How To Understand Native Speakers The Fearless Fluency Club

welcome to the Facebook live support

sample video from the course The

Fearless fluency Club in this video

you’ll see a recording of the live video

that I did on the speak English with

Vanessa Facebook page when you join the

full course for The Fearless fluency

Club you will get live support like this

each week to help you understand and

keep up with the full course enjoy this

video and learn a lot hello hello

welcome to this Monday live Facebook

lesson here on the speak English with an

esse Facebook page today is a special

day because it is not the usual live

lesson time the usual time is Tuesday

and Thursday at 10 a.m. Eastern time

this is a New York Times own but at the

moment it’s the evening so I want to

share with you a special live lesson

today with a wonderful guest and before

we get started I want to welcome you and

thank you for joining me I know this is

taking time probably from your evening

or from your morning to learn English so

welcome thank you for coming here today

if you have not joined The Fearless

fluency Club yet you can click on the

link above this video and you can get

20% off this is 20% off each month so

you will get this discount forever if

you join before September 4th

that is before September 4th my birthday

so thank you for joining me today we’ve

got a special guest I’d like to

introduce this is Dan hi everybody I

thought this is Dan my husband and he is

part of the fearless fluency Club he’s

helping you to understand more


and what do you think is a good reason


why are you part of the course well I’m

here to help Vanessa with vocabulary so

expanding upon vocabulary so sometimes

it’s good to talk with two people at one

time and get a different perspective a

different voice here a different view on

the thoris yeah unlike the the

vocabulary guru guru oh that’s a great

word yeah I’m here for moral support

moral support Thanks I think it’s really

useful for you guys to hear it’s great

to hear my voice but it’s really special

to hear

Dan’s perspective because it’s like you

said another voice another point of view

and also I think it’s good to hear

different kinds of stories that and what

I might say I got stories yeah so can

you kind of tell me what is a vocabulary

video like mmm

look in the fearless fluency Club

because you’re heard of it yeah so

basically for the vocabulary videos

we’ll watch a video together and then

we’ll stop the video and look at a a

specific word and then we’ll break down

that word or phrase and then we’ll we’ll

show you the video again and then you

can learn from two perspectives about

the video yeah yeah so we’re gonna Sh

each month there is a conversation video

and we’ll choose I’ll probably be the

one choosing some vocabulary words and

then Dan and I will talk about those and

give more examples and stories and Dan

will probably say something funny like

usual I’m not funny so this is a chance

for you to hear two people and I want to

know from you all hi Regina welcome

welcome Osama I wouldn’t know can you

understand Dan so you just heard him

talk a little bit how do you feel about

his voice how do you feel about his

voice and you can listen a little bit

more as he answers ah it smiles question

Israel asks what is your job Dan

what I’d tell a little bit about it what

is my job yes so right now I am a

barista which means I make coffee and

specifically I work at a chocolate


oh my chocolate lounge is like a cafe

but you rank chocolate there so there’s

chocolate and coffee and then there’s

cakes and pastries stuff like that so

I’m making a lot of food and drink for

people and serving them and I’m also

working on my own business on the side

which is wheelies a coffee cart so you

can check that out later yourself to

just search wheelies on Google yeah

later we’ll have more information about

Dan’s own business but at the moment you

work at a chocolate coffee place and I

think that it’s so pretty

yummy job very good I eat too much

chocolate I think

yeah well that’s sometimes a bad thing

but not always so I think this is a

really good chance for you guys to hear

Dan’s voice and to practice listening to

to people because you probably already

understand me 70% 100% but when you

watch a TV show not everyone’s gonna

sound like my voice so I want to help

you understand other people understand

and understand people who talk even

faster than that so I want to help you

really feel comfortable understanding

English and this is a good step so one

speaker is the first step watching my

videos great second step watching videos

my Jam’s yes it sounds like people like

my voice so far so far so good voice yes

great I’m glad you like it

congratulations and the next step is

introducing another speaker who is

having a really casual conversation and

in the fearless fluency Club I will be

interviewing and having a conversation

with one of our friends one of our

family members someone we know

and that’s going to be the next

challenge so that’s going to be the next


yes to help you understand TV shows and

movies and then finally you can watch TV

shows movies completely natural

materials so I wanted to help you step

by step by step - thank you for joining

Lyn and Claudio and hello wonderful Oh

Regina yes I’m glad that you all are

here I want to know do you watch TV

shows do you watch English movies or TV

shows without your native language

subtitles without your native language

subtitles I’m curious and I did can you

