MustKnow English Food Words and Phrases Learn English Vocabulary

oh hello Internet it always starts on

YouTube a few seconds before Facebook

I’ve noticed this so I’m gonna give it a

couple seconds here we go sense producer

alright we should be up on YouTube right

about now we’re refreshing everything

good morning good afternoon good evening

good night depending on where you are

we’re back my name is Alisha and today

we’re going to talk about food food

vocabulary words and some ways that you

can describe what you like and dislike

eating so I see a lot of you in the

YouTube chat welcome back as always

welcome to our viewers our live viewers

in Brazil we have lots of live viewers

in Brazil and Vietnam so welcome to all

of you if you’re not watching live

welcome to you as well I have a couple

announcements I want to begin with today

we have a lot to talk about

announcement number one this week we are

launching a new series a new Q&A series

called ask Alicia and if you haven’t

found the website page yet you can go to

English class

slash ask - alicia and submit your

questions to me there so I’m going to

choose some questions from that page

every week and I’m going to I’m going to

select I’m going to make the video I’m

going to edit the video and send it to

the team so that’s a new thing we’re

starting some of you have already sent

questions but if you have not checked

that out yet please check that out so

that’s one announcement other

announcements will come later but now I

see the chat the Jets are up so hello on

YouTube I see Anderson is back this week

Pierre from Peru hello Julio from

Guadalajara Mexico a lot of people are

joining from Mexico Brazil Saudi Arabia

Mahmud you from oh I don’t know where

you’re from galaxy galaxy that’s an

interesting name okay and Facebook is up

as well great from Guatemala Ville VAR

hi from Thailand Haneda hello and

welcome great um

and luan Garcia hello a lot of oohs in

your message great all right we are I

think set up with everything and I think

today we’re also

we’re also streaming on Twitch I don’t

I’m not sure that’s a new thing but if

you want to find us I think you can find

us on Twitch today as well

yes twitch I don’t have the link in

front of me right now but you can find

us on Twitch as of this week as well

cool all right so um

oh it’s apparently it’s also called

English class

all right great as we wait for a few

people to join please remember to like

the video so other people can find it

that would be great and share it too if

you like that as well as we wait for

others though I want to share as I do

every week a couple points so last week

if you joined we talked about how to

explain the things you want what you

want or what you need we talked about

need and want together so last week I

took it I took an example tweet from my

life last week which was this picture

you’re going to see in just a second so

last week I was I was doing some

homework actually and I was eating I was

eating something which is perfect

because that’s this week’s topic I said

I’m gonna need I’m gonna need I can’t

quite read it’s very small on my screen

but I said I’m gonna need another visit

before I write about this place yes like

you got to need another visit so I’m

going to need another visit so I used

the verb need here in this case we

talked about need meaning one more visit

is going to be necessary for me to write

about this restaurant I visited so if

you missed last week we talked about

wants and needs and how to express those

if you missed it you can check out the

video on our YouTube channel or on the

Facebook page as well alright

and we had a good question from last

week I want to mention last week we

talked about how we contract want to the

verb or yeah how we contract want to -

wanna when we’re speaking and in casual

writing someone asked is there something

like that for need to like need to a

contracted form of need to spelling no

there is no there’s no spelled

contracted form of a need to but when

you’re speaking you can say need

need I need it I need to go so it’s like

an EE da sound kind of I need a blah

blah blah do something so thanks for

that question

okay everybody is here I think I see

lots of names lots of hellos hi song

from Vietnam on Facebook Pao from

Minnesota great shot Salim Salem High I

remember you you came back

Raymundo on Facebook as well and on

YouTube Christiano hi Claude Ania

Rodrigues hello-o

toffee oh hi yes yeah if you’ve been

watching the YouTube channel you’ll see

that we have a live stream there 24/7

well almost 24/7 there’s always a live

broadcast there but I’m not there live

oh sorry

I’m only here live for this time every

week so yes ohayo gozaimasu ID mmm you

good morning and Takuya as well how is I

mas welcome our Japanese viewers great

alright let’s begin today’s topic if

