All Restaurant Phrases You Need in English Learn English in 35 Minutes

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begin all right welcome back to weekly

words my name is alicia and today we’re

going to talk

about famous american dishes

let’s begin i’m guessing this is not

going to be about ceramics

ooh philly cheesesteak man i’m really


okay philly cheesesteak it’s a sandwich

it’s a sandwich but there’s pieces of

steak and there’s cheese melted on top

of it it’s a fairly

simple concept really it’s just a hot

sandwich but steak and cheese

and it’s so good philly is short for

philadelphia where this sandwich is very


in a sentence if you go to philadelphia

make sure you try a philly cheese steak

buffalo wings buffalo wings not made

from actual buffalo

buffalo wings are actually just chicken

wings but they’re really spicy

i wonder why we call them buffalo wings

because of this type of sauce anyway

it’s just a spicy chicken wing and you

can dip them in like ranch dressing you

can have them with vegetables whatever

they’re very popular

food at bars sports bars in a sentence

buffalo wings are my favorite thing to

eat while i watch the football game

next is a blt blt stands for bacon

lettuce tomato this is a very popular

type of sandwich maybe you can guess the

ingredients based on the name it’s just

a delicious sandwich sometimes people

will put a few more things on

like maybe mayonnaise mustard i don’t

know chicken who knows

whatever the sky is the limit go crazy

with your blt add a few more letters in


in a sentence the blt is one of my

favorite sandwiches

hush puppies oh man you’re killing me

with the food hush puppies

a savory food made from cornmeal batter

that is deep fried or baked

rolled into a ball or maybe is a

different shape i’m going to try this

very soon i think this sounds delicious

hush puppies are a great

side dish for clam chowder maybe

find out leave us a comment guest i

don’t have really an experience with

southern food i’m not from the south but

we have

he’s not going to be on camera but

you’re going to hear his voice keith has

joined us

to explain the magic of hush puppies

what are hush puppies

they’re just little fried balls of dough

that you have as a side dish usually


usually with seafood i’ve assume like

are they good with clam chowder

go ahead with fried fish oh fried fish

yes ah in replacement of fries sometimes

with seafood

ah fish and chips but those are the

chips and do you know where they’re

called hush puppies why

because when they made them the dogs

were barking because you know

they wanted to eat some fish that were

frying up

they made these little fried balls to

give the dogs to get them to be quiet

is that a real story i hope it’s true i

think that’s a great story if that’s


true i didn’t do any research i heard

that as a kid okay

what if the children are the puppies

that could be it too what if we’re the

ones that are just making all the noise

they’re like mom winston they’re gonna

be ready and they’re like here eat this



grits grits is a southern food that i

have not tried

myself actually grits are corn based

that’s about all i know

but there’s butter on top of it so it’s

essentially just like corn based

and butter seams in a sentence i like to

eat grits every morning for breakfast

i’m aware of grits i’m grit aware


very popular in the south they’re

usually for breakfast

you have them with eggs and bacon on the


they’re never sweet some people add

butter to them

i like to have them with salt and pepper

some people add cheese i don’t do cheese

so what what do they taste like got the

consistency of oatmeal

but it’s like made out of corn oh and

they’re always served hot

i like them not every day but every once

in a while they’re great i gotta go to

the south

thanks keith sure thanks for telling us

about hush puppies and grits

okay sorry to bother you that’s okay

hi thank you thank you

oh the more you know that’s the end of


american popular american dishes i’m so


i hope that you have a chance to try

some of these thank you very much for

joining us

this week we’ll see you again next time

when we talk about

maybe more food who knows bye i want to

get this

candy out of my mouth


go make her go home it has monosaturated

fatty acids great hi everybody my name

is alicia

and this is top words today’s topic is


foods to make you live longer so let’s

talk about it

avocado avocado avocado is delicious

it’s green it’s about this big you cut

it and you eat it and it’s awesome

avocados actually contain more potassium

than bananas

you can use avocado to make guacamole

for example which is a very popular dish

you can put it in salads which is

something i like to do

check out japanesepod101 to find risa

who loves avocado

banana you peel a banana from the top

you take the stem thing and just

i actually really truly i ate a banana

in a smoothie this morning and it was

delicious that’s a popular way to eat


blueberry a berry which is blue

blueberries are really really good at


burn fat you could use them in a dessert

as well alternatively i’ve

seen recipes where you bake blueberries

into things like muffins for example

