10 Words for Talking About Hygiene

where it’s for hygiene oh very important

is very important topic let us all be

having good hygiene this all have good


anyway let’s learn how to talk about

your bird begin hi everybody and welcome

back to top words my name is Alisha and

today we’re gonna talk about 10 words

you can use to talk about hygiene or

cleanliness so let’s be in to wash your

hands the first expression is to wash

your hands to wash your hands is with

soap and water in the restroom somewhere

so wash your hands before cooking or

wash your hands after using the toilet

for example in a sentence wash your

hands after using the bathroom to shower

the next expression is to shower to

shower or to shower or maybe you prefer

to take a bath so to shower is usually

standing up though you can do it sitting

down depending on the country you live

in I suppose to shower is that yeah the

water just hits you continuously to take

a bath is you sit in the bathtub you sit

down and you are surrounded by water

that is a bad name bounced around by

water in your home on purpose is a bath

if it’s not on purpose so you should

probably call plumber because that is

not a bath that is an emergency all


in a sentence I shower every day or I

love taking a bath every once in a while

to brush your teeth the next expression

is to brush your teeth to brush your

teeth so with a toothbrush usually in

the morning maybe at night as well you

brush your teeth you clean your teeth in

a sentence make sure to brush your teeth

in the morning to style your hair the

next expression is to style your hair to

style your hair means to to arrange or

to fix your hair the way you like it

so today I styled my hair like this you

styled your hair like that eyes tomorrow

maybe I’ll style my

hair in a ponytail I probably won’t

maybe you can put your you can style

your hair in a mohawk or in a fauxhawk

or in a bouffant bouffant

that’s that focus oh yeah

that’s a bouffant all right so to style

your hair in a sentence it takes a long

time to style my hair that’s true my

hair is naturally explosive and so I

have to straighten it before like

everything and then as soon as humidity

gets it it goes it makes that sound - to

shave the next expression is to shave to

shave is to remove hair like if you’re a

man here usually to remove the hair here

with a razor with another like a blade

of some kind or maybe you remove body

hair hair on your legs whatever you we

use the verb to shave to shave with a

razor in a sentence shaving is a pain

for sure meaning shaving is troublesome

soap or cleanser the next word is soap

or cleanser so soap is just used to

clean your skin or yeah to clean your

face maybe to clean your hands we do not

use soap for the stuff you use to clean

your teeth soap is used for like body

cleaner or maybe what you use to wash

your clothes so so for body cleanser in

a sentence I like nice smelling soaps

and cleansers that is true who does not


deodorant the next word is deodorant

deodorant so deodorant is the product

you might put on your body to prevent

unpleasant smells so usually it goes in

this region so this is called the armpit

this region so arm and then pit so like

yeah kind of this cave ish area in your

arm we call the armpit but it’s common

to apply deodorant here you might put it

in other areas on your body but the goal

is to prevent

bad smells or two in some cases just

stop sweating completely so this is


well deodorant actually if I’m gonna be

strict here deodorant is used to stop

unpleasant smells antiperspirant is used

to prevent sweating so purse print comes

from perspire so to perspire means to

sweat ante means not or stop so an

antiperspirant isn’t a product to make

you stop sweating hmm

so deodorant is the smell one

antiperspirant is the sweat one

sometimes you can buy a deodorant and

antiperspirant together

great in a sentence wearing deodorant is

important especially in summer mouthwash

the next word is mouthwash mouthwash I

hope is easy to understand it’s wash

it’s something to clean the inside of

your mouth so you can use this like in

the morning maybe after you brush your

teeth or after lunch maybe to keep your

breath smelling fresh but it usually is

in like a blue or a green or maybe an

orange color and kind of has a minty or

citrusy taste but you put it in your

mouth and kind of swish like I don’t

know I can’t swish nothing you could

switch it around in your mouth and then

spit it out and that’s mouthwash so

you’ve washed your mouth with this

product in a sentence I like minty

mouthwash toothpaste the next word is

toothpaste so toothpaste we do not say

like tooth soap or tooth cleaner or

whatever we use toothpaste for the

product to clean our teeth the product

we use to brush our teeth is called

tooth paste so in a sentence I need to

buy more toothpaste shampoo and

conditioner the next expression is

shampoo and conditioner so shampoo and

conditioner are commonly used together

in the shower or in the bath maybe

shampoo usually comes first we shampoo

shampoo is soap for your hair really and

then conditioner is a treatment

for your hair conditioner is used to

make your hair feel softer or more

moisturized so often times they are used

for shampoo and then conditioner

together as a set so in a sentence I

like trying new shampoos and

conditioners so those are ten words for

talking about hygiene I hope that they

were useful for you and maybe there are

a few words you can use right away to

talk about aspects or parts of your day

so thanks very much for watching this

episode of top words if you have a

question or a comment please let us know

in the comment box below otherwise

please be sure to like this video and

subscribe to our channel if you haven’t

already check us out at English class

101.com as well thanks very much for

watching and we will see you again soon

bye okay hi everybody my name is Alisha

and today we are going to talk about how

to talk about hygiene on this program

called top of the words welcome to the

internet with things change quickly uh

I got a hat and warm okay so now we’ve

learned some hairstyles and not too many

boo fonts these days though well here’s

a guy with the bouffant that lady that’s

just a beehive she just does a beehive a

bouffant that’s a good word right I’ve

seen the Harris mm-hmm my brother is

gonna get a kick out of this video

there’s this he knows why