you’re just joining today we’re talking

about food I’m going to explain some

food related vocabulary words so I want

to go beyond just saying like it’s good

or it’s delicious or I don’t like it

like how can you explain yourself a

little more clearly that’s what I want

to do today so today we’re going to talk

about of course some adjectives you can

use for food but we’re also going to

talk about some emphasis words that you

can use to kind of more deeply explain

yourself so let’s begin okay so first I

want to introduce a couple of very

general adjectives that we can use I’m

going to use our whiteboard for today

first I’m going to introduce these two

first two words are tasty and yummy

tasty and yummy so a couple very casual

words we can use so first we’re tasty

tasty is used kind of casually we use

this for just like everyday common foods

there’s no nuance of something like

elegant there’s no like refinement about

something tasty it’s just usually just a

simple kind of easy food just

thing we enjoy on an everyday basis so

for example donuts are tasty I think

something kind of simple is the nuance

the second one I want to introduce today

is yummy please be careful the

pronunciation is yummy yummy you might

hear people just say yum yum with no mm

and why so yummy it’s like it’s like a

childish word so this is again it’s a

very a casual word but kids use this

word again for kind of simple maybe kind

of like junky or sugary foods but most

of the time children use the word yummy

adults can use the word yummy to kind of

create a nuance of like like a childlike

enjoyment sort of thing so we don’t

really use yummy for like high-class or

like really nice food it’s nice things

so for example we could say like cookies

are yummy okay so these are the first

two things that I want to mention I also

want to mention a couple of vocabulary

words for like like taste how we can

describe taste a bit more so I’m gonna

move on to a couple a couple of words

many people confuse here next pair I

guess is the word spicy and hot so spicy

does not mean temperature hot however

does mean temperature sometimes so one

may be confusing point in English about

this word hot can mean like peppers

something that is like causes that sort

of uncomfortable feeling in our mouth

it’s like ah if you feel like you want

to drink milk or something we can use

hot to describe that like hot salsa or

hot peppers or something but we can also

use hot to explain temperature like a

food just fresh from the oven is hot the

temperature is hot so we can use hot for

both of those so as in the opposite of


however spicy we cannot use to refer to

temperature spicy only refers to like

that uncomfortable pepper ish feeling in

your mouth it’s like it’s kind of maybe

makes you panic depending on your

tolerance for this

so we could say for example peppers are

spicy or peppers are hot but please be

careful we can use hot for both spicy

and temperature but spicy is only used

for that feeling that tastes okay a

couple more words and then I’m going to

ask you a question so please keep these

words in your head please keep these

words in your head I’m going to ask you

a question soon okay next word I want to

talk about is the word rich okay maybe

you know about the word rich for people

who have a lot of money so if you have a

lot of money or if you know someone who

has a lot of money you can use the word

rich to describe that person he is rich

she is rich but if you are talking about

food you can use the word rich for

something that has a really really deep

flavor but the rich kind of has the

nuance like of being very fatty so for

example maybe there’s a lot of butter in

it something that’s maybe it’s probably

high-calorie so maybe lots of butter or

lots of dairy for example we can use the

word rich to describe that so for

example like gelato is rich which a lot

of is rich so it has like that really

creamy kind of deep taste about it mmm

okay we’re almost there we have 1 2 3

more words and then I’m going to ask you

a question so I hope you’re thinking

about these think carefully about these

all right next word to talk about is the

word bitter I want to talk about the

word bitter as well so we use the word

bitter to talk about foods or drinks as

well that have like a sharp they’re

almost unpleasant sometime taste so like

foods or drinks that kind of maybe make

your face like squeeze a little bit in

response to them they’re kind of they’re

they’re very often kind of strongly

flavored so for example if you drink

beer maybe you know like IPAs Indian

Pale Ales are bitter beers like they

have a lot of a like bitter flavor or

maybe like spinach is a bit bitter so

maybe you know like Goya as well in

Japan that’s a very bitter food

so bitter is another word I want to talk

about today almost there next key word

for today first set of key worth is the

