Food From Your Country English Speaking Challenge Results

hi I’m Vanessa from speak English with

Vanessa calm thanks for participating

one week ago I challenged you to make a

short video clip talking about food from

your country this challenge was to

celebrate 100,000 subscribers on the

speak English with Vanessa YouTube

channel so today you’re gonna have a

chance to meet the other subscribers to

this channel and also learn about food

from their countries let’s meet the

wonderful members let’s go

well hi Vanessa my name is Moises

perilla here you are the video about the

food from my country which is his

Colombia it’s called bandeja paisa is by

far the most popular Colombian dish

originally from the Andean region of the

country and where the people are called

prices that’s the reason why this dish

is called like that when they hop I say

something I’ve been eating all my life

traditionally and when they have pies

includes beans and white rice teacher

run meat chorizo eggs ripe plantain and

arepa if you have the chance to travel

to Colombia don’t don’t hesitate and

don’t forget to take this amazing meal

bye hi hola Vanessa

my name is was I’m from Haiti I live in

booty Nia

my favorite food is rice make vegetable

mix wet bean and chicken it taste so

good and I will love it bye thank you

  • ASA I’m from Morocco and my favorite

food is couscous I would rather eat it

every Friday night

or Moroccan people prefer Friday to the

others days it’s kind of traditional

habit it’s really tasty delicacy food

encourage society is Maria

the ingredients are fry bread contain




hi guys this is Betty I’m come from

Taipei Taiwan

my favorite food and in part one is

moister omelet mm and you can find these

delicious dishes everywhere and in night

markets mmm

it’s like the oyster wave with and put

some vegetables and cook with kind of a

pancake but the pancake is this is a

sweet boy but our oyster omelet is salt

okay let’s say you shook and eat I want

to evidence bye-bye hi I’m I’m from


I’m so glad to make this video you are

amazed Belize

you are my favorite teacher I’m learning

English with you and you help me very


where are they we have a lot of food but

my favourite food is fresh water

cool schoolies thank you so much bye

I’ve been this I’m the line from

California I’m also a first-time mom

how’s your baby doing I hope everything

is going well I was from Taiwan

originally the one I raised as you may

have heard that telling it’s very famous

for its street food so I want to share

with you one of my favorite which is

stinky tofu but unfortunately even

though I am living in LA and there are

so many Chinese restaurants around but I

couldn’t find any decent or really

authentic stink it over here so I have

nothing to showing in my video and I

don’t know how to make it right but I

don’t want to because I don’t want to

make my kitchen stinky I heard it’s a

really complicated of the process to

make it and I believe I heard people say

but I don’t believe they add any

chemicals in it to give that strong odor

I believe they basically make it through

fermentation and they Friday and they

also add something else to make it taste

good but we try to know what they are I

just know that I love to eat it with

Chinese kimchi it’s a really good

combination so if you haven’t tried it

you have really have a chance to go to

Taiwan unless you must go to like any

night market I believe we can find it

hope you will like it and I already put

this down online to the list once I have

an opportunity to go back for a visit so

that’s a by then I hope you liked my

video take care and thank you bye hi how

are you this is

from Argentina I got your email about

food and I wanted to let you know that

probably the food that I like the most

from my country is what you call

barbecue of course with Argentinian meat

but yes it would be barbecued thank you

for asking

hi hi Vanessa it’s Reese from Brazil I

hope that you then and feel we’re doing

awesome wow you have a hundred thousand

of for residual congratulations

it’s not a walk in the park so it

definitely must be celebrated you did it

you rock you deserve it also your

question about food as you know Brazil

is a big big country so I feel like each

region has its favorite ones but if I’m

not mistaking I’d say that rice and

beans could be considerated as staple

food in Brazil for me it’s a tough

question because I love chocolate I love

pizza I love beans I love salad I love

pasta I love meat so if I had to choose

only one of them I’d say that barbecue

would be my favorite one okay so once

again congratulations for your

achievements you deserve it and now the

sky is the limit for you okay Baba hello

everyone my name is Abdul Aziz the key

and I’m from Syria I’m here to talk

about the food in my country it’s the

topic which Vanessa suggests to talk

about at the beginning of my talking I


thank you very much Vanessa to give me

this chance to show you on your YouTube

channel speak English with Vanessa and I

wanna greet everyone is singing this

video when we talk about the food we

talk about cooking Syria is very famous

for its food and it’s also famous for

its salads tourists travel minds just to

taste Syrian food and let me give you

this funny information about the cooking

here in my country Syria when the people

won’t marry you want to manage I mean

the groom’s they have a condition it’s

the pride should know how to cook very

well as Syrian people we depend on three

kinds of food in our daily life meat

chicken rice for me I don’t know how to

cook very well I’m not a good cooker but

I’m a good taster when Vanessa told me

about sharing by this video I like to

share by this very very very short video

and great everyone is seeing us thank

you very much I love food it’s a route

and I’m not sure the name but I heard

that is it could be cassava or manioc