if you want to include blueberries in

something else like like i just talked

about muffins

we say bake into something something so

for example i’m going to bake

blueberries into my muffins later

fish fish fish

i’m all about the fish let’s talk about

you and me

and fish so fish are high in omega-3

fatty acids so it’s a very very popular

health food

they’re rich in good fats they also have

a lot of protein

in them and additionally they’re

delicious fish cooking tips fish cooking

tips let’s go

garlic garlic oh garlic is very

important if you’re very worried about

vampires vampires on a medical side

garlic is delicious garlic is used in a

lot of different

foods you can slice garlic or you can

make it even smaller which is to mince

garlic so it’s these tiny tiny little


that are cut even further from from a

sliced piece that’s called to minsk

green tea green tea green tea is

excellent green tea is so delicious

one of the effects of green tea is

supposedly to help protect

cells in your body from damage and

thereby reducing the effects of aging

and breaking down

in the body it’s a fairly healthy way to

get caffeine if you’re a caffeine


macadamia nut next is macadamia nut

macadamia nuts are delicious i feel that

they are often used in hawaiian cuisine

a lot

we have the noun a snack something that

you can eat

uh just between meals if you like but we

also can use it as a verb

to snack on blah blah blah so i like to

snack on macadamia nuts

after lunch for example oatmeal oatmeal

is the next food on our list there are a

lot of different kinds of oatmeal


it’s rich in fiber fiber is known for


helping food pass through the digestive

system uh more smoothly

so oatmeal can be beneficial for that a

lot of people like to eat oatmeal

for breakfast in the morning you can eat

it hot or you can eat cold

whatever you like to do my boss also

eats just plain oatmeal and water for


oatmeal is very popular with raisins as

well the the two seem to complement each

other nicely

red wine so the next word the next drink

on this list is red wine

yes it’s an alcohol red wine is said to


beneficial to your health because it is

high in antioxidants

so antioxidants protect the lining of

blood vessels and your heart so

ingesting moderate amounts of red wine

is said to be

said to be good for you or can have

positive effects on the body

i drink red wine when i’m out with my

friends usually though maybe sometimes i

have a glass at home

tofu it’s a really popular source of

protein for people who are

vegetarians or vegans i’m like super

into tofu

like the last week and a half i have

been eating so much tofu i’m loving it

but usually

if you buy tofu it comes in it comes in

a package

and there’s water inside it to keep the

tofu moist until you’re about to cook it

so you have to drain the water from the

tofu and usually i wrap mine in paper

towels and then

and then put a heavy bowl on top of it

to squeeze out the excess moisture

before i use it

that’s the end of 10 foods that will

help you to live

longer also i hope that you picked up a

few new cooking vocabulary words cooking

and food related vocabulary words

if you have a favorite food that you


is really really good or if you know of

some other foods that may be

beneficial for your health please share

them in a comment uh if you enjoyed this

video also please please please make

sure to subscribe to our channel so that

you don’t miss

more information as it becomes available

thanks very much for watching this

episode and we will see you again soon

bye yeah i don’t open avocados open

avocados wow

this and too open to open your banana

why oh my god it was so delicious so i


cream cheese with tofu oh my god

vicky look at her tofu like seriously

tim fewers will kill you fister hi

everybody my name is alicia welcome back

to top words today we’re going to be

talking about 10

foods that will kill you faster oh

bacon bacon bacon is delicious it’s

usually thin or maybe slightly thicker

strips of pork meat that you typically

fry or you can bake salt and fat

i eat bacon maybe once a month these


candy candy sweets all the

manufactured sugary sweet stuff all of

it is called candy

candy is not good for you because it’s

just sugar

sugar and food coloring and

high fructose corn syrup in a sentence

uh i try not to eat any candy but every

once in a while i give in

energy drinks popular energy drinks uh

let’s see monster red bull energy drinks

are bad because

of the caffeine for one large amounts of


large amounts of sugar often food

coloring and so on

try to limit your consumption of energy


too much can be very damaging to your


frozen meals frozen meals it’s an

entire meal in a package and you can

just put it in your oven or put it in

your microwave

heat it up and your dinner or lunch or

whatever is ready

those frozen meals have a ton of salt

many many frozen meals use preservatives

to keep the

to keep whatever is in the package from

going bad

from becoming rotten in a sentence um i

don’t like eating frozen meals i just

don’t think they taste good

instant noodles instant noodles instant

noodles cup ramen

is a very very popular brand of instant