word savory savory is next I want to

talk about so savory savory needs

something that has a lot of flavor foods

that have lots and lots of flavor but

they’re not really sweet so if you want

to talk about a food that has a lot of

flavor but it’s really sweet you can use

the word sweet if however it has a lot

of flavor but it’s not really sweet you

can use the word savory so for example

roast meats are savory so they tend to

be more salty I think all right the

final word I want to talk about before I

ask you our first question is one we use

a lot for desserts the word decadent

decadent this is the last word in our

first group today so we use it a lot for

desserts for desserts so it’s like

something luxurious something that’s

maybe like a self-indulgent like we we

have it just to enjoy like it’s a like

maybe even too much it’s a little bit

like beyond what we need to eat it’s

just for it’s just for enjoyment it’s

something that’s just so delicious or so

high in calories are so rich for example

something that is decadent so for

example like chocolate cake is decadent

decadent okay so we have this big list

of adjectives we can use to talk about

food given this and with the with the

words you already know let’s get to our

first question for today so we have

again we have this list you can choose

from this list or you can choose

something else but let’s talk about your

favorite dessert as the first question

for today Louise I’m decadent that’s

funny so let’s talk about the first

question which is about your favorite

dessert so you’ll see it here in a

second question one for today what is

your favorite dessert oh and why do you

like it

our question is coming soon so what is

your favorite dessert and why do you

like it there it is what is you

favorite dessert and why do you like it

so let’s think about it with these

adjectives or with a different adjective

that’s fine so you can say I like a

singular noun or like a um an

uncountable noun so for example I like

flourless chocolate cake because it’s

rich and decadent I could say or if you

want to use the plural I like donuts

because they’re sweet I like donuts

because they’re sweet

alright ah mell Cena has a great

question on youtube what’s the

difference between bitter and sour sour

has it’s like an it’s like an acidic

it’s like an acid sort of taste bitter

doesn’t have that acid feeling so sour

we could say like citrus fruits are

often sort of sourish I suppose or maybe

like grapefruit is quite sour I kind of

think that like some bitter foods can

also be sour mm-hmm yep okay okay you

are first is Emrys on on Facebook my

favorite dessert I’ll be careful

dessert dessert has two S’s dessert my

favorite dessert is a banana split so

again use the adjectives we just talked

about why do you like it I like banana

splits because they’re what good

Cristiano on YouTube I like ice cream

because it’s tasty nice red brandy

tiramisu or brownies because they’re

rich and decadent very nice okay

Mauricio on Facebook I like strawberry

ice cream just because just because okay

uh I Oleg Maura on YouTube I like lemon

pie because it’s decadent good yummy he

or she comments great very nice dear may

I like strawberry cake because it is

decadent good

garrison high garrison on Facebook I

like cookies I like cookies plural

plural I like cookies because they’re

sweet so remember your grammar for many

of you actually I’m seeing many of you

do this when you are talking generally

about a about a noun a group of nouns

you need to use the plural form I like

donuts because they’re blah blah blah I

like cookies because they’re blah blah

blah mmm so keep in mind you’re

accountable and

uncountable nouns cake is uncountable by

the way cake is uncountable ice-cream is

uncountable little review Messiah says I

love got a shackle shkolu yeah because

it’s decadent

yeah lots of decadent fans here for sure

great okay

excellent excellent sounds good so this

is our first question for today we have

lots to talk about so let’s move on oh

yes I need to share I want to share

today is a perfect chance to talk about

this actually for a few weeks we’ve been

mentioning the free PDFs that we have on

the website but today is a perfect

chance to introduce the dining one so

I’ve mentioned this before today I’m

talking about adjectives that we can use

to talk about food but actually this has

like things you can use this this cheat

sheet which you can get on the website

it has things you can use if you go to a

restaurant so you can find like the

names of dishes so like appetizer or

main dish we’re talking about desserts

now but you can find the names of dishes

and then up here is like phrases you can

use when you’re actually at the at the

restaurant so how to talk to waitstaff

for example and then on the other side

there’s other stuff so foods for your

your preferences these are types of