tell us whether so what are some good

movies or TV shows that you would

recommend for learning English

Oh for anything just something that you

think is entertaining hmm

well unfortunately I don’t white a lot

of movies we don’t watch me movies but

oh we watch a lot of human Aires yes

I watch cartoons cartoons are not good

to learn English with well there’s some

I’m sure live you know The Simpsons

that’s an international show that’s a

cartoon I recommend a movie you’ve seen

before and then watching it in English

oh that’s good advice like Titanic

I bet everybody’s seen Titanic right so

watching Titanic is your advice if

you’ve already seen it and then watch it

only in English then the conversations

are probably pretty simple that’s good


excellent oh great so nan says yes I do

movies but maybe I don’t understand all

of it I understand most of it great this

is a good point just starting and trying

to understand as much as you can and

loose I hope I said that rectly maybe Lu

says yes I do watch TV shows movies

great great zoo so what I am trying to

help you with today and what Dan is also

trying to help you with today

Thanks is to get you to the next level

to try to help you completely understand

native speakers because maybe at your

job maybe you need to talk on the phone

and in English at that point you really

need to our stand any voice any accent

anything like that or maybe if you talk

with tourists or if you go to Canada or

if you go to the US or Australia you’re

going to need to understand people

because if someone asks you a question

really fast and you’ll get it even if

you know how to speak you won’t know

what to say so a great way to start is

with one speaker listening to my videos

and the next level is with two native

speakers together dad yeah and in the

fearless fluency Club each month you’re

gonna get a vocabulary video we both of

us and there are about 20 new words each

month and this takes us how column are

about a videos like 33 minutes yeah

probably about 30 minutes I’d say

average sure so you get about 30 40

minutes of vocabulary explanations and

conversation between us so it’s not just

this is the vocabulary word this is the

definition this is a simple sentence

we’re talking about stories and ideas

and asking questions together about

vocabulary will never be boring yes so

I’ve heard a lot is exciting I’ve heard

a lot of you say that so far that those

of you who have already joined throws

fluency Club users have no soul for Dan

yes so a lot of you have already said

that the vocabulary video is not boring

because there’s two people and dance

entertaining so that’s a good point you

want to make sure that you’re having a

good time while you’re learning English

so I recommend to click on the link up

at the top of the post and join The

Fearless fluency Club this week you have

today’s the 29th so 30th 31st 1 2 3 4

you have 6 5 or 6 more days

about 5 days to get the 20% discount so

the only 5 more days to get the 20%

discount and it will never be this price

again so this is your final chance in

the next 5 days and as we say time is

ticking time is ticking yes can you

explain what tackiness ticking a ticking

is like when you see the hands on the


the little yeah that’s the hand the

clock so that is what is ticking huh so

when thinking I guess is usually a sound

as oh so sure sound what is that ticking

sound yes so when Dan says time is

ticking it means time is flying times

going quickly tick tick tick tick tick

tick let me know it’s running out

yes so make sure that you sign up for

the fearless fluency Club while you can

in the next 5 days to get the 20%

discount this is a really good chance to

get a good deal save money in learning

English and really get useful material

with both of us so you can just click on

the link up here and that’s going to

take you to the page to help you become

fierce and fluent that is my goal and

that is Dan’s goal for you to yes be

fearless be brave yelling hey thanks you

can do it great oh and Carlos says

haughtiness and Dan I can finally see


yes yes Tom this is the correct spelling

TI ck ing ticking teen yes so as

you saw from Dan’s quick explanation

about ticking this is how the

conversation vocabulary video goes we

have a word time is ticking for example

and I give a little explanation it’s a

little more organized than this this is

spontaneous and then Dan gives an

explanation he has some nice gestures

and you can really remember those words

when it’s shown with two people and

stories and conversations and Osama says

some good points too he says that

watching these things is entertaining

and it’s good fuel for English yes this

is a great way to really start your

English journey because the purpose is

to completely feel comfortable speaking

listening writing reading I want this

for you and I think this is a really

great path if you feel like so many inch

materials online Wow where do I start

the peerless fluency Club is a good

place to start don’t do agree

I guess definitely so this is gonna be


you’re gonna have contact with both of

us and you’re gonna have a chance just

to salesman you’re gonna have a chance

really to meet their English learners so

thank you for being so encouraging to

each other that really great point and I

know Rosario has already joined he’s

part of our Facebook group I hope that

in our group Roger you have a chance to

introduce yourself and meet other

members that is a great way to to learn

connect with other people so part of the