noodles all you need to do is pour

hot water over the dried noodles and

there’s usually some kind of

flavor pack they’re very very cheap and

it’s filling

so in a sentence when i was in college i

ate instant noodles

every day and i felt terrible that’s not


margarine the next word on this list is


margarine margarine is very very similar

to butter it’s used as a spread

the partially hydrogenated oil content

of margarine is much higher than

butter if memory serves me correctly

this actually builds up in the body

your body just can’t break it down like

if you consume too much of this it just

hangs out in your body in a sentence in

my family we use

margarine every day when i was growing

up microwave popcorn

microwave popcorn microwave popcorn is

popcorn that comes in a flat bag you

just put it in the microwave and

turn it on and it pop up up and you have

microwave popcorn

usually butter flavored maybe salt

flavored whatever it’s delicious and you

can eat it while you watch a movie

great fun this is bad for you because

there’s butter

and salt and oils on the inside of that


and it has to be kept preserved so

there’s a lot of salt content there are

also preservatives in that

but all of those things are not so good

for you let’s get some microwave popcorn

at the supermarket for our movie later

potato chips potato chips ah i love

potato chips i am a chip

junkie i love potato chips but they are

terrible for you

carbs themselves are not bad we need

carbohydrates of course but

potato chips are just empty meaning

they are nothing but uh carbohydrates

also potato chips are fried which is so

that’s oil

uh there’s also salt with potato chips

there might also be flavorings added to

potato chips salt and vinegar i think or

sour cream and onion chips they’re

barbecue chips all these different

flavorings are not natural

and you’re eating them i love potato


even though i know they’re terrible for

you processed meat

processed meat ooh processed meat for

example hot

dogs sandwich lunch meat a lot of the

meats that you see in the supermarket in

a package

maybe it’s shaped in a circle or or a

hot dog for example in

wrapped in plastic like that it’s a

combination of

all of the leftover parts of an animal

ground together and then put into a tube


some other shape of course processed

meat is often very convenient if you’re

busy or

sometimes you just have a craving for a

hot dog it’s easy to buy

easy to cook easy to use in a sentence

i try not to buy processed meat because

when i eat it i feel bad

soda soda soda also contains

food coloring sugar high fructose corn


things which are quite famous for

breaking down teeth so

drinking a lot of soda can have a very

very negative

impact on your body as a whole on your

digestive system as a whole and it can

affect your skin many people have

sugar-sensitive skin so someone who

drinks a lot of soda

for some people they may have a lot of

acne as a result of their sugar intake

so that’s the end of 10 foods that may

kill you

faster oh no some some of my favorite

foods like bacon we’re on that list

and potato chips oh no but if you uh

have a food that you just love but that

you know

is terrible for you share it with us

leave it in the comments

uh if you haven’t already please make

sure to subscribe to our channel

and we will see you again next time for

some more fun stuff thanks very much for


bye trying to holla at me

sandwiches are not funny want to speak

real english from your first lesson

sign up for your free lifetime account


hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to be talking about

american food so let’s get started

apple pie the first food is apple pie

apple pie is a delicious and sweet

american dessert

it is as it sounds it is a pie so

a bit of crust and on the inside is

apple fresh apple i hope

large feasts often have an apple pie for

dessert in a sentence

my mom cooks an apple pie every


chocolate chip cookie next food is the

chocolate chip cookie this is a very

popular cookie it’s a simple cookie

just put chocolate chips into any cookie

into anything and you can make a

chocolate chip cookie

if you eat it there’s a very kind of

nostalgic childhood feel about a

chocolate chip cookie

in a sentence when i was a child i made

chocolate chip cookies with my mom and

my brother that’s true hamburger

the next food is probably the first food

you thought of when i said we were

talking about american foods today it is

the hamburger

a beef patty uh between two buns two


uh two pieces of bread and depending on

your preference you can put

anything you like on your hamburger many

people like to use cheese thereby making

it a cheeseburger you can use lettuce

ketchup tomato onion mustard relish

whatever go crazy bacon

avocado anything really i love trying

new and interesting hamburger

combinations jelly beans

jelly beans this is an interesting

american food they’re

colorful they usually come in a package

about this size maybe

this big they are kind of a squishy

jelly like uh candy very very sugary

and they usually have some kind of fruit

flavor you can find the regular jelly

beans which are sweet

