American English Superstitions Walking Under Ladders and Horseshoes

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walking under a ladder did you know it’s

believed in the u.s. that walking under

a ladder will bring you bad luck this

superstition probably arose to deter

people from walking under a ladder to

reduce risk of ladder related injuries

other sources say that it’s because a

ladder forms a triangle a symbol of the

holy trinity and walking through it is

blasphemous if you walk under a ladder

spit three times between the rungs or

cross your fingers until you see a dog


hanging a horseshoe in the u.s. it’s

believed that hanging a horseshoe

especially above a doorway is good luck

make sure to hang it so that it makes a

u-shape otherwise the luck will drain

out supposedly the iron in the horseshoe

repels and causes pain to any evil

spirits that try to enter the house like

most American superstitions the act of

hanging a horseshoe has Christian and

pagan origins how is this lesson click

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