Top 10 Internet and Texting Phrases in English

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everybody welcome back to top words my

name is Alisha and today we’re going to

talk about ten internet and texting

phrases these are acronyms so words that

are made from the beginning letter of

other words you’ll see let’s get started

okay lol the first word the first

acronym is lol you can read it as law if

you want lol stands for it laughs out

loud or laughing out loud we use this in

text and on the Internet

when something is funny you receive a

funny picture lol you see something

funny in a video lol you read something

funny lol so lol is used to express

Lefter in a sentence what a funny

picture lol go8 e next is go8 e it

spells goat but it actually means

greatest of all time greatest of all

time goats this is this acronym goat you

can use this after something that you

think is really great like the best of

something the most amazing of something

you have an amazing

I don’t know amazing lunch and you take

a picture posted on Instagram Gio a tea

like this salad something like that or

like a in this sentence I made of that

Beyonce performance Gio a tea like

greatest of all time so you think

something is the best you can use Gio 84

that okay fYI next one is fYI fYI is

used in text and internet communications

but we also use it in speech we can also

use fYI in speech it’s okay in business

as well fYI means for your information

for your information blah blah blah just

giving you some information so anytime

you want to provide extra information

you can use FYI

so FYI the BBQ is still on tomorrow

though it’s going to rain or fYI I’m

leaving in

thirty minutes so if you need to talk to

me do it now or in this sentence fYI I

have to leave early today

BRB the next one is BRB BRB BRB means be

right back be right back I’m going to go

away for a moment and come back very

quickly so be right back means very soon

I’m coming back be right back BRB

sometimes especially young people use

BRB in speech as well like they’re

leaving the room for a moment at Mare

Bay and then they come back - so some of

these words are used actually in speech

particularly among young people in a

sentence I’m gonna grab a snack BRB oMG

the next one is extremely popular the

next one is omg omg means oh my god oh

my god oh my god so very very useful

expression you can use oMG for surprise

for anger for sadness for any extreme

emotion causes surprise causes some

right whenever whenever you want to use

oh my god to express an extreme emotion

you can use this so you see something


oMG lol you can combine these like the

first word lol oMG lol that video haha

you can use ha ha ha and ha ha ha for

laughter by the way I use that H eh eh e

or HHH a so you can use that or you can

use lol but oMG oh my god that’s what we

use to express that feeling that Oh

shock feeling OMG so in a sentence we

could say oMG I can’t believe it oh my

god I can’t believe it okay what the

next one is w UT actually sorry this one

is not an acronym this is not an acronym

it’s a misspelling actually so the

pronunciation of this is what what so a

very strong u sound

this comes from the word what WH a t

what what but we use a misspelling in

the on the internet and with text and

stuff to imply like

kind of a dumb feeling like when you

when you want to say what like you’re

confused about something but the

situation is very very dumb or it’s just

um it’s hard to understand or confusing

or doesn’t make sense you can use what

like a very it has like a very like kind

of dumb sound the same you sound in dumb

is in what so it’s like what instead of

what which has a stronger a sound so we

use what in in situations where yeah

something doesn’t make sense so like my

roommate didn’t come home last night

what so it’s something that’s a little

bit confusing that might be a little

more of an extreme example actually in

this sentence your roommate wants a dog

but doesn’t want to pay for it what so

again this is something that’s used more

in text it’s hard to make the sound

accurately in speech I suppose it’s it’s

hard to detect but when you spell what

incorrectly w UT it gives the impression

that the situation doesn’t make sense

it’s it’s kind of stupid or strange and

it shows you are confused it shows

something doesn’t make sense to you so

this is more common well actually this

is primarily used this is mostly used in

text only we don’t use it so much in

speech okay

bTW the next one is bTW bTW means by the

way by the way young people will use BT

Dubbs or yeah BT Dubbs instead of bTW in

conversation by the way is just giving

extra information about something so

like anytime you would use by the way in

conversation you can use bTW on the

internet I don’t recommend this for

business emails or business writing but

in like on Twitter or Facebook Instagram

so on you can use bTW to mean by the way

very convenient in a sentence bTW can

you give me back the money you owe me

afaik the next one is a FAI

afaik means as far as I know as far as I

know this expression means with the

information I have here is my

understanding of the situation so as far

as I know means my understanding is blah

blah blah so as far as I know our

barbecue is going to happen at 3:00

tomorrow or as far as I know the meeting

is still on for today or as far as I

know I’m dog sitting for my neighbor

this weekend so according to my

information this is the situation as far

as I know a a I K okay one more afaik

we’re still meeting on Sunday iirc the

next expression or the next acronym is i

RC iirc means if I recall correctly

recall means remember if I recall

correctly so meaning if my memory is

correct this is the situation if I

recall correctly

spider-man’s real name is Peter Parker

or if I recall correctly donuts have no


lol so if I recall correctly Tokyo at

the capital city of Japan so this is

like if I remember correctly or if my

memory is correct this is what I think

or this is the information iirc so you

might see this like on message boards

and discussion boards in particular here

one more sentence iirc we’re supposed to

meet in front of the station DM the next

one is DM DM means direct message direct

message so this is very common on like

Twitter and Facebook and Instagram very

common on social media and other social

media portals DM direct message so for

example on Twitter we can send public

messages among users but to send a

direct message means other people cannot

see that message so a DM is a direct

message to someone so in a sentence you

could say DM me your email

dress so those are 10 internet and

texting phrases you can try a few of

these out in the video right now if you

want to below the video in the comment

section if you have any questions or if

you know of other internet and texting

phrases and you have no idea how to use

them or what they mean though be careful

with a few of them you can ask below if

you liked this video please make sure to

give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our

channel if you haven’t already check us

out at English class for more

good stuff as well thanks very much for

watching this episode of top words and I

will see you again soon bye

law ok law lol yeah I used but I’m more

I use hey ha ha ha

more than I use law yeah this is me

typing time great work here’s a reward

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