and delicious or you can find jelly

beans which are

maybe a mysterious mixture in a sentence

when i was a kid i loved eating jelly


this is an actual picture from one of

the from a supermarket

almost all of those are jelly beans or

they’re candies to some degree so you

can see there are like

bins to scoop the candy out of there’s a

bin to

like pour candy from this is amazing

american candy is

just unreal there’s so much

turkey okay the next food is turkey


it’s a weird big bird that we almost


eat at thanksgiving that’s right turkeys

you’re weird

in a sentence every year my family cooks

a turkey for thanksgiving dinner

boston baked beans the next food is

boston baked beans this is something i

haven’t had in a long time

as you might have guessed it’s an east

coast style food from boston

so boston style baked beans are

typically sweetened with molasses or

with maple syrup

in a sentence i’m going to make a chili

later today with boston baked beans

grits this is a food that comes from the

southern part of america

i didn’t eat grits growing up so i don’t

really know very well

from a video that we did a while back

we learned that grits are commonly eaten


at breakfast you can eat them with

butter i eat grits every day for


hush puppies ah here we are again the

next american food is hush puppies hush

puppies uh from the same video that we

talked about grits our friend keith came

in and told us about

hush puppies it’s just a ball of dough

that is fried

that’s it uh very very simple food very

very healthy

surely no uh in a sentence i haven’t had

hush puppies yet and i really want to

try them but

they don’t seem very healthy so it’s not

high on my to-do list

biscuits and gravy okay great the next

food is biscuits and gravy

it’s a very simple dish as you can guess

it’s just a biscuit

and gravy the gravy is usually very very


very very fatty very fattening this is a

dish that is typically eaten

for breakfast a simple coffee shop or

just yeah a local

a local simple restaurant might have

biscuits and gravy on the menu

in a sentence i used to eat biscuits and

gravy at my grandparents house in the


philly cheese steaks oh my god i’m

getting so

hungry for a very not healthy food okay

the next food is philly cheese steaks ah

philly cheesesteaks are so good

philly is short for philadelphia the

city of philadelphia

philly cheesesteak is a sandwich from

philadelphia the sandwich has

cheese and steak oh my god can you hear

my stomach

delicious delicious it’s a very east

coast east coast american sandwich

in a sentence if you go to philadelphia

make sure you try a philly cheesesteak


all right so those are 10 american foods

have you tried any of these foods what

did you think of them

this video has made me very hungry all

right thank you very much for watching

this episode

of top words please make sure to

subscribe to our channel if you have not


and we will see you again soon for some

more good information

bye feed me i’m like no i can’t

hi there and welcome back to weekly

words my name is alicia and today we’re

going to talk about

american pizza oh this is a good topic

let’s get started

all right the first type of pizza is new

york style pizza

wow in my image anyway um even after

reading this is the new york pizza is

just really

really big they’re huge slices and

people like to fold them in new york

there’s lots of marinara sauce they’re

topped with a whole lot of cheese

and the crust is usually not super thick

so in a sentence

you might say to your friends let’s get

some new york style pizza for dinner


i’m already hungry california style

pizza i wasn’t aware there’s a

california style pizza

thai inspired really california style

pizza this is new to me actually

apparently california style pizza is any

pizza that doesn’t use

traditional pizza ingredients

traditional pizza ingredients would be

marinara sauce pepperoni cheese maybe

black olives

the stuff that you find in pizza shops

maybe all over the world i imagine

but california pizza maybe uses i don’t

know chicken

variety of different vegetables maybe

fruits different cuisines like thai

inspired pizzas

and so um have you checked out that new

california-style pizza restaurant

it sounds good it does sound good the

next one i know chicago-style deep-dish

pizza deep dish as the name might

suggest the chicago-style pizza is much

thicker than regular pizza

it could be a lot of sauce it could be a

lot of cheese a lot of whatever topping

it is that you choose but it’s just a


thick thick pizza so in a sentence

chicago style deep dish pizza

is excellent with beer hawaiian pizza

hawaiian pizza

is this just refers to the type of

toppings hawaiian pizza is

canadian bacon or just ham and pineapple

this was my brother’s favorite style

pizza growing up and i’ve always hated

it uh so in a sentence

my brother’s favorite pizza was hawaiian

pizza maybe it still is

quad city style pizza what is that a

thin crusted dough this oh that sounds


quad city style pizza has a thin crusty


then in the sauce there are red chili

flakes and ground cayenne so it’s

probably a little spicier than your

average pizza and then

