10 Amazing Marriage Proposal Lines in English

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Hi, everybody! Welcome back to Top Words.
My name is Alisha, and today we’re going to be

talking about the top 10 marriage proposal lines.

Let’s go!

The first proposal line is…
“Will you marry me?”

This is probably the most classic proposal
line, will you marry me? The image of someone

saying “will you marry me” is a a man down on
one knee, giving a ring to the person, usually,

the woman, classically, sorry, I know times have
changed, but usually, giving a ring to someone

as they ask this question. So “will you marry
me” is the question; the answer should be simple,

yes, or no. Oh! poor you, If you say no.
Okay, in a sentence, yeah, “will you marry me?”

“will you marry me?” This is the sentence. Here
they have the example sentence, “I never thought

I would say this, but will you marry me?”

The next proposal line is…
“Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

My goodness! So fancy! Will you do me the
honor of becoming my wife? Quite polite. It

sounds like the woman in the situation is
somehow going to bring the man asking her

to marry him honor; therefore, like, she is very
valuable or she is very excellent. Very excellent?!

That word choice was very excellent.
Okay, oh they have a different, they have a slight

variation here, I’m going to read now,
“Will you do me the immense honor of becoming

my wife and partner?”

The next proposal question is…
“Will you make me the happiest man alive?”

The nuance here is that if she says yes, like,
this is a marriage proposal, if she says yes,

I will make you the happiest man alive by
agreeing to marry him; he is so happy, he

is the happiest man in the world. So in a
sentence here,

“Will you make me the happiest man on earth
and say yes?”

The next expression is…
“You are the one I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”

It doesn’t necessarily have to be for a proposal,

this one; if you, maybe, you want to tell
someone you love them for the first time…

well, actually, maybe this is a little too
heavy for the first time of that, but maybe

it’s just you’ve reached a really serious
point in your relationship with someone, you

could use this expression. I don’t feel like
this has to be for a proposal, I think you

could use it in a couple of other situations.
The sentence here is,

“It might sound cheesy, but you’re the one
I’ve been waiting for my whole life.”

Wow, quite serious though. Quite serious expression,

Okay, the next expression, I think it’s classic…

“I want to be with you forever.”
So “be with you” means be in a relationship

with that person; “forever,” until the
end. You might hear this at a wedding, I suppose, too,

like in a wedding vow. You could say this
before the proposal, as well. I want to be

with you forever, will you marry me? for example.
In this sentence, “I want to be with you forever

and grow old with you.”
Aww, very nice things here today.

The next expression is…
“Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.”

So from this day on, we should just be together
always; it’s the nuance here. Yeah, again, you

might hear this on a wedding, in a wedding
ceremony, too, I suppose. The sentence here is,

“Let’s elope and spend the rest of our lives

“Elope” means like to come together, usually
kind of quickly and a little bit mysteriously.

The next expression is…
“Having you by my side is what completes me.”

Oh, also nice! So if this person, if there’s
a person next to you, a person with you by

your side, this person, the person speaking
feels complete. So it’s a nice expression,

like, with you, everything is okay, everything
is finished, everything is complete here.

So, in a sentence, “I love you, and having
you by my side complete me.”


The next expression…
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

So that person likes you, likes the other
person so much, they can’t imagine what would

life be like without this person; they don’t
know, they can’t imagine, or don’t want to

imagine it. Very positive. This sentence says,
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it,

because it is too painful.”
Oh, goodness! Okay, a little bit heavy, a little

bit serious, a little bit heavy with that
one. Okay, I have used a similar phrase like

this with my friend, like, after we talk about
how much we love burritos, I’m not gonna lie.

The expression… I’m not, it is true.

The expression here is…
“I now know that you and I are truly meant

to be together.”
Yeah, so you can use this, I feel like you

can use this in a less serious situation,
like, with good friends. Or another variation,

you can use with your friends, it’s like “I
knew we were supposed to be friends” or

“I knew we were going to be friends from
the moment we met.” But here “I now know

that you and I are truly meant to be together,”
if you share a really good experience together,

or you can really connect well, you can use this
expression. In this sentence,

“After these years together, I no know that
you and I are truly meant to be together.”

Alright, the last expression…
“We are meant to be together.”

“We are meant to be together” meaning
we are supposed to be together, we should

be together. It’s a nice expression, you can
use this with your friends, too, I think, in less

serious situations. In this sentence,
“We are meant to be together.

We’re perfect together.”

Alright, that’s the end! So those are 10 proposal
phrases. I’m not sure how often you’ll need

to use these, but just in case! You can try
them out if you really really need to, otherwise

keep in mind the ones that are useful for
communicating with your friends, and telling

your friends how much you appreciate them.
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