Top 10 Words for the Airport in English

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hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is Alisha and today we’re going

to talk about ten words for the airport

let’s go check-in the first word is

check-in check-in so to check-in this is

a verb a phrasal verb to check-in means

to check into your flight to essentially

say yes I am here I’m going to get on

the plane I am checking in we can use

the same expression for hotels actually

to check in to your hotel to check in to

your flight so to check in means to

confirm you are going to fly on the

plane in a sentence check in for

international flights is two hours

before departure immigration the next

word is immigration immigration so this

is passport check essentially when you

are traveling internationally you may

need to well you do need to show your

passport to the immigration staff so

they are checking the people who are

coming and going in and out of the

country that processed that area of the

airport that area may be of border

control as well is called immigration we

call it immigration in a sentence make

sure your passport is ready when you go

to immigration customs the next word is

customs customs is the next word so

customs is the part of the airport or

the international travel experience

where the items you have purchased or

the items you are bringing into the

country may be the amount of cash that

you have on you or in maybe any

dangerous items or any kind of like

specific items that you need to declare

that you need to announce you are

carrying those things are checked that’s

the place in the airport where that sort

of thing is covered so there’s usually

there’s usually a form that you fill out

when you enter a country and they’ll say

do you need to declare anything so to

declare means to announce there’s

something you are carrying or something

you need to explain to the people who

are in the country to the border staff

the customs staff

in the country you are going to so that

whole area of the airport of the travel

experience is called customs customs in

ascendance do you have anything to

declare with customs departure gate the

next expression is departure gate

departure gate so depart means to leave

a place your departure gate is the gauge

the airport gate from which you leave

the airport your departure gate the

place your plane leaves from in the

airport is called your departure gate

your departure gate all right in a

sentence my departure gate is a five

baggage claim okay next one the next

expression is baggage claim

baggage claim so bag or baggage meaning

your luggage your suitcase and claim so

claim means you say that’s mine in other

words to claim something to retrieve

something to pick up something

baggage claim suitcase pickup is

essentially what it means baggage claim

so you might hear baggage claim carousel

so carousel is that that machine that

goes around in a circle and it moves

bags and move suitcases that’s a baggage

claim carousel in the airport baggage

claim in a sentence pick up your luggage

at baggage claim carousel number three

currency exchange the next expression is

currency exchange currency exchange so

currency means type of money currency so

yen is a currency dollar is a currency

euro is a currency type of money and

exchange so for example if you need to

change yen to euro you do it at a

currency exchange location where you can

change your money to a different type of

money so if the country that you’re

coming from has different money than the

country you’re going to which is likely

the case you may need to change your

money at a currency exchange location so

in a sentence I need to stop at a

currency exchange desk boarding pass the

next expression is boarding pass

boarding pass your boarding pass is a

piece of paper or now I suppose we have

them digitally on our smartphones a

boarding pass a boarding pass is the

documentation digital or physical that

shows the flight attendants that shows

the staff from the airline that you are

allowed to get on the plane that you

have a seat you

are allowed to board the plane so

boarding means getting on the plane and

pass means permission so boarding

permission essentially allowed to get on

the plane

paperwork is what you could think of

this as so a boarding pass very

important of course in a sentence do you

have your boarding pass seat assignment

the next expression is seat assignment

seat assignment so seat meaning of the

place where you sit your chair your your

assignment then is the place that the

airline has chosen for you to sit the

seat the airline has chosen for you is

your seat assignment or maybe you chose

your seat assignment but that’s the

place you are supposed to sit on the

airplane in a sentence I’d like to

change my seat assignment first class

business class so the next expression is

first class or business class so these

refer to a couple different levels of

service on an airplane the basic level

of service is called economy service or

we also call it coach coach so coach our

economy is the basic level after that

would be business class which usually

has slightly larger seats maybe a little

bit more delicious food maybe more drink

options for example and then there’s

first class which is the highest level

of service and is also the most

expensive level service so a first class

business class economy class these are

the three levels on an airplane so it’s

typically considered a nice experience

to fly business class or first class is

somewhere in a sentence

are there any seats available in

business class layover

the next word is layover layover a

layover is a period of time between two

flights presumably at an airport so if

you are flying for example from like I

don’t know from Singapore to London

maybe maybe you have to transfer at an

airport you fly from like Singapore to

I don’t know Los Angeles maybe or like

Chicago maybe and then you have to wait

there for your next flight to London

your connecting flight that period of

time between your two flights is called

a layover so typically people want to

have a short layover a fairly short

layover so they have time to transfer to

their next flight or maybe they want to

take a break from being on a plane so a

layover typically a short layover is

good typically long layover ZAR bad but

you might have a cheap flight if that’s

the case so a layover is the period of

time between two flights in a sentence I

have a long layover in Bangkok so those

are 10 words for the airport I hope that

was useful for you of course if there

are some other words or other phrases

that you have heard or that you find

useful please let us know in the

comments if you liked the video give us

a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and

check us out at English class

for some other good resources thank you

very much for watching this episode of

top boards and I will see you again soon

bye bye

in a sentence pick up your luggage at

baguette some bag of silk bag is selling

from now on baguette sell claim 7 oh my

god pick up your luggage at baggage

claim Karen sorry I’m using