the pizza is cut into strips not squares

not triangles but long strips

in a sentence i really want to try quad

city style pizza

and that’s the end i am very hungry now

and maybe you are too so

go out and see if you can find one of

these pizza types and give them a try

thank you very much for joining us for

weekly words this week and i will see

you again next time bye hi there welcome

back to weekly words my name is alicia

and today we’re going to talk about

cooking terms hooray let’s begin the

first word is

broil broil is a setting on your oven it

means to cook something under very very

high heat

it usually means that only the top

heating element in your oven is turned

on to very high heat and it’ll get the

top of whatever you’re cooking very


in a sentence broil the chicken at 400

degrees fahrenheit for 10 minutes

you might see that in a recipe somewhere

okay the next word is

boil so to boil something means to cook

it in very very hot water

the water gets so hot or whatever it is

you’re cooking with broth whatever

it’s so hot that it’s bubbling that’s

called boiling something

so in a recipe you might see bring the

soup to a boil

and cook for 30 minutes the next word is

mince mince means to cut something into

very very small pieces

so you might need to mince garlic for

example minced carrots

herbs of some kind in a sentence include

two tablespoons of minced garlic

in your recipe all right the next word

is saute

when you saute something you often use a

frying pan and maybe

butter or oil or some kind of fat so it

might be

a piece of fish it might be chicken

whatever you can saute just about

anything you like in a sentence

i like sauteing meat because it’s easy

and delicious

the next word is simmer this is often


when you’re making soup it’s quite hot

but it’s not quite at

boiling point so often you’ll need to

let soups simmer for a while

to get all the flavors out of everything

in a sentence simmer your soup for one

hour or more

to get the best flavor that’s the end so

those are some cooking terms

try and think about them keep them in

mind the next time you make something

thanks very much for joining us this

week and we’ll see you again next time

for more useful information

bye my phone is ringing why is my phone


hi everybody welcome back to top words

my name is alicia and today we’re going

to talk about 10

common food adjectives so let’s go

salty the first adjective is salty

salty so we use salty to describe a food

which has a strong

salt-ish salt-like taste so salt

that white stuff you might have table

salt or kosher salt or sea salt

all different kinds of salt if the taste

of salt

is very strong in your meal you can say


salty that chicken is very salty or i

don’t like salty foods or

things which are very salty dehydrate me


be careful or it’ll get too salty for


salty refers to the taste of salt

sweet alright the next adjective is


sweet is a word we use to describe

something that has a

sugar like or a sugary taste this can


actual sugar like white sugar or brown

sugar we can also use sweet to talk


foods which are naturally sweet like

fruit for example so apples or oranges

or pears peaches these are foods which


naturally sweet we can say both

processed sweetness is sweet and we can

say natural sweetness is sweet we use

the word sweet to describe

all of these we can use it to describe

desserts as well

sauces too anything is fine anything

that tastes a little sugary

we can use the word sweet to describe

that so

for example i don’t like sweet foods or

i really like eating sweet food at the

end of the day

or what’s your favorite sweet thing to

eat or

this apple is really sweet it’s great


the next word is savory savory is a word

we use to describe something that has a

strong flavor

but it is not sweet so it’s not


it’s maybe it’s not salty the flavor


overwhelming there’s not too much flavor


there’s a very clear and strong flavor

that is not sweet there’s not a sugary


so it’s especially used for meats

because we use seasonings a lot for like

the outsides of meats

so we could say oh this roast chicken is

really savory

or we could use like for sauces too

which often have many different spices

and herbs and things we could say that

sauce is really savory

so something which has a strong flavor

but it’s not maybe

so it’s not so sweet we can use the word

savory to describe that

savory so oh yeah that steak was so

savory it was delicious

slimy the next word is slimy slimy

i don’t like slimy foods that is true

slimy refers to foods that are they’re


quite liquid they’re not like water but

they’re not solid either they’re in this

in-between area so if you cut them for

example and you pull

them apart you might see like these

stringy pieces or like

almost like liquid these weird like

almost like fibers but they’re kind of

fall down

it’s weak the noun form of that is slime

we say it’s this kind of

gross a little sticky feeling substance

so foods that have that texture are

slimy food so for example raw egg is

slimy or okra is slimy

or some fermented foods are slimy

these are foods that have a slimy

texture so

some people like myself it’s really hard