foods but we’re talking about adjectives

adjectives so you can add the points

we’re talking about today to this chichi

so if you don’t have this you can

download it free on the website I think

there’s a link in the description below

this video on YouTube and above this

video on Facebook so check that out if

you have not already okay are they gonna

see it now or no yep there it is good so

if you have not seen this you can check

this on the on English class or

this is again linked below the video on

youtube and above the video on Facebook

so take a look there you can find this

PDF that I just showed you or there are

some other things that you can see some

other different topics as well so check

that out definitely check that out it is

free to download you just log in with

your account and you can access them

right away so take a look definitely

check those out alrighty then so if you

are just joining us live

today’s topic is food we’re talking

about food vocabulary I’ve just

introduced a few different adjectives we

can use to describe food these are kind

of positive words yeah

so if you haven’t please make sure to

LIKE the video too it’s very helpful so

other people can find us yeah so like

the video share the video and now we’re

going to continue on to our next topic

so I talked a bit about some kind of

positive words here at the beginning but

I want to move on to describing sort of

negative things about food so how do you

talk about words or sorry how do you

talk about foods that maybe you don’t

like things that you don’t like about

certain foods so let’s move on to some

kind of negative adjectives just a few

just a few I know we have not a lot of

time so let’s look at the first one

first sort of negative adjectives is the

word greasy greasy I want to introduce

Gracie Gracie this is we use greasy for

like foods with hop that have a lot of

oil there’s a lot of oil or something

sorry I produce our has written pizza I

have pizza is usually pretty greasy so

like a lot of fat maybe a lot of oil

greasy typically is used in a negative

way but since many junk foods are greasy

we can like we can say positively like

oh I love greasy foods sometimes or like

I love greasy pizzas or like some people

love greasy hamburgers we can say that

too so that’s one second

maybe my least favorite actually I think

this is my least favorite type of food

personally is the word slimy even it

even sounds bad I don’t even like the

word so the word slimy slimy is we use

it for foods that are like kind of slick

or like a little maybe a little bit

sticky so imagine like raw egg like raw

egg is slimy or like if some of you know

nut though in Japan not though it’s very

slimy or like yeah raw egg is a good

example not though

what else anything that has that sort of

kind of sticky kind of not quite liquid

but not quite solid texture about it

that’s a slimy food so maybe like fish

eggs as well I suppose yeah so some kind

of slimy things okay then I want to go

to maybe a couple a pair of words that

are maybe important especially if you’re

at a restaurant and you need to make a

statement this is not about necessarily

the the taste of the food but the

cooking of the food so here to pick a

pair of words rather there’s undercooked

and overcooked undercooked and

overcooked so undercooked means not

cooked enough not cooked enough so if

you’re like steak is not cooked enough

you can say it’s undercooked undercooked

food is usually well it can be dangerous

it can be dangerous then overcooked over

means too much cooked too much so


not maybe not burned in some cases but

just cooked too much so a steak again is

a great example if you cook a steak too

much it can become chewy chewy so that’s

the next word I want to talk about

actually chewy so chewy something chewy

it takes a long time to eat we have to

we have to chew a lot too to eat these

food so if you overcook an overcooked

steak is often chewy it’s often chewy we

have to chew it a lot okay and then

finally the final kind of negative word

I want to talk about I’ll put it in a

different spot the last word I want to

talk about is the word bland bland bland

is a word we use to describe food that

has it has very little flavor like it’s

sometimes foods are supposed to be bland

sometimes that’s fine but if you want to

use sort of like a negative you want to

create sort of a negative nuance like if

you’re eating for example I don’t know

some a food like a dessert and it should

have a lot of flavor but it doesn’t you

can say this dessert is

bland like it doesn’t have much flavor

sometimes foods should be bland like for

example tofu is bland

that’s a bland food it doesn’t have very

much flavor on its own but that’s just

kind of its original taste okay so these

are can be sort of negative words it

depends on what you prefer but a