but also you come I love to eat that I

love to eat cooked in water and also

deep fried and how about you do you eat

this kind of food

bye bye

I know you can’t talk the vet if you one

are not carving you can craft a nice

plate with ham Johan G among other

French army is that straight

hi everyone my name is Micaela I am from

Russia but now I live in Cambridge

Massachusetts United States of America

from mother twenty years but until now

my five million

I prefer Russian food there are a few

features of Russia’s national food

one of them is widespread huge and have

stood the soup is first part of every

gene you can find the great variety of

source the most common is cabbage soup

named she and bit soups named bush by

the solitary sometimes available in the

United States tours the official Russian

eating is that every family preferred

breaking from is dog but not incidental

for example raise kind of pancake name

be you can be mentioned Russians would

miss out kasha from dream for example I

eat buckwheat kasha every morning and

this live most favorite dignity at every

party or holiday a Russian vodka

this word is hi Vanessa

I am Roxanne I don’t from Azerbaijan but

now I live in Turkey due to my education

but of course I would like to get

information about my favorite

azerbaijan’s national food it’s called

pity pity you know of course you don’t

know because

oceans separate our cars just but don’t

worry I am here and I will

pt.2 here person I can say is that we

use Martin peep onion potato tomato

paste cherry plum pepper and salt for

making pity and I bought I would like to

emphasize two key points as the first

one is that he must be cooked in a plate

made of clay and the second one is that

it should be cooked at very low

temperature and it started with lavage

lavage is thin bread and pouring in Bon

Appetit I love you and sell so much

thank you and see you Melissa hello how

are you my teacher

I’m from Uzbekistan as Becky Stan is

situated central heavier as biggest and

have lots of delicious foods such as

Paulo Monte Samsa and like month on dear

the best one is Paulo because every

people likes Paulo when when they make


birthday our party of course they make

follow because Paulo traditional foods

of Uzbekistan hello from Kazakhstan my

name is Niki dim and national food in

our country is beshbarmak especial mark

and sisters meat and boil it off with

Bhishma who can drink

Bhishma rock soap and or house milk

horse milk is the national drink to in

our country and to taste our nation

would come to Kazakhstan hello everyone

I’m Utica

I borrow from Japan let me show you

traditional Japanese food sembei in

Japanese rice cracker in English this is

same day there are various type symbol

usually made from lies and cooked by

being baked or grilled this is no more

type and this is fried type and this is

lured by labor and this is made primary

of flour and brown sugar I think all

Japanese Japan love Japanese love see me

thank you bye

Brazil has several typical foods in each

region a miniaturised which is the state

will relieve there is nothing more

traditional than publication translating

word by word as in cheese bread

unfortunately there is no translation

for this delicacy that one best fits in

my opinion is cheese Buffy as it

reflects the nature of the cooking of

the cheese bread and its consistency but

means something like light rowdy airy

such as powder puff of rice their

problem is that the main cheese box

already exists in English for another

type of of food some kind of snacks I

don’t know but publication is totally


you should taste it someday

hi hello Vanessa it’s a pleasure to send

you this video and I just left the gym

so I don’t have a lot of time to record

a video but first of all I’d like to

thank you for your videos and thank you

for teaching us and I really like your

job and you were one of the best

teachers in the world

okay as for my food so as for my

favorite food

once I live in Hugh Grant you do solo

which is a different state from the rest

of Brazil so our special food here is

barbecue you know it’s maybe it’s kind

of different from the barbecue you do in

your country

here we use a call and maybe we we built

our the the place where we make the

barbecue we use bricks and so we

surrounded bricks and then the cool and

and then we kind of spike the the meat

and the chicken and it’s awesome so our

favorite food here in Brazil is barbecue

so thank you so much for that

opportunity and I hope you like this

video and yeah thanks again bye

her many me who swear I am from a Tamala

now I cannot talk about my favorite food

from my country in this my favorite food

is the pan Pepe and apoyo because I like

it it is famous the top Italy I

like it is the most famous dish in my

country it is all and places restaurants

hums it’s very famous

in my country this tube the Pepin is a

stoop it’s that combination with we

chicken chili tomatoes potatoes and many


hello Pete this stoop it very delicious

I like this dish okay it the most

popular in my country okay thank you for

watching bye bye hi Vanessa greeting

from a Tanagra my great grating for you

your husband is so and you’re so cute

son tail I make a video about my

traditional dish is from my country I

hope you like it

I’m prepare my traditional dish is Sarma

it is pronounced s AR ma Salma is a

traditional serbian dish very popular in

the balkans made up of force or cabbage

minced meat and rice meat and rice

wrapped in a single piece of cabbage it

is cook for about 2 to 2 to 3 hours

depending on the fire and so usually it

is often eating the winter period

especially for Christmas I’ll show you


I hope you see

we see cabbage and meat and rice wrapped

in a piece of cabbage and for every

Sarma is repeated the way of preparation

I hope you like it my video see you soon

bye hi Vanessa


