Top 10 Words for Talking about Nutrition in English

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hi everybody and welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re

gonna talk about ten words for talking

about nutrition so let’s get started

nutritional facts the first word is

nutritional facts nutritional facts if

you look at the back of a food product

in this case it’s not written English

but in the back of a food product you

will often see in many countries

depending on the regulations in your

country a list of information numbers

and some words those are the nutritional

facts of that food product in a sentence

check the nutritional facts for

important dietary information calorie

the next word is calorie so calorie is

the word that’s a sign which means

energy the energy in a food essentially

so some foods are high calorie some

foods are low calorie in a sentence

avoid eating lots of high-calorie foods

if you want to lose weight carbohydrate

carbs the next word is carbohydrate

carbohydrate carbohydrate is a very long

word so we usually abbreviate it we

usually shorten it to carbs carbs so

carbs are foods for example bread rice

pasta sweets sugars and things these are

foods which will give you like a quick

burst a quick bit of energy in a

sentence I can’t help but eat lots of

carbs sometimes protein the next word is

protein protein is often talked about

when you want to build muscle or lose

weight protein relates a lot to muscle

it’s the it can help you build muscle to

when you want what if that’s your goal

so we use protein protein is a much it

takes your body a longer time to access

the energy in protein than it does

carbohydrates so people say it’s

important to have a balance of protein

and carbohydrates in your diet for a

quick energy and slow release energy in

a sentence it’s important to get in

protein sugar the next word is sugar so

sugar we talked about sugar and

carbohydrates it is pure energy it is

but not usually it is not a healthy type

of energy especially if it’s added to a

food so sugar is just it’s a it’s a

carbohydrate it’s just energy and it

doesn’t have really much other good

stuff nutritionally in it but it can

help make things sweet and it can help

give quick bursts of energy so it’s very

commonly found in candy and sweets in a

sentence eating too much sugar can be

bad for your skin

fact the next word is fat fat there’s of

course animal fat so like bacon for

example is like kind of famously

delicious because it is a fatty piece of

meat there’s a lot of fat in it so fat

can make food taste better and then fat

also has a bad reputation because it can

of course the word fat oftentimes people

say I don’t want to be fat but fat in

food can make things taste better there

can be good kinds of fats and trying to

reduce bad fats um so in a sentence fat

helps make things taste better sodium

the next word is sodium sodium sodium is

essentially salt salt so lots of sodium

can be bad for you it’s people tend to

recommend I think to keep low sodium

levels in your food so sodium is salt in

a sentence make sure not to consume too

much sodium vitamins the next word is

vitamins so vitamins are kind of good

like body boosting things so like they

can give you like extra extra good stuff

for your body essentially so like fruits

and vegetables have lots of vitamins in

them for example in a sentence fruit

juice has lots of vitamins diet the next

word is diet so be careful there’s the

word - diet which means to limit your

food and drink to limit your consumption

in order to lose weight but there’s also

the noun form of diet so in this case I

mean diet as in your

eating habits your eating lifestyle so

for example I could say it’s important

to have a balanced diet meaning it’s

important to keep balance in the foods

that you eat and the thing is that you

drink so a balanced diet refers to a

balanced eating and drinking lifestyle

so diet when used in this way means

lifestyle not like intention to lose

weight so please be careful with this

word in a sentence keeping a balanced

diet is important for a healthy

lifestyle ingredients the next word is

ingredients ingredients so if you check

the nutritional facts on the back of a

food product you’ll usually see a list

of ingredients so the ingredients are

the things inside that product the

things that are used to make the product

you’re looking at right now the the

ingredient list is created based on the

quantity of that item in that product so

if you’re buying candy for example the

first item in the ingredient list is

probably going to be sugar and then

after that the the item with the next

highest quantity will be in the list so

ingredients are the things used to make

that product ingredients in a sentence I

always check the ingredients list so

those are ten words that you can use for

talking about nutrition I hope that

those are helpful for you the next time

you’re at the supermarket and you’re

looking at a Nutrition Facts label let

us know if you have any questions or

comments in the comment section below

and please make sure to like this video

and subscribe to our channel if you

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class for more good stuff too

thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words and we’ll see you

again soon bye
