Learn the Top 10 Ways to Prepare Your Travel in English

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Hi, everybody!

Welcome back to Top Words.

My name is Alisha, and today we’re gonna be
talking about the top 10 ways to prepare for


So let’s go!

Choose your destination
The first step is to choose your destination.

Destination is the place you want to go, so
of course, choose your destination to begin

your travels.

In a sentence, if you choose your destination
based only on price, you might be disappointed.

Buy a guidebook

The next expression is buy a guidebook, or

maybe download a guidebook at this point.

Buy a guidebook, so once you have chosen your
destination, you can buy a guidebook for your

destination which will give you tips about
what to do there.

In a sentence, I bought my guidebook on the
internet and it was great.

You can buy a guidebook at a used bookstore
for Less.

Save money

Next phrase for travel is save money.

So once you have chosen your destination and
bought a guidebook, you need to save money,

if you haven’t saved money already.

So travel can be expensive, you need to save
money for your actual transportation as well

as for the things you plan to do in your destination.

So, in a sentence, I’m trying to save money
for a trip to Europe next year.

Saving money is hard but it’s worth it when
you’re on the trip.

Booked a flight

The next step is to book a flight so you’ve

saved your money, you’ve chosen your destination,
you’ve bought the guidebook, now you need

to book your flight.

So to book means to reserve, it’s the same
as in, like, book a restaurant, for example.

Book a hotel, book a flight.

So in a sentence, I booked my flight for my
vacation last week.

Research the costs

well, I hope you do this before you book your

flight, but, you research the costs of where
you’re going to go, how much does it cost

to eat there, how much does transportation
cost there, how much are sightseeing attractions

going to cost there, those kinds of things,
so you need to research the costs for your trip.

In a sentence, I research the costs for my
upcoming vacation in Europe and it seems pretty


Request vacation time

The next step is to request vacation time,

or to request time off, or to ask for time

So at your job, if you need to take time away
from your job to go traveling somewhere, you

need to request vacation time.

In a sentence, I’m going to request vacation
time next week and I feel a little bit nervous.

Booked accommodations

The next expression is booked accommodations,

or just booked a hotel, or booked a hostel,
something like that, booked an AirB&B, as

well, is fine.

so this means to reserve the place you are
going to stay in your destination.

Let’s see, in a sentence, I booked my hotel
on the internet.

Obtain an international driving license

The next one, for some of you, perhaps, if

you are just, you really want to do all of
the things, you can obtain an international

driving license.

So maybe if you really really really want
to be able to drive a car in your destination,

you can get a driver’s license permission
to drive a car in the country of your destination.

So in a sentence, I’m taking the test for
my international driver’s license next week,

I hope I pass.


The next one is the verb pack.

So to pack means to put things in a suitcase,
or to put things in a box.

This motion of putting things in something
else for the purpose of taking them elsewhere

is packing; we do it when we move to a new
house or when we travel.

In a sentence, I need to pack for my trip
next week.

Get a visa

The next expression is get a visa, so in some

countries you need to get a visa before you
go to the country, even if you’re just there

as a tourist you need to get a visa, special
permission, to be in that country.

Sometimes you have to pay money for it, so
you need to research this before you travel.

In a sentence, I got my visa when I arrived
in Australia.


So those are ten phrases that you can use
as you prepare to travel.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope that you can
use these the next time you plan to travel


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