Hobbies and Free Time Activities English Conversation Practice


talk about your free times and hobbies

dialogue one

what do you do in your spare time


what do you enjoy doing in your spare



i do quite a lot of sports actually i

enjoy going swimming

wow so interesting how much time do you

have each week for doing these things

i go swimming every day after i finish

my work

there’s a very good pool just around the

corner from my office

how about you jane

do you have a lot of free time

to be honest with you i work quite hard

at the moment

so i don’t get a lot of free time


i just have free time on the weekends

what do you like to do on the weekends

on the weekends i like to cook and

invite my friends around for dinner

as you know i’m a big fan of cooking

programs and often try to copy the


and sometimes i’m really into bicycling

oh really

besides i like going swimming i like

bicycling too by the way who do you go

cycling with

sometimes on my own sometimes with my

friends you should come with us next

time thanks that sounds great

dialogue 2

talk about your free time


are you watching titanic lucy

yep you know this movie

of course it’s a classic movie


i’ve seen titanic three

times you seem to like watching movies


definitely i’m a movie freak for me

watching movies is an excellent way to


moreover my friends are really into

films so it’s interesting to spend time


sounds great what kinds of movies do you

like best

i love watching all genres

i try to absorb and enjoy

as many different kinds of films as i


whether it be the blockbuster adventures

end game

iron man


comedy drama musicals like glee

that’s great do you watch a movie with


no i don’t need subtitles because i want

to improve my english

how often do you watch films

well i am quite busy but i managed to

see about one or two films a week at


after a long day of studying i love

snuggling up on the sofa and watching a

film to relax

i tend to do this on friday and sunday

evenings with my

friends so interesting

what about you kate what do you do in

your free time

unlike you i like to play tennis in my

spare time

cool playing sports will help you

exercise your strength

yeah i know

how often do you play tennis

i play tennis as soon as i have free

time if you are free we will play tennis

this weekend

of course

it’s a good idea

see you next week

dialog 3

what do you usually do on your weekends


how are you doing

i’m okay and you

so am i

do you usually have the weekends off

same as any other company i will have

two days off which is saturday and


but whenever a new project works i have

to work overtime even on the weekend

so what do you usually do if you get a


as usual i often go shopping in the

shopping mall with my mom all morning

in the afternoons i’ll take my dog for a


do you often hang out with friends

of course

occasionally saturday night i would go

out to eat or drink coffee with a few of

my friends

what about sunday

sunday is always a great day because i

can do whatever i want

i sometimes go out to go swimming

if it rains i will stay home and watch

one of my favorite movies

it’s a lazy day

how do you feel when you have free time

the weekend is a good time for me it

refreshes my mind after a week’s hard


me too i always look forward to saturday

and sunday

dialogue 4 conquering the mountain is

very difficult


welcome to our sports news today tom

i’m so glad to be invited here today

as everyone knows you have conquered

mount whitney in california

that’s right

how long have you been climbing the


it’s been about five years incidentally

five years ago on a flight to new

zealand i watched the film everest

in which adventurers have conquered the

mountain in the blizzard i immediately

wanted to start climbing

so the movie inspired you right


what is the height of the highest

mountain you have conquered

it’s mount whitney in california the

highest in mainland america at 4

421 meters

that’s great i admire you very much

and when do you usually go climbing on

the mountain

my friends and i formed a climbing team

we are both freelancers so we usually

have a lot of free time

we usually spend the whole of december


is it difficult

i think it’s very difficult i think the

altitude awful weather and punishing

temperatures all pose a serious threat

to those who want to submit the mountain

what difficulties do you face

my biggest difficulty when climbing is

about temperature i remember at that

time the temperature dropped to a

negative 20 degrees

there was also a blizzard

that’s terrible

is it dangerous

yes it’s very dangerous for us if we

weren’t careful we would have been swept

away by a

blizzard what an interesting talk show

thank you for joining

dialogue 5 do you have free time to cook

for your family

my team has a new project again we are

always busy i have overtime until 8 pm

that’s bad

i don’t even have time to make dinner

for my family

how about you lisa do you have enough

free time to cook

yes i have enough time to prepare a

healthy dinner for my family


how do you manage your time

well i am quite busy but i managed to

one or two hours preparing dinner

after a long day of working i love

cooking for my son and my husband

as you know i’m a big fan of cooking

programs and often try to copy the


are you tired of having to do too much

i don’t see it

cooking helps me relax after a long day

and cooking delicious food with my kids

and husband makes me very happy

do you cook dinner alone

nope every day i am in charge of cooking

my husband washes the dishes

my son tidies up the table

your family is so happy


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