American English Superstitions Stepping on Cracks and a Rabbits Foot

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stepping on a crack in the ground did

you know it’s believed in the u.s. that

stepping on a crack in the ground is

considered bad luck this superstition

stems from one variation of an old

children’s rhyme that goes step on a

crack break your mama’s back so if you

don’t want to break your mother’s back

don’t step on a crack step on a crack

break your mama’s back step on a line

break your mama’s spine rabbit’s foot in

the US it’s believed that the left hind

foot of a rabbit brings good luck in

many stores you can buy a rabbit’s foot

dyed bright colors and attach to a key


rabbits are often associated with

abundance due to their breeding habits

this tradition may have Celtic roots or

may even come from African American

folklore humans like to keep a rabbit’s

foot keychain for good luck but rabbits

prefer to have all four feet did you

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