English Listening Comprehension Buying Shirts in a Sale in The USA

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a man is shopping during a sale
what will he buy excuse me do you only

sell this shirt in packs of three we can
sell them separately but it’s going to

cost you more per shirt all right well I
don’t need three of the same shirt you

know if you buy this set of three ties
we can give you a discount on shirts so

you can buy three for the price of one I
see a set of three ties and I also get

to choose three shirts for the price of
one that’s right okay I don’t need three

shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to
someone else that’s a nice idea sir

what will he buy

a man is shopping during a sale
what will he buy excuse me do you only

sell this shirt in packs of three we can
sell them separately but it’s going to

cost you more per shirt all right well I
don’t need three of the same shirt you

know if you buy this set of three ties
we can give you a discount on shirts so

you can buy three for the price of one I
see a set of three ties and I also get

to choose three shirts for the price of
one that’s right okay I don’t need three

shirts but I’ll give the other shirts to
someone else that’s a nice idea sir did

you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time