group part of the fearless fancy Club is

our vocabulary video that it is gonna

help you understand the full

conversation in English and also help

you understand

TV shows and movies but you need to use

this so in the clumping the course in

The Fearless fluency Club you’ll have a

chance to be in a Facebook group a

private Facebook group I am in that

group and someone else is in that group

too I’m in the groove - I’m lurking okay

oh can you explain what lurk ease yeah

lurking lurking it’s like an open state

this is lurking he’s pretending he’s

there but he’s kind of hiding yes this

is not lurking yes

lurking is lu r k ing Lurky so it’s also

it’s internet slang - it’s a silly word

that you use on the Internet it’s a

silly right yep it means you’re just

watching but you’re not participating

you’re not tucking or typing or anything

like that so when you join the fluency

Club don’t lurk you should participate

and really be using glitch thanks for

that explanation I think we’ve never

talked about the word lurk on the live

face book lessons before so you’re

bringing some new vocabulary that’s


it’s strange new vocabulary yes Daniel

vocabulary mazes you’ve never been


Oh some has a great point it is great to

see you today mister and you English is

simple and easy to understand

good great great I think this is a good

point because in the vocabulary video I

want you to feel comfortable

understanding how we describe things and

I think Dan’s voice is also clear and

understandable and interesting there it

is lurking yes yes Tom’s got an Lu rking

so it’s a good step to understanding

more people because if you just watch an

english movie there’s going to be a lot

of new stuff and if that’s a really big

challenge for you it’s good to start at

a lower step start with conversations

that you can understand a little easier

like this today

thanks so much so I’m really glad to

have Dan here with me today

and I want to thank all of you for

spending time to learn English with us

it’s time for us to go do you have do

you have any final words of wisdom to

help them learn English as much as


I believe you should join The Fearless

fluency Club today or now Wow or order

tomorrow but definitely order by the end

of the week or you won’t it up on a

great fantastic deal wow you’re quite

the Entertainer that was my sales pitch

ah look that up sales pitch would you

like to explain that really pitch sales

pitch sales pitch sales pitch just means

a very quick explanation to try to get

somebody to buy something yes that’s it

point a sales pitch so hopefully in this

case this sales pitch is true I’m sure

it is you’re gonna really enjoy the

course and enjoy learning more with been

learning more with me and each month I’m

interviewing a different person so in

September I interviewed our neighbor

downstairs he plays the guitar and

you’ll have a chance to hear about his

music experience his experience play

with other people and the next month in


you’re gonna meet Dan’s high school best

friend who is also married to his sister

now so in October you’re gonna get to

meet another one of my family members

who is geometry teacher and the next

month you’re gonna meet one of my

friends Lauren who works in a hotel

we’re gonna go inside her hotel and

she’s going to explain stuff and you’re

gonna really learn a lot of natural

English so the next couple months are

full of great material dan and I will be

explaining a lot of vocabulary

you’ll get grammar and pronunciation so

really the

is your chance to get a good discount

and great material I completely believe

that it’s going to be useful for you and

it’s going to help you take your you’re

listening to a dentist level and you’re

speaking to the next level so thank you

everyone I’m glad that you’re here

thanks and I appreciate it

yes we will take our English to the next

level but really it’s great way to learn

about everyday English yeah this is

really natural real-life English

completely completely so thanks so much

everyone thanks for taking time to speak

English with us and meet Ann and I hope

that you can see him each month in the

fierce fluency Club so feel free to

click a link up here and I’ll see you

again soon tomorrow tomorrow for me it’s

tomorrow I’m not sure what your time

zone is but on Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Eastern Time that is a New York Times

own 10:00 a.m. I will be back Dan maybe

maybe not probably not today’s you’re

like a very busy I work a lot with other

jobs chocolate but it makes time for you

guys oh yes thank you I still will thank

you so much so thank you everyone thank

you so much for being here today I know

some people feel really uncomfortable

with live video recording of videos a

little different because you can edit it

but live video some people feel

uncomfortable so I really appreciate it

your autumn I like to be spontaneous

yeah spontaneity is fun mmm great well

thanks everyone

and have a wonderful Monday night or

Tuesday morning and I’ll see you again

in about 12 13 14 15 hours about 15 and

a half hours I’ll see you again the next

time and I’ll see you later yes bye bye

everyone thank you for watching this

live face book lesson with me and my

husband Dan if you’d like to get lesson

sets with both of us each month click on

the eye

in the top right of the video or click

on the link in the description below to

join The Fearless fluency Club this is

the best place for you to improve your

English and become a confident English


see you there bye