaf what it’s so the reason I chose

this as an example is like vegan has no

meat but like meat is in the name so it

sounds kind of confusing so this might

be an example of when you can use what

so if you’ve seen this w UT online

before it means what it means this but

the nuance here is that the situation is

kind of stupid or it’s something that’s

just really confusing to you so if you

see this it means what it means the

speaker or the writer is confused that’s

confused yes sorry to offend any vegans

I don’t mean to offend any vegans advice

he’s vegan sorry that’s not my intention

I just just an example sentence okay

let’s go though to Oh a very important

one the next one I want to use is BRB

yeah BRB BRB means be right back be

right back

so we use this when we want to leave the

conversation for a short period of time

so if you’re like chatting with your

friends or like even in the YouTube chat

or the facebook chat right now if you’re

chatting with a friend and you need to

leave the conversation for a moment like

I have here like BRB phone or BRB quick

meeting something you can use this

expression this is extremely useful

you’ll also hear people use this in

speech like BRB kind of casually if

they’re if I’m like physically in the

same room as someone and we need to like

leave for a short period of time so BRB

means be right back in a conversation or

physically in a room BRB BRB very useful

one very convenient - this is very

convenient I think everybody just uses

BRB sometimes or at some point people

just use BRB with no explanation - but

it means oh I’ll come back soon I’ll

come back soon so good one okay but I’m

out of time so let’s go to the last one

a very

appropriate way to end today’s lesson

some of you i saw some of you are

already using this ttyl talk to you


talk to you later so meaning the

conversation has finished or the

discussion has finished but I plan to

speak to you again later ttyl talk to

you later um I see this every once in a

while on on like social media or like in

in text I suppose but I’m also noticing

people will use this as well so laters

with a Z at the end like um this XIV

like people like to add just kind of a Z

to the end of words now and then to make

it sound a little bit rough so like


or we also saw like in by the way BT

Dubbs that kind of sound makes it sound

a little bit rough so laters BT dubs so

those sounds kind of like rough or maybe

like a little bit funny cool that’s sort

of than you want so talk to you later or

just laters you can use that too I also

I also have like a very uncool

expression I use like the expression

later Gator but that comes from a 50s

rock song but you might have heard that

our producer is like oh my god that you

might hear native speakers say like in

especially in like casual conversations

they’ll say like see you later alligator

and then the the response to that is

like if the response to that is a in a

while crocodile it comes from a song but

some native speakers use that it’s sort

of old-fashioned it’s not very cool but

I guess I used that sometimes but if you

hear it that’s what it means okay I’m

late so if we have to finish up thank

you guys so much for watching today’s

lesson I hope that these initialisms the

expressions we talked about we’re useful

for you and I think that you can use

these probably right away online and

you’ll see them a lot as well you guys

have some really great comments oh my

bad english asks on the YouTube stream

ttyl how often do you stream yeah we


live every week every week right now

it’s at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on

Wednesday nights

so Eastern Standard Time is New York

City time 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

so I think that that’s oh I forgot it’s

like 7:30 in the morning in India or

something and like oh gosh I don’t

remember I don’t remember all the time

zones but please check on 9:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time Wednesday nights

and that’s the time that we do our live

streams so yeah please join us again

next week as I’ve said many times today

already next week we’re going to talk

about dating related expression so next

week will be the live stream before

Valentine’s Day before Valentine’s Day

so to help you prepare I will talk about

some dating related expressions so

please join us on Wednesday February 7th

Wednesday February 7th at 9 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time and we’ll talk about some

dating expressions yeah good and you

guys still have lots of stuff coming in

fantastic so I hope you can use today’s

points a lot right away all right I have

to go so thank you as always for joining

and for sharing and for chatting and for

liking the video enjoy the rest of your

day enjoy the rest of your night your

week whatever and please check out the

free PDFs you’ll see when I leave I will

see you again next week bye bye talk to

you later

