American English Superstitions Spilling Salt and a Lucky Penny

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spilling salt

did you know it’s believed in the u.s.

that spilling salt will bring you bad

luck some people believe that it’s bad

luck because Judas is said to have

spilled salt during the Last Supper

where he betrayed Jesus or more likely

it’s considered bad luck because self

was an expensive commodity a long time

ago in order to counteract the bad luck

it is said that you must throw salt over

your left shoulder

whenever I spill salt though I always

forget if I’m supposed to throw salt

over my left shoulder or my right

shoulder Lucky Penny in the US it’s

believed that if you find a penny

face-up on the ground meaning the side

with Abraham Lincoln’s face on it but

you should pick it up it’s long believed

that metal and money bring more wealth

so if you find a penny face up it might

mean that a guardian angel is watching

over and protecting you find a penny

pick it up all day long you’ll have good

luck did you enjoy that video click here

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