English Listening Comprehension At the Jewelry Store in the USA

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a man is looking for a birthday present
for his wife at a jewelry shop which

necklace is he going to buy may I help

I’m looking for a birthday present for
my wife what do you recommend well what

about this necklace hmm it looks a
little long what about these over here

we have one with the flower pendant and
another one with a heart I’m looking for

something a bit more sophisticated how
much is this pearl necklace over here

it’s $5,000 hmm that’s too expensive

I’ll take the first one sure thing here
you are

which necklace is he going to buy

a man is looking for a birthday present
for his wife at a jewelry shop which

necklace is he going to buy may I help

I’m looking for a birthday present for
my wife what do you recommend well what

about this necklace hmm it looks a
little long what about these over here

we have one with the flower pendant and
another one with a heart I’m looking for

something a bit more sophisticated how
much is this pearl necklace over here

it’s $5,000 hmm that’s too expensive

I’ll take the first one sure thing here
you are did you get it right I hope you

learned something from this quiz let us
know if you have any questions see you

next time