first is a fictional income person


once it is a milk of course

coke drink

which contain following minerals most

in cold base that hits the spot because

they give you energy

and we’ll have second mission three

second mission think it is ash one spot

but the milk of camel

but like a foot of Russian national

drink of Russian you the same and

  • because our family


we conditions they’re real


or a lot



we have talked

in world first by eating meat this is a

wolf second


mr. Marcus


every family


daily daily meal


every weekend


collisions syphilis

for your one




of course it is difficult

bye-bye thank you

Tucson hello Vanessa good morning

this is franching holiness speaking he

I’m here in my workplace you know this

is what I do every day from a 206 and I

teach English from seven to two 9:00 at

night you know and well as you told me

I’m preparing this video sending you

this video and I want to tell you

something because you told me about to

talk about the food in my country

okay we have as many countries we have

different kind of foods for example we

have we eat a lot of rice and chicken

and beans all kind of beings and with

okay we we eat many kind many kinds of

meat for example of my favorite well my

favorite I like beef yeah and I like

rice rice

I like being black beans and I like how

I like beef ground beef okay

to be more specific and I like us some

kind of food you might not know because

it’s gonna be difficult for me to

explain you because this is very it’s

very typical you know it’s very it’s

very um it’s very how can I say how can

I say um it’s something that belongs to

our culture our culture you know and

it’s very difficult to explain for

example I like something that we call

mondongo mondongo is like let me explain


it’s like it’s very difficult to explain

but it’s a but you might do you can you

can search it on the web or I can send

you a video about it but because it’s

very difficult because it’s a it’s the

inner inner part although although cow

it’s like that you know I don’t know how

to say this

although the inner parts of the cow and

then you you take this into a bowl into

our cook Bowl or cook pan and you

prepare that with plantains

we met many things with many things is

it this very difficult to just plain but

because that’s one of my favorite foods

but I really like I really like chicken

chicken as I told you but I prefer me I

prefer meat I prefer beef you know beef

is because here we eat up a lot of

chicken we have chicken everywhere in

every corner we have people people

selling chicken fried chicken and that’s

that’s what that’s what I can say but

this moment and I hope you enjoyed this

video and thank you for giving me down

the opportunity to share with you yeah

this is Franklin Paulino from Dominican

Republic and it’s been a pleasure to do

this okay have a have a nice day

my name is Julio I’m lyin I’m Congrats

success about 100,000 subscribed today I

want to speak about the more famous food

here in my country I would White is a

small country between Argentina and

Brazil my native language is Spanish

shall American Spanish and today I will

speak about the barbecue there Assad

Assad is the more popular food here not

only for the tourists for the new people

that come here eat too famous for us as

well all the old people in general take

a banish to get together with friend and

Sunday and bring mat speak with your

friend about soccer about the week about

family and cook a good asado

asado is a barbecue with the good meal

the cow and you can add chorizo and more


what is tradition militia Teresa too

similar to sausage with with is a mix of

the meal of the cow the pork and

Morticia is a mix of blood pork and

onion paper and you can

that exist to to kind of Mercia with

hold you with sugar and the sweet

Morticia contain racing and another

sweet things that is really delicious

you can you can visit Porto near to

harbor here in Uruguay the man called El

Porto is the more popular Western under

a lot of pressure on there maybe after

my speech I can add a short video for

the people for forum now this this place

okay I think that is more famous food

here and take a bandage if you come here

take a bandage I recommend really this

this food for you okay congrat Vanessa

and thanks for this opportunity to

practice our skill speak in English and

good for you and your family okay




look with some oil put some carrot

garlic and mushrooms

there’s some stuff

Calvillo hunter rare hunter


knocking your locker


do not we can put this one mix of flour

and water have a sway

the mix of no importance

the station we call it the ring of the

walk suit so it’s full of flour water

around the ring of the world is very fun

and easy long ring of

instead of some noodle Romania this way

neato see see this is my doing of walk

yeah this ship is irregular

i-it’s okay really fun yeah neck neck

nice one yeah this one is our agreeing

of work yeah it’s dirty stir yourself to

gain time

where to chef


and we clicking on that ring okay

longer green

then we person so fishbowl and there’s

some some cabbage

yeah it’s sound vegetable

yeah look this is done no dream of my

walk back this way this fun and easy and

delicious and for some sesame oil

to everyone who participated I really

enjoyed watching every single one of

these clips and now I’m really hungry

and I can’t wait to visit your country I

hope that it was a good experience for

you participating and if you’d like to

do another one of these challenges in

the future let me know in the comments

below thanks so much and I’ll see you

later bye the next step is to download

my free ebook 5 steps to becoming a

confident English speaker I want to help

you master English and speak fluently

feel free to subscribe so that you don’t

miss new English lessons thanks so much

for learning with me bye