All Every and Each How to Use Differences Basic English Grammar

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I say welcome back to ask Alicia in

Spanish Nino’s de nuevo leprae a

preguntan Techint and Olay Alicia no

hablo espanol hi everybody welcome back

to ask Alicia the weekly series where

you ask me questions and I answer them

maybe first question this week comes

from Saad hi Saad Saad says hi Alicia I

want to know the difference between all

every and each okay this is a big topic

I made a whiteboard video about this

recently and it will be out on the

channel eventually but here’s a quick

introduction let’s begin with all all

means 100% of something so we use all

when we’re talking about a group so many

of something and 100% we want to focus

on the group with all some examples all

the questions in this series come from

viewers all my family members live in

another country we use every when we

want to talk about the parts of a whole

we use this with the singular form of a

noun so some examples every person in

our class passed the test every member

of our team received an award so in

these cases with every we see that there

are individual parts to a larger whole

to like a group and we want to mention

the individual parts yes but in

relationship to the whole we use every

to do this in the singular form each

then focuses on the individuals so we’re

not focusing so much on a group but we

want to really focus on the individual

we can use each with the singular form

and with the plural form of a noun

examples she wears earrings on each ear

each person in our group gave a

presentation so another point with each

is that we use each when there’s only

two of something if there’s more than

two you can use every or maybe each

depending on the situation just make

sure if there’s only two like ears for

example or arms or legs make sure to use

each using all or every will sound

strange because we’re focusing on large

numbers so that’s a quick introduction

to the differences between these words I

hope that that helps you and please

watch for the whiteboard video to come

out soon okay let’s move on to your next

question next question comes from valina

hi valina

the Lena says hi Alicia I would like to

ask you about the difference between no

wonder and wondering and how to use it

in sentences okay let’s start with no

wonder so no wonder it means that’s why

that’s why so we use it when we kind of

solve a mystery

sort of it’s like a small mystery like

no wonder this happened or no wonder

something in the past when we’re

wondering that’s the progressive tense

of the word wonder it means we’re

thinking about something like there’s

something we’re curious about or

something that we would like to know but

wondering is kind of like light thinking

I guess you could say so I’m wondering

about my future maybe hey so it’s kind

of you’re dreaming or you’re imagining

something perhaps he’s out of the

country no wonder he didn’t answer my

phone call you’re out of salt no wonder

your food tastes bland excuse me I’m

wondering where the restrooms are i

wonder what’s going to happen next week

so in the last example sentence there i

used wonder in the present tense meaning

it’s just something that i’m thinking

about for the future you could say I’m

wondering about next week that’s fine if

you’re actually doing it now

with someone but wondering refers to an

action happening now in this moment so I

hope that that helps you understand no

wonder and wondering thanks for the

question alright let’s move on to your

next question next question comes from

sweet devil hi again sweet devil a sweet

devil says hi Alicia and my question how

do I pronounce these words in fast

connecting speech

of it of her of his okay well first with

the her and his examples that H sound

almost disappears like it becomes very

reduced of her and of his I’ll give some

examples in a moment with of it the two

kind of connects they make a V sound

patterns that might use something like

this are not so common in everyday

speech but these are a couple cases

where you might hear it

your sandwich looks delicious can you

give me some of it that was a great


did you make a recording of it so in

these examples you can hear of it

becomes of it of it did you make a

recording of it can I have some of it so

it’s like a V sound there let’s move on

to the other two with the H sound which

of her movies have you seen pictures of

her are really interesting so here you

can also hear that that H sound becomes

very very soft and we have that same

sound with of pictures of are really

interesting which of her movies have you

seen the same thing happens with of his

how many of his books have you read what

do you think of his work so we have that

same look again with of and the H sound

is very very soft it’s like I’m just

exhaling the sound of his of his of her

as well of it so kind of a theme here is

that the F becomes a quick v sound

almost and we’re sort of just releasing

air to make the H sound with the his and

her examples of it of her of his so I

hope that this helps you with this

pronunciation point thanks very much for

the question ok let’s move on to your

next question next question comes from

so higher Heysel higher so higher says

what is the difference between

persuading and convincing great question

yeah many people use these

interchangeably but there is a key

difference to convince someone means to

change someone’s mind to change

someone’s way of thinking so it refers

to giving someone information with the

intent of changing the way that they