different set of words so given these

and our first group of words them let’s

reverse the question so our second

question for today is what is your least

favorite food what is your least

favorite food and why what is your least

favorite food and why so here I don’t

like blah blah blah because it’s crazy

I don’t like peppers because they’re


I don’t like okra I don’t like okra

because it’s slimy that’s true so what’s

your least favorite food and why ahh

Mahmood can we say a middle cooked no

because middle cooked is generally like

properly cooked middle cooked would mean

like that’s correct that’s correct we

don’t use middle cooked okay so what is

your least favorite food and why is it

your least favorite food okay

so yeah I don’t like slimy foods I don’t

like pepper well I do I like peppers but

many people don’t like peppers because

they are spicy okay I don’t like okra

because it’s slimy

okay anybody coming up some ones that I

love french fries but they’re too easy

okay I love french fries

mark says I don’t like greasy foods okay

greasy in general okay our producer says

I don’t like bell peppers because

they’re bitter oh okay okay not a bitter

fan I like bell peppers I think I think

they’re good okay what else Minh lay on

Facebook I don’t like overcooked steak

because it’s chewy yes I agree I also do

not like overcooked stink I don’t like I

don’t like that one

okay dearme on youtube says I don’t like

bacon because it’s so greasy really I

love bacon I love bacon but I I don’t

like greasy bacon no but I do love bacon

it’s good okay um what else I can’t oh I

don’t like pizza because it’s greasy

okay we have a couple

we have a couple different groups here

pizza lovers and pizza pizza not lovers

Luciano says I don’t like squid because

they’re slimy and chewy

I don’t like squid because they’re slimy

and chewy hmm someone asked a question

like the word plain up plain it’s

similar to bland yeah so plain someone

asked about this word plain plai n plain

we can use it for food it means food we

did not add anything to so for example

like toast if I make toast in the

morning and I don’t use butter I don’t

use any sauce or any topping

I just eat the toast I could say it’s

plain toast there’s no change to it no

change to the food is plain so plain


unchanged no change to the food bland

however means a no flavor or a little


so sometimes plain food is bland yes all


good nice ones guys okay I don’t like

undercooked chicken yes it’s dangerous

okay all right nice sentences guys okay

we need to move on though to the next

point or rather I think I need to if a

lot of people have joined so I want to

introduce again really quickly should I

our points for today yeah okay

a lot of people have just joined I think

so I want to introduce again if you’re

just joining this week is about food

we’re talking about food vocabulary

words so the team I have this week what

you can download in the link below the

video on YouTube and above the video on

Facebook this dining food and dining

related cheat sheets so how to like

compliment and criticize oh we talked

about this word earlier I said tasty

tasty so tasty is like a casual word

yeah but we talked about like this like

it’s raw so raw is the means not cooked

at all or we talked about spicy too so

some of these words are on the on the

PDF but you can check the link below the

video on YouTube and above the video on

Facebook to get these for free just log

into your account okay then

oh yes and if you’re just joining as

well yeah just one more announcement

our new series that’s coming up this

week the first one is going to be

launched on Saturday I’m doing a Q&A

series question and answer series on the

channel on the YouTube channel now so

you can submit your questions to me at

English class

slash ask - Alicia asked - Alicia so

I’ll show you the I’ll show you that one

more time in a couple of minutes but

yeah submit your questions to me there

okay we only have a couple minutes so I

guess I’ll finish up with a couple

emphasizes is that okay producer can I

finish that up

sure okay great so um let’s finish up

today we have a lot of new adjectives if

you missed it by the way if you are if

you’re watching live and you missed part

of this we are going to upload the video

to our YouTube and Facebook so check out

all the vocabulary words we talked about

but to finish today I want to talk about

some emphasis words we can use so maybe

you saw the video we put up last week I

did a video a whiteboard video about the

words really and very so how to use the

words really and very if you missed it

you can check that on the on the YouTube

channel we can use the words really and

very to emphasize our points so just

remember you can check in the video too

but we can use really in front of verbs

but we cannot use very in front of verbs

but other than that we can use them in

