Learn the Top 8 Words Americans Overuse

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Hello, everyone!

My name is Christine.

Welcome to another episode of Top English

Today, we’re going to learn “8 Words Americans

Let’s go!


I’m definitely going to call her this weekend.

People use this word to mean that they will
100% do something.

It can also be used to agree with someone.


Did you see the news this morning? It’s unbelievable!

You can say “unbelievable” when something
is shocking or strange.

It can also be used to express disappointment.

For example, “Jenny is late for dinner again. Unbelievable.”


I literally thought I was going to die.

Usually, this word is used to emphasize something
in an exaggerated way.

The word sort of means that something really
happened a certain way, but Americans usually

use this word to exaggerate.


Everyone thinks my friend is hilarious, but he’s not that funny.

Hilarious is like saying something is extremely

It is often used to exaggerate how funny something


That guy with the nice hair just made a nice catch.


I totally love your new dress.

You can use “totally” with a verb to show
how completely you do something.

For example, if you “totally hate” something,
it means that you completely hate it.

It’s usually used as an exaggeration.


Like…I tried so hard, but like, I still
failed anyway.

This is a filler word that people insert into
their sentences, sort of like “um.”

It doesn’t follow the literal meaning of the


I’m seriously going to tell my teacher what I really think of her class.

Seriously is just a way to say you will do
something, but it usually means you want to

do something but you won’t really do it.

That’s all for today!

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Is there an English word you overuse?

Leave us a comment below!!

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in
our next video!
