FREE English Gifts of June 2020

access your free language gifts of the

month right now

here’s what you’re getting this month

first the

being funny conversation cheat sheet

want to be able to tell jokes in your

target language

or tell someone how funny or unfunny

they are

you will with this brand new cheat sheet


all the language you need for everyday

life get

all of our best conversation cheat

sheets rolled up into one with this gift

download it right now before it

disappears third

must know book vocabulary if you love

reading and want to talk about books

then this next one minute lesson is for

you fourth

phrases to use with the doctor learn how

to say phrases like i have an


i don’t feel well and much more fifth

summer plans conversation lesson can you

talk about your summer plans

such as go travel relax at the beach or

stay at home and sit on the internet

you will with this one minute lesson

access it right now

sixth free audiobooks unlock our huge

library of language learning audiobooks

save them to any device and listen and

learn they’re yours to keep forever

and finally the deal of the month if you

want to finally master the language with

lessons by real teachers and our

complete language learning program

get 31 off premium or premium plus

with the pretty big deal sale so to get

your gifts and language learning


click the link in the description below

download them right now before they

