English Listening Comprehension Discussing a Document in English

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a president and his assistant are
talking on the phone which document is

the assistant going to deliver to the
sales department hey could you do me a

favor there’s a document on my desk and
I need you to deliver it to the sales

department sure which one is it I think
it’s in a blue envelope a blue envelope

well there are two blue envelopes on
your desk ah right there should be a red

stamp in the upper right corner of the
envelope the other one should have a

green stamp but it’s the orientation
guide we hand out to new employees the

one with the red stamp okay got it great
please deliver it to the sales

department by one o’clock and make sure
you give it to the manager directly you

know him right yes we’ve met several
times good and while you’re at it could

you deliver the other envelope to HR
sure thing

which document is the assistant going to
deliver to the sales department

a president and his assistant are
talking on the phone which document is

the assistant going to deliver to the
sales department hey could you do me a

favor there is a document on my desk and
I need you to deliver it to the sales

department sure which one is it I think
it’s in a blue envelope a blue envelope

well there are two blue envelopes on
your desk ah right there should be a red

stamp in the upper right corner of the
envelope the other one should have a

green stamp but it’s the orientation
guide we hand out to new employees the

one with the red stamp okay got it
great please deliver it to the sales

department by one o’clock and make sure
you give it to the manager directly you

know him right yes we’ve met several
times good and while you’re at it could

you deliver the other envelope to HR
sure thing did you get it right I hope

you learned something from this quiz let
us know if you have any questions see

you next time
