Talking About Your Family in English Spoken English Lesson

Hi, I’m Oli.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

In this lesson, you can learn how to talk
about your family in English.

Do you have a big family?

What do you like doing when you spend time
with your family?

Talking about family can be a good way to
start a conversation in English, so it’s

useful if you know what to say and if you
have some questions to ask.

Let’s start with something simple.

Part one: introducing your family.

Let’s start with a simple sentence:

“There are ________ people in my family.”

So you can say:

“There are five…

There are ten…

There are thirty people in my family.”

That’s not too hard, but it’s not so interesting,

You should say who these people are.

“There are ten people in my family: I have
two sisters, one brother, my uncle and aunt,

two grandparents and my parents of course.”

“There are four people in my family: my wife,
my two sons and myself.”

Part two: Talking about your brothers and

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

You could say:

“I have two brothers and one sister.”

“I just have one sister.”

“I’m an only child.”

Let’s make it more interesting by adding
more information.

Are your brothers and sisters older or younger?

Where are you in the family?

“I have two older brothers and one older sister.

I’m the youngest in the family.”

“I just have one sister, who’s five years
older than me.”

“I’m the middle child: my brother is two
years older, and I have a younger sister who’s

finishing university this year.”

Part three: talking about your immediate and
your extended family.

In English, we sometimes draw a line between
your immediate family.

That means: you, your husband/wife, your children,
parents, and brothers and sisters.

Then, you have your extended family.

That means: aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews,
nieces, grandparents, grandchildren, and so


Now, you can give more details about the people
in your family, like this:

“My immediate family is quite small, because
I’m an only child.

My mum is one of five children, so I have
a lot of cousins, who are kind of like my

brothers and sisters.

There are six people in my immediate family:
my parents, my brother and his wife, my sister

and me.

I have a lot of other relatives, but they
live in Canada so we don’t see them often.”

Part four: talking about your children.

Do you have children?

Let’s see what you can say:

“I have three kids: two girls and a boy.”

“We have a newborn son.”

“We have one daughter, and my wife’s expecting
our second child.”

As always, you should add details to make
your answers longer and more interesting:

“I have three kids: two girls and a boy.

Our eldest daughter has just started secondary
school, and the two younger ones are still

in primary school.”

“We have a newborn son.

He’s just three weeks old now, so we’re
still getting used to things!”

“We have one daughter, and my wife’s expecting
our second child.

We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl,
but we’ll find out in three months.”

Part five: talking about your relationship
with your family.

Finally, let’s add some information about
how often you see your family, and what you

like to do together.

For example:

“I’m very close to my family.

We have lunch together every weekend.”

“I see my older brother once a week; we play
tennis or basketball together.”

“I try to spend as much time as possible with
my kids.”

What now?

You should know the answer: add more details!

Let’s look:
“I’m very close to my family.

We have lunch together every weekend at my
grandmother’s house.

She always cooks something delicious!”

“I see my older brother once a week; we play
tennis or basketball together.

I don’t see my other brother so often, because
he lives overseas, although we talk on Skype

every so often.”

“I try to spend as much time as possible with
my kids.

We play cards, watch films, or go to the park
if the weather’s nice.”

Part six: making a longer answer.

Now you should be able to make a longer answer
talking about your family.

You should be able to talk about your relatives,
your brothers and sisters, your children if

you have any, and your relationship with your

Let’s look at a sample answer:

“There are five people in my immediate family,
although my extended family is quite large.

I have two sisters, both younger, so I’m
the oldest child.

I don’t have kids yet but I’d like to
have a big family one day.

I see my parents and my sisters quite often,
because we all live near each other, although

I don’t see my other relatives that much.”


Could you make an answer like this?

Let’s look at one more sample answer first:

“I come from a big family: I’m the fifth
child, and I have three brothers and one sister.

They’re all close to each other in age,
but there’s a big gap between them and me.

I don’t have children, but I have lots of
nieces and nephews!

I don’t see my family often because I live
in a different country, but I speak to them

regularly and we all get together once or
twice a year, which is always very noisy but

lots of fun.”

What about you?

Try to make a longer answer talking about
your family.

Use the vocabulary and ideas from the lesson
to help you.

Next time you talk about your family in English,
hopefully you’ll have lots to talk about!

That’s the end of the lesson.

I hope it was useful.

You can see more of our free English lessons
on our website: oxford online English dot


Thanks very much for watching!

See you next time.