think to persuade however is giving

someone in for

or telling someone something with the

aim of causing them to take an action so

to convince is referring to someone’s

thinking to convince someone of an idea

to persuade someone is to cause them to

take an action like to persuade someone

to give you money for example so

convinced ideas persuade actions some

examples we convinced my parents that we

were responsible enough to take the car

out for the night I convinced my team of

the importance of social media we

persuaded management to buy us new

equipment I’m going to persuade my

parents to loan me a few hundred dollars

for a vacation so here you can see

convinced is used to talk about a way of

understanding our way of thinking

persuade is used to talk about getting

someone to do an action to take an

action so I hope that this helps you

understand the difference thanks very

much for the question ok on to your next

question next question comes from Lise

Reggie Ori hi Lise Lewis says hi Alicia

my question is what’s the difference

between hint and clue in your videos you

say for example here we have a hint

could we use clue instead ah yeah for

sure in a case like this you could use

hint and clue in the same way clue is

something that I feel is used more when

we have like a mystery or there’s kind

of like a puzzle to solve you might also

hear it in like detective stories so if

like a detective is investigating

something and they’re looking for

evidence when they find something they

might say oh this is a clue in there

like mystery solving process but clue

that’s I mean it’s a great example if

anyone has played the game clue

absolutely your job in that game is to

collect information to collect evidence

about a murder that happened so that’s

your job you’re collecting clues so

that’s sort of the feel of the word clue

you’re trying to solve a mystery so when

I said it’s okay to use clue to replace

the word hint you can kind of imagine

that like a sentence could be like a

puzzle especially if you’re learning so

you’re trying to solve the mystery of

the meaning

the grammar of the sentence so if you

can think of it that way it’s okay to

use the word clue I prefer to use the

word hint and yes I do use that word a

lot in our videos because hint has the

feeling of something that’s communicated

indirectly so I’m not saying something

clearly or maybe my example sentence

doesn’t say something clearly but I’m

looking for these small like bits of

information that kind of tell me

indirectly something so when I say here

we have a hint it’s like I’m kind of

referring to this indirect information

I’m getting from this sentence someone’s

vocabulary choice for example could give

me like a hint about that person’s

emotions for the day so it’s an indirect

way of receiving information is a hint

so I prefer to use hint but I think it’s

fine to use the word clue let’s look at

a few more examples sentences that maybe

can show some of the differences in how

these words are used also I want to

point out that both hint and clue can be

used as nouns and as verbs we found a

clue at the scene of the crime a

fingerprint we don’t have any clues as

to who robbed the store this

announcement from the CEO might include

some clues about upcoming policy changes

can you give me a hint about your

surprise party plans management hinted

that we might get a bigger budget next

year here’s a hint about the meaning of

the sentence okay so I hope that this

helps answer your question about clue

and hint thanks very much for sending it

okay let’s move on to your next question

next question comes from Mohamed Salah

hi Mohammed Mohammed said what’s the

difference between sympathy and empathy


sympathy refers to seeing feelings in

another person seeing emotions in

someone else and recognising those

feelings because you have also

experienced them so if for example your

colleague or your friend like they have

an emotional situation like a family

member has passed away and you have also

experienced that you can say you

experience sympathy for that person


you have the same experience that’s the

noun form sympathy as a verb it’s

sympathize as an adjective it’s

sympathetic some example sentences I can

sympathize with your work struggles we

had a tough time last month I’m lucky to

have a boss that’s very sympathetic so

empathy is different from sympathy in

that we recognise feelings in another

person but we have not experienced that

situation ourselves we only recognize it

and we can maybe imagine what the other

person feels like but we don’t have that

experience ourselves so empathy is the

noun form to empathize is the verb and

empathetic is the adjective some

examples I was so relieved my friends

empathize with my need for support it’s

wonderful to have empathetic colleagues

so I hope that this helps you understand

the difference between sympathy shared

feeling and empathy and understanding of

someone else’s feeling I hope that that

helps you okay so that’s everything that

I have for this week thank you as always

for sending your questions remember you

can send them to me at English class slash ask - Alicia of course if

you like the video please don’t forget

to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our

channel if you have not already and

check us out at English class

for some other things that can help you

with your studies thanks very much for

watching this episode of ask Alicia and

I will see you again next week bye bye I

was gonna say see you next week no sorry

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