English Listening Comprehension Looking At Apartments in the USA

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice
large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I want the parking space
let’s see how about this one yeah that’s

nice should we go see this one wait a
second isn’t the closet a bit too small

good point
hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s

wait how about this one it’s got

everything we need doesn’t it and the
closet is pretty large too let’s go see

this one okay

which room are they going to see

a husband and a wife are looking at some
floor plans which room are they going to

see how about this one it’s got a nice
large living room hmm I like a big

living room but I want the parking space
let’s see how about this one yeah that’s

should we go see this one wait a second

isn’t the closet a bit too small good

hmm there doesn’t seem to be one that’s

wait how about this one it’s got
everything we need doesn’t it and the

closet is pretty large too let’s go see
this one okay did you get it right I

hope you learned something from this
quiz let us know if you have any

questions see you next time