English Listening Comprehension Talking About School Subjects in English

how are your English listening skills
first you’ll see an image and here a

question next comes a short dialogue
listen carefully and see if you can

answer correctly we’ll show you the
answer at the end

a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a poll regarding kids

favorite subjects which chart shows the
results for fifteen-year-old kids

Hey look at this article it’s about the
three most popular subjects among ten

year old and fifteen year old kids oh
let me see physical education is on the

top of the 10 year olds list physical
education is still popular even though I

have heard that kids these days spend
less time playing sports yes and music

came in second when you get older you
become interested in different subjects

the most popular subject among the
fifteen-year-old kids is history right

oh and politics came in second
information technology ranked third but

it wasn’t even a subject in school when
we were that age what was the third most

popular subject for ten-year-old kids
let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they

design things in art class using
computer software these days

which chart shows the results for
fifteen-year-old kids

a man and a woman are talking while
looking at a poll regarding kids

favorite subjects which chart shows the
results for fifteen-year-old kids

Hey look at this article it’s about the
three most popular subjects among ten

year old and fifteen year old kids oh
let me see physical education is on the

top of the 10 year olds list physical
education is still popular even though I

have heard that kids these days spend
less time playing sports yes and music

came in second when you get older you
become interested in different subjects

the most popular subject among the
fifteen-year-old kids is history right

oh and politics came in second
information technology ranked third but

it wasn’t even a subject in school when
we were that age what was the third most

popular subject for ten-year-old kids
let’s see oh it was art I wonder if they

design things in art class using
computer software these days

did you get it right I hope you learned
something from this quiz let us know if

you have any questions see you next time