for us to eat

slimy food so we can say i don’t like

slimy foods or

i need to eat something else with slimy

foods or ew that’s so slimy i don’t want

to eat that

decadent the next word is decadent

decadent is a word we use

often to describe desserts so decadent

means like

self-indulgent like it’s more than we

need it’s maybe

unreasonable how luxurious this thing is

we use it a lot for very high calorie

foods and often for very

sugary and sweet foods so i could say my

favorite dessert is a decadent chocolate

cake or

oh my gosh that meal was decadent it was

so beautiful or

i can’t believe how decadent that

wedding cake was it was amazing

so something that’s just over the top

that’s too much it’s a little crazy

self-indulgence just selfish we can say

it’s decadent that’s a decadent food


the next word is bland we use bland to

talk about a food that has

very little flavor or no flavor some

foods are naturally bland they naturally

don’t really have flavor other foods


we use bland to create a negative

connotation to create negative meaning

if a food that should have a lot of


does not have a lot of flavor we can say

that’s bland that’s really bland so if i

go to eat like i don’t know

thai food for example and it should have

maybe a strong spicy taste but there’s

nothing i

i don’t taste anything i can say oh this

was really bland why is it so bland

that’s strange

if however you’re eating a food that you

expect to be bland

and therefore there it is bland you

don’t really need to make a comment

like i could say ah tofu is bland but

it’s healthy

so we don’t expect to have any flavor

and that’s pretty normal we can say

it’s bland it’s pretty bland and it’s

sort of a neutral comment

but you can say oh this is bland to make

a negative comment about a food that you

expect to have a lot of flavor so

bland also be careful with your

pronunciation bland make the l

sound very clearly not brand bland

okay so bland foods little or no flavor

sour the next word is sour sour we use

sour anything that makes us feel

uh like maybe your face kind of squeezes

like a little bit when you eat this

thing it’s hard for many people to eat

sour foods

there’s like an acid taste in your mouth


so some people really like sour candy as


like this very acid plus sweet sort of


many people really like that but sour

foods for example are like citrus fruits

so like

lemon is very sour or grapefruit is

rather sour

this very like strong acid taste um

we can say is sour that’s a sour food

um so depending on your preferences

maybe you can eat really sour things or

you can’t

eat sour things at all i like sour

things they’re okay

every once in a while but super sour not

so good like me bushy yeah i think so

yeah i think it’s dried plums like in

japan are very sour ume

can’t do it can’t do it it’s just crazy

so sour

sour in a sentence um i have a hard time

eating really sour things

bitter okay the next word is bitter

bitter so bitter refers to something

that has

like sour maybe it makes our mouth kind

of like squeeze up a little bit

it creates the same feeling in our mouth


sour but bitter doesn’t have that

acid feeling bitter doesn’t feel like um

that like bright like citrusy

uh sensation in our mouth bitter

is sort of like um we feel it more in

like the back of our mouth i feel like


foods for example like spinach or like

maybe bitter beer like beer with lots

and lots of hops is quite bitter

or like burned sugar is extremely bitter

so these have like kind of a deep a

deeper flavor to them

sour has like a very bright acidic

flavor bitter is kind of like a

deep and sort of dark like kind of


unpleasant feeling if it’s extremely


bitter foods yeah like arugula i think

is another one kale i think is also

quite bitter

um so these are things that are that are

not unpleasant but that have a strong

kind of vegetative taste i suppose you

could say

so bitter bitter so in an example


um many people enjoy drinking very

bitter beers these days

raw the next word is raw raw means

uncooked not cooked at all something

that is raw has

not been exposed to any cooking

technique at all so

just as is so like we can say raw meat

or raw chicken or raw vegetables

so no cooking no preparation nothing has


to that to that food this just raw as it


so some people like to have food as raw

as possible

sometimes raw food is dangerous for

example eating raw chicken

is very dangerous because of salmonella

so raw

raw means uncooked totally not good raw

chicken is really dangerous

burnt last word is burnt burnt

burnt means cooked too much cooked too

much so

you put a piece of bread in the toaster

it becomes toast but

uh it’s black you say it’s burnt burnt

is the adjective form

my toast is burnt ew i don’t want to eat

burnt cookies gross they’re like ah

burnt popcorn smells terrible that’s a

popular one

burnt popcorn i think but burnt is the

adjective form

burnt it’s burnt gross so

this one my steak is burnt so those are


common food adjectives are there any

other words that you use

to talk about food or to describe the

food that you like let us know in the


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