American English Superstitions Opening an Umbrella Inside and FourLeaf Clovers

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opening an umbrella inside did you know

it’s believed in the u.s. that opening

an umbrella while inside a building will

bring bad luck this superstition most

likely stems from pure pragmatism

umbrellas used to be larger and more

unwieldy so opening them inside tends to

result in broken things and accidents

bringing an already opened umbrella

inside however is totally fine hey wait

till we’re outside don’t you know it’s

bad luck to open an umbrella indoors


four-leaf clovers in the US it’s

believed that four-leaf clovers will

bring good luck the more leaves the

better this superstition has its origins

in pre-christian Ireland where the

Druids believe that three leaf and

four-leaf clovers help them see evil

spirits approaching the chances of

finding a four-leaf clover are ten

thousand to one did you enjoy this

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