Get Fluent in English for Only 5 The Fearless Fluency Club


I’m Vanessa from

Do you want to learn English, and save money?

Of course.

Let’s talk about it.

As an online English teacher, I have to wear
a lot of hats.

This expression wear a lot of hats means that
I have a lot of job responsibilities.

One of those responsibilities is to make free
live lessons for you here on my YouTube channel.

Make sure that you subscribe to get notifications
for the next video lesson.

My other job responsibility is to make paid
English courses, and my third responsibility

is to somehow figure out how to make a website,
how to put this all together, how to do the

technical things so that I can actually teach
online instead of in a classroom.

When I first started teaching online, this
technical part used to feel really overwhelming

for me, and I would think about it, and worry
about it for days, and days, and days, but

now I kind of take it as a personal challenge,
and recently I decided to completely redo

my course website.

The way that I deliver courses to you now
is on a new platform, and this is where our

special English discount comes in.

Let me tell you about it.

If you have been thinking about joining the
Fearless Fluency Club, which is my monthly

premium English course, where you’re going
to get full video lessons, access to my private

Facebook group, and also weekly live lessons
on this group, well, this is your special

chance, because now you can join the course
for $5 for your first month.

The course is usually $35 per month, but with
the new website program that I’m using, I

can make it where the first month is a reduced
price, and then after that, it’s the regular


On my previous website, this wasn’t an option,
but I really think this is valuable for you

because you can try it out, and if it’s a
good fit, you can stay.

If it’s not a good fit, it was only $5.

You can cancel it, no problem.

How can you join for only $5 for the first

You can use the coupon code NEW.

Of course, you can pay full price if you want,
but I imagine that you probably want a discount,

so don’t forget to add the coupon code NEW.

You can click the link in the description
or up top here, and when you use the coupon

NEW, the first month payment will be $5.

If you don’t cancel within 30 days, there
will be a second monthly subscription payment,

and this will be the normal price, which at
the moment is $35.

If you would like to stay in the course, you’re
welcome to.

If you want to just try it out, this is a
great option.

Let’s meet Alex from Brazil, who has made
friends around the world, and can now speak

English without fear in the Fearless Fluency

Alex: Hello, Vanessa.

Hi, everyone.

Before I joined this group, as I think it
happens with everyone that follow you in your

YouTube channel, I hesitate for a while, until
I decided to write a message, to a member

from this group, asking for more informations
about it.

Here I am.

That was the best choice I could have done.

Even though I love make friends, and now English
is no more harder for me, cause despite I’m

not a perfect English speaker, I am not afraid
to make mistakes, and I feel very comfortable

to talk to anyone in the world.

Thanks a lot for that, and it would be very
difficult without your support.

Thank you a lot.

Vanessa: Let’s take a moment to look inside
the course website, so that you can see how

it will help you to become a fluent, confident
English speaker.

Welcome to the Fearless Fluency Club course

This is the new website that I’ve created
to help you use the Fearless Fluency Club

in the best way possible.

At the moment, you’re looking at a lot of
the different tutorials that are basically

guides to help you use the course in the best
way possible, and now we’ll take a look at

a monthly lesson set.

Each month, you’re going to receive a new
lesson set.

Let’s take a look at the first lesson.

Here you’re going to find a monthly, kind
of like a mini textbook.

This is a monthly guide that uses all of the
information you’re going to learn in the course,

the vocabulary, the grammar, grammar worksheets,
pronunciation, and some extra information.

Let’s go to the next lesson.

Here you’ll find the vocabulary lesson, vocabulary
lesson part one and part two.

This month, there are a lot of vocabulary
words, so I split it into two video lessons.

You’ll also be able to download the MP3 of
each lesson, and the vocabulary transcript,

so with each of the lessons, the grammar,
pronunciation, and the conversation, you’ll

have access to the video lesson, the MP3 version,
and also the full transcript, so that you

can really understand every word.

Of course, you’ll have access to our private
Facebook group so that you can interact with

me, interact with other members, and also
participate in our live weekly Facebook lessons.

At the end of every lesson, students have
the choice to join me to speak one-on-one

for a couple minutes if you would like, so
there’s always the option to speak.

Thanks so much for joining me today, and let
me know in the comments.

Do you have to wear a lot of hats at your
job, or in your daily life?

Are you a mother, also a wife, also working
at a job, also a daughter, you’re helping

your parents, you’re wearing a lot of hats
in daily life.

Let me know in the comments below, and I hope
that I can see you inside the Fearless Fluency


Use the coupon code NEW to get $5 only for
your first month’s payment.

Thanks so much.

I’ll see you later.


Are you ready to speak English confidently
and fluently?

Click the link to join the Fearless Fluency
Club for only $5 for your first month.

Learn with real, fast English, and speak with
friends from around the world.

Thanks so much for learning English with me.
