10 Phrases Tourists Should NEVER Use in English

hi everyone I’m Bridget and today’s topic is going

to be ten phrases tourists should never
use number one that’s disgusting

disgusting is a very harsh term to
describe something that doesn’t look

good you’re it’s not attractive and you
don’t want to get near it it’s

disgusting it’s a very rude thing to say
because you might be saying that about

something someone else likes number two
my country is better to say your country

is better is a very rude thing to say
when you’re in guest in a new place

especially because if you’re a tourist
you probably don’t know all that much

about this new country so how could you
really say one country is better than

the other number three I’d rather be
back home if you’d rather be back home

that means you don’t want to be here

and if that’s the case why are you
traveling at all part of the joy of

traveling is getting away from home and
experiencing new things so to say I’d

rather be back home why are you
travelling at all number four shut up

funny story when I was growing up my mom
used to say that shut up is a bad word

so we used to get in trouble for saying
it shut up is a very rude way to tell

someone to be quiet don’t use it it’s a
bad way to say it number five I’m not

very interested in your culture to say
that you’re not interested in someone’s

culture probably means that you’re not
looking hard enough because every

culture has something interesting about
it whether it’s the language the history

the fashion it doesn’t matter what it is
there’s always going to be something

interesting about someone’s culture
number six I don’t like meeting new

people to say you don’t like meeting new
people means that you’re going to miss

out on a very big part of traveling and
that is getting to know people getting

to hear their stories what it’s actually
like to live in that country so to say I

don’t like meeting new people you’re
losing out number seven let’s just eat

and make
this is something that a lot of

Americans are probably guilty of when
traveling they’re gonna see in

McDonald’s because McDonald’s are
everywhere in the world these days and

they’re going to think it’s easy my
favorite part of traveling is trying new

cuisine in different countries and if
you’re just going to say let’s eat at

McDonald’s that means you’re going to be
missing out on trying local cuisine and

local delicacies and it’s just you’re
not broadening your horizons and you

never know your favorite new food might
just be waiting undiscovered for you and

instead you went to McDonald’s to have a
chicken sandwich number eight boring

boring is a very impolite way to say
that something is not interesting and

you don’t really want to use it when
you’re traveling because it’s kind of

rude number nine this tastes awful to
say something tastes awful is saying

that it tastes bad it tastes terrible
you don’t want to eat it anymore and

it’s incredibly rude you don’t want to
say this especially if the person you’re

talking to is the one who made the food
for you in English we have this phrase

don’t u k– someone’s young and that
means don’t say yuck to something that

someone else might say young or that’s
delicious so you don’t want to insult a

food that someone else likes because
it’s very rude it’s insulting especially

if the person you’re saying that to made
the food for you so don’t use this

phrase number ten I’m going to spend the
day in the hotel to say you’re going to

spend an entire day at the hotel means
you’re missing out on exploring the

place that you’ve paid to go and see why
don’t you get out there and try new food

meet new people take pictures climbed
skyscrapers climb mountains go hiking do

everything you can possibly do to take
advantage of being in a new place

because I guarantee it’ll be one of the
best experiences you have so that was

ten phrases that tourists should never
use remember don’t use those phrases

that I just taught you if you guys like
the video don’t forget to give it a

sup and subscribe to our channel leave a
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