5 Amazing Love Quotes From American English Songs

hi guys this is becky here with english top words today we’re

gonna talk about one of my favorite
topics maybe ever five amazing love

quotes from american songs and i’m gonna
sing for you a little bit of these

quotes real singing right here let’s
stay together loving you whether times

are good or bad happy or sad al green
from let’s stay together our first

amazing love quote is from al green from
his song let’s stay together now first

I’m going to say it for you then I’m
gonna sing it okay let’s stay together

loving you weather times are good or bad
happy or sad now for Al Green it’s very

important that you get very what we call
groovy gotta get you feel feel the

groove and this chorus this comes from
the chorus less let’s stay together

loving you weather times a good or bad
happy you’re sad Thank You Al Green that

was beautiful
Al Green love it every time nice slow

song playing on a Friday night with your
girlfriend or boyfriend so this quote I

love it because it means that Al Green
or whoever is singing it to you is going

to love you no matter if it’s good times
or bad times if you’re happy or if

you’re sad and it kind of reminds me of
the classic American wedding vows that

we say we say I will love you this is AG
not exact but we say I will love you in

sickness or in health till death do we
part I like this song a lot we should

love each other in good times and bad
right it’s not your love if you’re just

loving in good times right I want
they’re in the bad times too Bette

Midler from wind beneath my wings our
second amazing love quote is you are the

wind beneath my wings we first heard
this from Bette Midler in her song wind

beneath my wings now this is a very
beautiful song about it comes from a

movie called beaches that was about to
basically best friends so she’s singing

this to her best girlfriend and she’s
saying you are the wind beneath my wings

in fact you are the person who gives me
this feeling that I can fly and you

support me so that I feel like I can fly
so you’re the wind kind of beneath my

wings and it’s this line is in the
chorus repeated many times in the song

and it goes like this do you ever know
that you’re my hero you’re everything I

would like to be I can fly higher than
an eagle for you are the wind beneath my

wings something like that I love that
maybe will make you cry by the way girls

get the tissues ready oh and then the
spell was cast and here we are in heaven

for you are mine at last
Etta James from at last okay our third

amazing love quote is Etta James this is
from her song at last oh and then the

spell was cast and here we are in heaven
for you are mine

at last now let me talk for a minute
about the phrase the spell was cast it’s

kind of like a witch that can cast a
spell on you and so if you have a spell

cast on you it’s like you are under this
like this command from someone else

and you are acting different because
they made you do something but it’s like

you’re so in love with this person that
it’s like you’ll do anything for them

you’re under a spell you know we might
say and so it’s like we’re in heaven

together it feels like we’re in heaven
I’ve been waiting so long to be with you

here we are you are mine at last now
this may not surprise you but this is a

popular wedding song Etta James sang
this I want to say back in the 1960s I

might have that wrong but it also became
popular from the Beyonce movie a few

years ago where she played Etta James
and Beyonce sang this song as well this

quote is right in the middle of the song
so don’t be don’t be surprised when I

start very strong here here we go oh and
then the spell was cast and here we are

in heaven for you are mine at last
there’s a lot of quaver in the voice in

that song actually it does come at the
end of the song sorry not the not the

middle but beautiful song recommend that
song at last check it out by Etta James

I keep the ends out for the tie that
binds because you’re mine I walk the

line Johnny Cash from I walk the line
our next amazing love quote is from

Johnny Cash one of my favorites the
quote is a little difficult I think so

listen closely I keep the ends out for
the tie that binds because you’re mine I

walk the line the tie that binds means a
like a tie or a connection to someone

you’re bound to that person and Johnny
actually wrote this song for his first

wife Vivian as kind of a promise to her
that he would not cheat on her on the

road so by this lyric he’s saying I keep

out in case anyone I keep the ends out
here he says there’s like his I I keep

the I my ends out for any potential
connection I don’t want to be connected

to anyone else because you’re mine I
walk the line now walking the line means

like to follow a strict line or path and
not go out or away from that line to

follow the rules basically because
you’re mine I’m following the rules I am

keeping my eye out in case I make any
connections that I’m not hoping or

wanting to make I keep the ends out for
the time that binds because you’re mine

I walk the line
sorry Johnny had to go high on that one

Johnny did not follow those rules in
fact when he met his second wife June

Carter Cash who turned out to be the
love of his life and on the day he met

her he said you’re the woman I’m gonna
marry someday my baby don’t care for

shows my baby don’t care for clothes my
baby just cares for me Nina Simone from

my baby just cares for me oh my god I
love this song oh my god oh my god I

love this song the next amazing love
quote is I’m gonna say it’s my favorite

I just love this song that’s by one of
my favorite singers of all time Nina

Simone absolute legend wonderful pianist
okay here’s the quote my baby don’t care

for shows my baby don’t care for clothes
my baby just cares for me now maybe by

the end there you realize my baby is not
her actual baby like baby no no this is

her lover her love interest so she’s
saying my baby don’t care for shows my

baby doesn’t care about going to plays
or maybe movies my baby don’t care for

clothes my baby doesn’t my lover doesn’t
care about buying the latest fashion

trends my baby just cares for me my
lover just cares about me so we don’t

need anything fancy we don’t have to do
anything special

we just need to care and be
each other and so it’s a it’s a great

it’s a great quote also notice here the
grammar is completely wrong my baby

don’t you should say my baby doesn’t but
this is for a stylistic flair if you

will so here is part of this amazing
song here we go

my baby don’t care for shoes my baby
don’t care for clothes my baby just

cares for me where is my piano backup
that song is gorgeous please check out

the whole song thank you for listening
to these five amazing love quotes I hope

you enjoyed all the singing as well I
love karaoke let’s go together sometime

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check it out thank you so much and see
you next time bye because your mind Oh

too low let’s try to get Johnny Johnny
it’s too low now let me talk about it