the same way I do want to introduce a

couple of casual emphasis words for food

so we can use the words so and super to

talk about food so instead of really or

very we can use so or super before the

adjectives so for example peppers are so

bitter my smoothie or like my smoothie

was so yummy for example or I could say

the burger you made was super good it

was super good so you can use so and

super as sort of casual casual emphasis

words in front of your adjectives

instead of really and very okay and then

I want to mention a couple kind of more


normal or maybe like higher-level

emphasis words these are a bit longer

but I think that they sound quite nice

and you can give sort of stronger

compliments if you use these words so

these are incredibly and ridiculously

incredibly and ridiculously so

incredibly has the route incredible

which means it’s like extraordinary or

it’s hard to believe something and then

ridiculously the root of this word is

ridiculous so it means like extreme

something that’s extreme just be careful

if you use a positive adjective after

these it makes a really really nice

meaning if you use a negative adjective

after these it means it makes a very

very negative meaning so you can these

are very very versatile we can use them

in many different ways so for example

your roast chicken was incredibly good

or that pepper is ridiculously spicy we

can use these as well oh right I don’t

think there’s any time for the last

question is there I think I should stop

right yeah I should stop okay

I talked too much I have too many

vocabulary words for today so we’re

going to end there if you missed

anything please feel free to check the

YouTube channel or the Facebook page and

you can see everything that we talked

about today I have a couple

announcements I need to end with today

so actually next week next week there is

not going to be a live stream

unfortunately I won’t be able to be here

next week next week our whole crew our

whole crew is going to take a holiday so

thank you for your understanding and

we’ll be back at the end of November but

next week we won’t have a live stream

but we’ll be enjoying a holiday so we

hope you enjoy a holiday next week as

we’ll um

but the next live stream is going to be

Wednesday November 29th

Wednesday November 29th at 9 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time so again that’s

New York City time 9 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time our topic for next time is

going to be shopping so I’m going

you talk about how to explain what you

want when you’re shopping that’s going

to be our topic next time so shopping

Wednesday November 29th 9 p.m. Eastern

Standard Time

ok so that’s one point second point I

mentioned it a couple times throughout

the broadcast but from yeah from this

week you can find some of you have

already found this I think which is

great but I’m doing a new Q&A a new

video Q&A series where I’m making the

videos so you guys have a lot of really

good questions and it’s been difficult

for us to answer everything up until now

so you guys have a lot of good questions

we made a page on the website it’s here

English class slash this is a

slash slash ask - Alicia if you go here

this is the new page we set up some of

you have already submitted your

questions if you submit those questions

there I’m I collect those questions and

then I make a video myself every week so

I’m that means I’m choosing questions I

edit the video I make everything yeah

here just oh we need a - there should be

a - there um so we’re doing that now

actually so you can log in with your

account and I think you can submit as

many questions as you want there’s a

page there and then I think I think you

get like a PDF or something something if

I choose your question I don’t know but

I’m just going to choose what I what I’m

interested in answering and if you have

a lot of a lot of people sometimes have

the same question so I’ll try to answer

that too so please submit lots of

questions please submit lots of

questions there any question is fine and

I will choose what I want to talk about

so please yeah don’t be here just check

that out there English class

slash ask - Alicia for the new landing

page our new our new page there ok so I

think that’s all that’s everything so

thank you again so much for joining

today and please review this live video

if you missed any of the vocabulary

words we talked about there were a lot

in today’s lesson so I hope you can

check that out for food check out the

PDF you’ll see again in a second if you

want more stuff like this you can


from the link below the video on YouTube

and above the video on Facebook and I

will see you again in two weeks so enjoy

your holiday have a nice week have a

nice night have a nice day depending on

where you are and I will see you again

soon bye bye
