What Day Is Fathers Day Easy English Listening Practice For Beginners


happy father’s day

father’s day is celebrated worldwide to

honor all fathers and fatherhood

it’s also a special occasion for

children to express their love and

gratitude to their fathers

please watch the following video to

learn how children can show their care

and love to their fathers

dialogue one who gets the card for

father’s day


minnie do you know what day it is


well is it ice cream day

no honey you just got to eat ice cream

yesterday don’t you remember

all right so what day is it tomorrow mom

tomorrow is father’s day have you heard

of it

no i don’t think so

can you guess what father’s day is then


i know it’s a day for fathers

oh wow that’s completely correct smart


father’s day is a day to honor all


what does honor mean

it means you show your love for someone

and let them know that you’re thankful


everything they’ve done oh

i love daddy how do i honor him there

are plenty of things you can do

for example you can make a card for him

but i don’t know how to write yet

you don’t need to write you can draw a

picture for him

i know you love drawing yeah

good idea i’m really good at drawing

i’ll draw a lot of hearts for him

there are some cards on the bookshelf

let me get them down for you

why are you giving me two cards

you should write one for grandpa as well


father’s day is a day for all fathers


grandpa is also a father

i love grandpa but i’m not making a card

for him

minnie why is that because

grandpa is your father not my

father well that’s true but

father’s day is a day to celebrate all

the fathers in our lives

so it’s totally possible for you to send

a card to grandpa too

i see what you mean but mom

father’s day is a special day for our

own father

so how about i make a card for my dad

and you make a card for your dad

grandpa may be sad if he doesn’t get to

receive a card from his

own daughter don’t you think

yeah that makes sense i think you’re

right minnie

wait i know it you want me to make the

card for you

also because you’re not good at drawing


don’t worry mom let me teach you how to


okay can you help me with the drawing

later honey

i’ll really need your help sure mom



dialogue 2 a call for dad

hello may i ask who this is

dad it’s me lizzy lizzy

hi honey why are you calling me from

this number

my phone is out of battery and i can’t

find my charger anywhere

so i can’t turn it on i’m borrowing my

roommate’s phone to call you

oh okay i see you must have been

throwing your stuff everywhere again

yeah you know me dad

anyway how are you dad i’m sorry i

haven’t been able to talk with you all


i was having some final exams that’s

okay honey

i’m still fine don’t worry about me

i know you must be busy as it’s near the

end of the school year

i want to call you today to wish you a

happy father’s day dad

oh is it father’s day today i didn’t

even know that

yeah it is thank you for everything

you’ve done for me dad

i hope you will have a wonderful day and

that you will be happy and healthy every


i love you dad thank you so much dear

i love you too by the way what time is

it over there lizzy

how are you recently how school and


it’s 8am now and i’m fine

everything’s still good i only have one

exam and two projects left before the

summer vacation begins

i’ll be able to go home in 15 days i

can’t wait

take care of yourself dear don’t forget

to eat and sleep properly

i’ll see you soon i miss you a lot

i miss you too dad anyway i have to go

to class now i’ll call later

okay dear bye i love you

dialogue 3 father’s day dinner


today is father’s day dad i’d like to

thank you for everything you’ve done for

me and my brother

you’ve always cared for us from head to

toe and you have worked

so hard so that kevin and i can get the

best education possible

thank you dad no

thank you cecilia dad

we are so grateful to have a dad who not

only cooks

and cares for us but also teaches us a

lot of things in life

you’re the best dad we hope you will

always be healthy happy

and successful thank you luke i’d like

to say something too

honey thank you for being such a

wonderful husband

a wonderful father to our children i

love you

i love you too let’s cheer

happy father’s day to dad cheers cheers

dad we’ve prepared some gifts for you

please open them

oh you even have gifts for me well

i bought you a tie and luke bought you a

new pair of earphones

we saved money to buy the gifts and mom

helped us pay a part too

we’re glad you like the gifts

dialogue 4 a card for dad


mom can i ask you something

sure honey what is it i want to write a

card for daddy but i don’t know what to


oh that’s so sweet tommy what day is it


daddy’s birthday is not until next month

it’s for father’s day oh right

the sunday is father’s day i almost

forgot about that

wow how did you know which day is

father’s day

ms brown told us about it in class today

father’s day is on the third sunday of

june every year

yeah you’re perfectly right so what

should i write on the card mom

i haven’t known how to write a lot of

words yet

don’t worry honey you don’t have to

write anything too complicated

you can just write down your best wishes

for daddy

like what like for example

you can always say you hope that he’ll

always be healthy

uh-huh i get it oh

oh can i also draw him something

of course honey anything that you want

i’m sure daddy will like it


happy father’s day i made you a card

oh really i can’t believe you already

know which day is father’s day

my boy is so grown up now

open it dad i made it myself

it looks wonderful let me read it

happy father’s day daddy i hope you will

never get sick and have a lot of time to

play with me

i love you tommy wow did you write it


yeah mom helped me a bit when the idea

but i wrote it myself that’s amazing


oh there’s more on the next page what’s


i drew that too i wanted to decorate the

card so i drew a picture of our family

what are we doing in this picture we’re

having a picnic in the park

it’s my favorite activity do you like

the card

dad are you kidding i love it

i’m so touched thank you for this

wonderful gift tommy

yay i’m glad you like it


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