FREE English Gifts of December 2020

access your free language gifts right

now before they expire

here’s what you’re getting this month

first the

making mistakes conversation cheat sheet

do you know how to respond to mistakes

and conversations

this brand new cheat sheet teaches you

all the must-know phrases for correcting

others and

asking for corrections download it for

free right now

second the 400 everyday phrases for

beginners ebook

this bonus ebook will teach you over 400

words and phrases related to daily

activities like waking up

making breakfast going to work or school

and much more

third the shops around the city

vocabulary lesson

learn how to say mall supermarket


bakery and much more with this quick

vocabulary bonus

fourth do you know how to express

holiday greetings in your target


access this one minute lesson to learn

phrases like happy holidays

and have a happy new year fifth

must know winter clothing vocabulary do

you know how to say

jacket or scarf in your target language

if you don’t

this next one minute lesson will give

you all the words you need for winter


sixth free audiobooks unlock our huge

library of language learning audio books

save them to any device and listen and

learn they’re yours to keep forever

and finally the deal of the month if you

want to finally master the language with

lessons by real teachers

and our complete language learning

program get 51

off all basic premium and premium plus


with our special black friday deal to

get your gifts in language learning


click the link in the lesson description

below download them right now before

they expire