10 English Phrases You Can Use at a Bar

hi everybody and welcome back to top

words my name is Alisha and today we’re
going to talk about ten words that you

can use at a bar let’s go to buy a round
the first expression is to buy a round

to buy a round means to buy a round of
drinks essentially a round of drinks

means one drink for everyone in your
group one drink for everyone in your

party by the way the word party is used
to mean group at a bar or restaurant the

number of people in your party is the
number of people in your group so to buy

a round means to buy a drink for
everybody in a sentence

our boss began the party by buying
everyone around in a different sentence

you’re buying the next round
on the rocks the next expression is on

the rocks on the rocks is a way to order
a drink when you say on the rocks it

means your drink on ice
only so rocks are the ice in your glass

so you can imagine the ice the pieces of
ice in your glass the ice cubes or an

ice ball these are like rocks
so saying I’d like whisky for example on

the rocks means just whisky served over
ice that’s what on the rocks mean so in

a sentence
I’d like a gin on the rocks straight up

the next expression is straight up so a
straight up drink is different from an

on the rocks drink a straight up drink
is chilled with ice but it’s strained so

there’s no ice in the drink but it is it
has been chilled with ice so a straight

up drink there’s nothing else in the
glass but it is a chilled drink in a

sentence I’d like a martini straight up
some people use the word straight or

straight up but they mean neat which is
the next word we’re going to talk about

so keep in mind straight or straight up
means chilled that’s one of the key

points here so yeah a martini straight
up is a chilled martini neat so the next

expression is neat
to order a drink neat means the drink is

not chilled and there is no ice it’s
just it’s just the the alcohol it’s just

the liquor there’s nothing special about
it a neat drink is only the drink that’s

it nothing happens to it so in a

I’d like a whiskey neat pint half pint
the next expression is really two

expressions these are words you use when
you order beer they are pint and half

pint depending on the country that you
live in pint can be a different size

they vary by a few milliliters depending
on the country where you live in a half

pint then is roughly half of the pint
size so a half pint and a pint are two

ways two sizes we use to order beer in a
sentence can I have a half pint of this

stout chaser the next expression is
chaser so a chaser is something you use

to follow an alcoholic drink chasers are
often used after shots so shots are

small drinks that are usually kind of
strong and alcohol content and they have

a very strong taste so some people like
to have something after that they call

it a chaser so the image is that the the
second drink is chasing the first drink

into your body you can think of it that
way the chaser is a non-alcoholic drink

so it could be water it could be soda it
could be something like that juice maybe

so chaser in a sentence shots of tequila
are often followed with chasers to be

tipsy the next word is to be tipsy to be
tipsy is a way to describe your feeling

when you’re drinking so if you can
imagine when you’re when you’re standing

straight up when you’re standing it’s
regular you’re very like confident and

tall and you don’t move very much but if
you feel tipsy this comes from the verb

to tip like this so something tips to
one side or another think of your body

in this way so we use the word tipsy the
adjective tipsy to describe this feeling

maybe you’re not so steady on your feet
you could tip over

at anytime that’s called being tipsy
from alcohol okay so in a sentence let’s

see I’m a little tipsy I need some water
to be drunk the next expression is to be

drunk so we talked about the word tipsy
so tipsy is a little bit like a little

unsteady but drunk is just a mess just
you’re just a disaster

you’re being noisy you’re being loud
it’s difficult to control your body or

your friends body whatever so drunk is
usually a seen as a negative thing so

yeah so drunk expresses yeah it’s it’s
just not pretty sometimes

so in a sentence your friend is drunk
let’s take him home to call it a night

the next expression is to call it a
night to call it a night means to decide

to finish at the bar to go home you’re
ready to be done so here I’m going to

call it I’m going to say this is tonight
tonight is finished hmm

so in a sentence it’s been a long
evening I’m gonna call it a night I mean

I’m going to go home I’m done it’s a
casual expression hangover and then one

more that you can use maybe the day
after you visit a bar is hangover so a

hangover is a noun hangover is the word
we use to describe the feelings after

drinking too much so maybe you feel sick
to your stomach you have a headache your

body is sore there are a number of
different feelings you might have when

you feel hung over to be hungover is
another way to say it but when you have

a hangover it usually doesn’t feel very
good in a sentence I have a hangover

today I’m not going drinking tonight all
right so that’s the end those are ten

words that you can use at the bar if you
have any questions or if there are other

words that you like to use when you go
out for drinks let us know in the

comments please be sure to like this
video and subscribe to our channel if

you haven’t already and make sure to
check us out at English class 101.com

for more good stuff thanks very much for
watching this episode of top words and

we will see
again soon bye