Learn the Top 10 Words and Phrases for Driving in English

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hi everybody my name is Alisha welcome

back to top words today we’re going to

talk about ten words and phrases for

driving keep in mind you’ll see a lot of

phrasal verbs in driving and in

transportation in general we’re going to

talk about a few in this lesson let’s go

start the first word is start start to

start is just to turn on the car so I

don’t know old cars it was just turn the

key and that would you know ignite the

engine get the engine going but now you

can just like you can push a button to

start cars too so depending on the type

of car I don’t know but essentially to

begin your car experience we need to

first start the car so start the car in

a sentence start the car it’s freezing

pull out pull in the next one is

actually a pair so we have pull out and

pull in so we use these two words when

we’re leaving or when we’re going into

for example a parking space so when we

are leaving a parking space in a car we

often say pull out of the parking space

when we are entering a parking space we

can say pull in to the parking space so

just keep that in mind so when you’re

leaving pull out pull out of a location

when you are entering something pull in

to a location so pull into the garage or

pull into a parking space in a sentence

pull out of the garage and go left merge

the next word is merge merge so to merge

means two or more things come together

as one so you might hear this with like

companies like company a and Company B

merged we use this in driving four lanes

so the lines on the road show us the

lanes for driving sometimes these lanes

merge together to become one lane or to

become one highway as well we can see

that too so merging just means that the

roads or the lanes are going to come

together you will see this on signs like

merging lanes up ahead for example in a

sentence the lanes merge

up ahead change lanes the next

expression is change lanes change lanes

so if you’re on a road that has more

than one lane so we use the word lane to

mean those like the separate lines on

the highway that we can drive between if

you would like to move to the

neighboring one the next Lane we use the

expression to change lanes like change

lanes before the intersection for

example in a sentence look all around

your car before you change lanes blinker

the next word is blinker blinker blinker

is kind of the casual word for it

because it’s like the it’s an

onomatopoeia onomatopoeia means like the

sound that a word makes so blinker is

many many many of these make kind of a

tik tik tik sound as they’re on so they

they flash to show we’re going to make a

turn so blinker is kind of a casual word

for this on the on the back and the

front light but we we also use the word

turn signal turn signal so these are the

lights on the fronts and the backs of

cars that show a driver is turning so a

right turn signal left turn signal front

and back so but we also call them

blinkers so in a sentence use your

blinker when making a turn windshield

wipers the next expression is windshield

wipers windshield wipers so these are

those objects on the front they’re

outside the car they’re in front of the

glass that protects the driver from wind

so the wind shield so on rainy days or

on days maybe with bad weather I don’t

know what’s happening but when there’s

something on the windshield we use the

windshield wipers to wipe those shields

clean so windshield wipers they’re these

things they do this so a windshield

wiper keeps the windshield clear of

maybe like debris or like maybe leaves

or something or rain as well so

windshield wipers are important in a

sentence windshield wipers are important

on rainy days pass the next word is pass

pass as a verb to pass

so if you are behind a very slow-moving

vehicle like a really big truck that’s

transporting something you want to go

around that vehicle we use the verb pass

to describe that so if I’m following a

truck and I say oh so slow I’m going to

pass this truck and then that means you

wait for a passing lane in some cases to

go around safely so to pass someone is

to go beyond someone so yeah that’s in a

sentence you need to pass this guy he’s

so slow fast lane the next expression is

fast lane fast lane especially on

highways there might be one lane that’s

used for the fastest driving cars the

cars that want to move at the fastest

speed so we call that the fast lane the

fast lane there is also a slow lane we

can say that you know actually on

highways on highways typically the

outermost Lane is the slow lane in the

innermost Lane is the fast lane why

because the outermost Lane is closest to

the exits so if there’s an exit or an

off-ramp for the highway the slow lane

has the most direct access to that the

fast lane however is cars that want to

continue down the highway for a longer

period of time so they don’t have any

need to stop for a while so fast lane

and they’re slowly in a sentence use the

fast lane break the speed limit the next

expression is break the speed limit

break the speed limit so we use the verb

break for laws for rules to break a rule

to break the law we use it in this case


the speed limit is a law Allah how fast

you are allowed to go the maximum speed

the speed limit so to break the speed

limit means you are breaking the law

it’s a bad thing

so to break the speed limit if you are

cut by a police officer you may have to

pay a fine or you may get a ticket or

you may go to jail I don’t know so in a

sentence you’re breaking the speed limit

slow down get pulled over the next

expression is get pulled over to get

pulled over means in your car the police

stop you

the police turn on their sirens and

follow you in their car and you have to

pull your car over to the side of the

road and speak to the police officer

because of some problem that you have so

maybe you were speeding you broke the

speed limit we use the expression

speeding for that or maybe you have a

light one of your blinkers is out for

example or maybe there’s a problem with

your license plate or your the tags on

your car so the tags refers to your

car’s registration so maybe there’s some

problem with your car or maybe you had

some kind of bad behavior I don’t know

but to get pulled over it’s typically a

bad thing a police officer has

identified you in your car as a problem

somehow so to get pulled over

meaning the police make you pull your

car off the road to speak to you in a

sentence I was speeding and got pulled

over by the police so those are 10 words

and phrases for driving I hope that

those are useful for you if you have

another phrase or another expression

that you like to use a lot let us know

in the comments if you liked the video

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thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and I will see you

again soon you’ll see a lot of phrasal

vs phrasal versions wroom wroom that’s

me getting ready to go for this video

mmm this is okay or we can also say turn

on this means like begin the engine

begin the engine what is that
